Name: Ruvati Laproa

Ruvati: Based on the Tamil word for Ardra (Tiruvātirai), a nakshatra (moon position) in Hindu Astrology, whose known as "The Moist One" and has a Teardrop as a symbol. It is ruled by the god of Destruction, and people in this sign are known for being ungrateful, and tend to bring destruction onto oneself.

Laproa: The genus name of a plant, known more often to most, as a Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos). There is a legend of a man who, being distraught by so much rejection from who he truly loved, took his own life. As well, although it's not common, the area I come from people will call them Bleeding Heart Violets

So uh... yeah. Thats a thing.

Blood colour: #831ba1, not very far off from seadwelling blood actually. Please don't tell him, it'll only go to his head.

Gender: He identifies as Male. He also says something really rude, so I will spare you those details.

Symbol: User Image
(Ardra actually falls in with Orion the Hunter in the sky, and its patron star is Betelgeuse... so this is the belt of orion in the ardra teardrop!)


      .....Ruvati's goal in life, at this point in time, is actually pretty simple: live life the way he wants to, regardless of what anyone tells him. A major part of that, and an integral part of his identity, is that he feels robbed of his gills. Why yes, Ruvati believes wholeheartedly that in his heart of hearts he is supposed to have been a seadweller, and had been born into a stupid land dweller's body. Without gills or fins, most trolls would never correctly acknowledge his idenity. However, Ruvati's not the sot of guy who sould back down to that kind of challenge.

      .....More than that justification of his identity, Ru's major defining theme is his determination. Putting aside being a should have been seadweller, and even putting aside the fact that he's blind, if theres any challenges thrown his way Ruvati's going to take it head on until the bitter, bitter end. He has a bit of a complex about giving up, having found that being a high blood he's got far more pushing power than most kids his age. That has lead to a bad habit of not taking no for an answer. Tell him he cannot take a left, he won't take three rights. He'll say WATCH ME, shove that person down, and run as fast as he can left... probably off a half-built bridge.

      .....They say "look before you leap". Even if he wanted to, Ruvati probably couldn't. He lacks very little foresight. I swear these arent blind jokes this is really the kind of kid he is.

      .....Ruvati has no issues with being social, and actually loves going into town once in a while to try and meet some people. His major problem is that he would just rather do everything back in the water at his house all the time. Truth be told, this kid loves to swim. LOVES it. Probably his greatest talent to be honest, and although its yet to be done one of his bucket list goals is to outswim race the empress one day. Or at least, one of like... the empress' best buddies.

      ..... Other than that, Ruvati loves books (both audio and if it exists in this uni, braille print), loves to snuggle up in fluffy materials or touch slippery smooth ones, and play-act. Likely one day, he'd be an avid FLARPer! Until he dies because he takes it far too seriously. Finally, his second passion after swimming? Making people uncomfortable. Yes, that was read correctly. Puns, making trolls paranoid about insulting a high blood, if there's a boundary that someone says don't cross... he does it. Like said before, he doesn't really believe in boundaries. Unless someone makes it very, VERY known and specific to him "do not talk about xxxx" and he knows them well, its likely Ruvati won't be able to help himself. Which is a shame because while he likes making people squirm, he also doesn't like it when folks are unhappy

      .....Sad to say, this kid's warm-hearted nature is hypocritical once you look at his views on society. His views on hemospectrum politics is... well, thats just the way it is. Save the pun, he at this moment in time sees nothing wrong with it. Its easy to ignore how horrible a system is when you're on top, right? Even more so though... his apathy towards the plight of lowbloods isn't even from a standpoint of someone who is a hardcore, radical highblood lover. No, its the far more dangerous institutional discrimination! As someone in a state of fair amounts of privilege, of course he doesn't think anything different and cannot understand that others may or may not have the same chances been given to him in life. Therefore if someone says to Ruvati, say, "I got beatup by this blueblood yesterday" he'd likely reply "WELL THEN PUNCH HIM what the s**t dude?", not realizing you know... theres laws that prevent people from harming higher bloods more than likely. It does not make him a terrible person, simply an ignorant child.

      ..... All of that being said, when it comes to other trolls... well, other trolls excluding seadwellers, for Ruvati there's no difference. Highbloods, lowbloods, he cannot see what their colors run anyways. So what's the use of being discriminatory towards someone on purpose? He'll treat everyone with the amount of respect they deserve, given on their actions and who they are... again, save for seadwellers. After all, he's in a group of his peers right? They have to stick together! Ruru doesn't necessarily suck up to his "fellow" purplebloods, but is likely to let some of their s**t slide if they don't treat him like s**t.

      .....Ruvati in the end is like a pen hovering over the page of an open tome. Many things about are rather general, unreasonable and even hypocritical. Isn't that what it means to be a kid, though? Although very little is written on his pages, his willingness to throw himself into the thick of things ensures that it won't be blank for long. Honestly, the best way to describe him isn't even a book being written: its a troll hovering at the starting line, waiting for the gun to fire and run his course in a short, fast, bright blaze of glory.

      .....What is a determinator, the reader may ask? Allow me to answer... simply put, Ruvati will never give up. Ever. Never, ever, ever. You cannot make him give up, you cannot break that resolve. In fact, it's impossible to say 'in the rare case someone does' because up to this troll's part of his life, he has never. Ever. Faced that situation. It goes on beyond simply being resolved, or even determined. Oh no, those two are pussyfooting in comparison to this boy. In his own words... "IF I say I'm a fish, I'm a fish. If I say I'm a god, I'm a ******** GOD". He's strong of character, and a person who will stand behind what he says and does. Naturally this can land him in hot water... but under the right conditions he will stand his ground in ways shonen anime protagonists could only dream of. Without godmodding or anything like that of course, don't be silly. Simply expect each struggle to be written him fighting tooth and nail (while not breaking game mechanics). For what he believes to be true, for what he believes to be the right cause.

      .....He's blind, his lusus cannot do as much for him as either of them wish, but damn can he make up for that. Determination has driven him to become a resourceful troll, finding use and ideas in many things. If he cannot see, memorize his surroundings. Find out when the fish come to this spot depending on how the weather shifts around him. Its slow going, and as a child he is not quite as experienced as he should be... but Ruvati picks up on things fast, and can use any bits he manages to pick up to apply elsewhere.

      .....listen, he may tease the s**t out of people. He may like getting into fights, and may not have very much self control... but if there's one thing this highblood has above a lot of guys like him, its that warm fuzzy blood-pump in his chest. Once you get past his overly-uncomfortable brand of love Ruvati really does mean well. He'll give the shirt off his back, and he'll give people second chances (over... and over... and over... and over...). If someone is in true need of help he'll be the first one to let you hide out in his self-made fishtanky home and not think of wanting anything in return. Even if he SAYS he wants something in return, seriously he doesn't he's just teasing guys oh god.

      ..... There's no damn way in hell this kid's greatest strength isn't also one of his greatest flaws. Sometimes... well, sometimes things need to be given up on. Sometimes what someone's grown to believe, been taught to know and understand, isn't correct. Sometimes ideals are irrational, and aren't possible for any troll to have without it destroying that person in the process. As of right now though... Ruvati has absolutely no sense of when to stop. Its not exactly good to face the firing squad so many times. Unlike Amma Loopa he cannot regenerate, and he has only one shot at this life. This boy will not die old more than likely, but die protecting what he believes in even if its wrong. Like a supernova, his heart burns bright and intense... and will die and collapse upon its own self.

      .....That determinator spirit sure can make him Obnoxious, but that's not the only thing Ruvati tends to pull. Being blind his whole life, this guy has absolutely no problems with it (and may, in fact, prefer it). That being said... he will take every single moment he can to tease others about their comfort levels at any turn. "So you see its like this and that!" "Oh, I see!" "I CANT! AHAHAHAHAHA". Ruvati loves loves LOVES to push buttons, he loves to feel that discomfort of someone squirming in their seat being made to realize what they've said and done. And most of all once he knows the button to push, he'll push it right on back over and over. Over time its easy to see part of it may be out of affection, but for the most part who the hell wants to hang out with a guy who is just such a gear grinder?

      Plus, he's got a horrible cackling laugh. That laugh really gets to a troll.

      Naive(Better word later? ) :
      .....Theres only so much a guy can do. There's only so much a person can take from their sensory, and have to start using intuition. Only problem is... Ruvati's intuition isn't exactly very good. That trusting nature of his will come back and bite him in the a** every. Time. Although he's a determined young fellow, other people's determination sway and move his heart. He's willing to give someone a chance, regardless of what he may hear... and if the person there pulls the strings just right, well... the possibilities are endless.Part of that determined nature also lies in the belief that while others won't give their faith blindly, he already is blind. Sometimes he just has to trust that there's a wall in front of him, without knowing whats there... and like that, he just has to trust people without knowing what lies beneath the surface.

Weapon: "Did someone need... GRIEVEOUS BODILY HARM? Ahahahaha~! Ahahaha! Ahaha! AHAHAHA!"

No Ruvati freaking stop that right now.

Ruvati's in an unusual fighting position. Having no sight, he doesn't trust projectile weaponry. At the same time, it really cramps his style to drag s**t around with him. So his weapons are his own feet and fists. If you pull him out on land somehow, he prefers to use kicking, sweeping, and grappling attacks because you know, you can actually place where the ******** you are in comparison to a person if you have that person in your hand. Therefore... grieveskind. Think Chie from Persona 4. Boy's got some strong as heckie legs.

Underwater fighting we'll just have to see though. Obviously he cannot use grieves underwater, so it will be an interesting.

As for his cane during land-appearances, it can serve as a last-ditch sort of weapon. But who the hell do you think he is? Some teal-blood troll with a taste for JUST1C3? No thats not a weapon, it'll snap on someone if you hit them too hard. Whats wrong with you guys he needs that freaking cane.

Appearance: Ruvati is a cutiepie, with very very short hair. I'm not talking crewcut or nothin' but more of a Caesar style? Minus the very human face there, shoo shoo human face. Right now he's a kid, so there's not as much to go off of as features outside of that. Kids all tend to have kinda chunky cute little faces, although he's got the starts of a very prominent nose. Oh yeah he's blind, albeit grub "defect" and not due to any of the trials. So I'm not sure how to quite represent that... I leave that to the people who run the show blotted out eyes or just vacant or whatevs.

NOW CLOTHES. Have fun with his clothes. Ruvati is very keen on making people highly uncomfortable, so his clothing style is meant to do just that. Despite being a Purpleblood... he's likely got pieces in his wardrobe of every color under the sun. Because it makes people uncomfortable. He wears hideous patterns and color schemes, incorporating colors that would make a juggalo blush... BECAUSE IT MAKES PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE. SO UNCOMFORTABLE. And that discomfort makes him laugh. Usually he tries to aim for clothing that will make him more hydrodynamic, and swim faster (or at least, what he thinks will by touch).

Despite it not being very streamlined and swim-friendly, his favorite go-to shirt when he wants to cheer up is a sweater emblazoned with a squish faced baby meowbeast, and it is furry where that creature is on it. You can pet the meowbeast, don't be shy. He wants to see if one day he can have someone wire it to mew when its pet.

Home: Beach. Beach. BEACH. They wouldn't let him live in the freaking oceans or lakes, so this guy has the next best thing... being a high blood he has been gifted with quite an arm to flex. Almost half of his home is built in strong, clear material tougher than glass whose name escapes the writer at this moment in time and submerged into the beach itself. There's enough above-ocean and on land, however, to sort of give the rules a good-hearted "******** you and your rules". Amma Loopa did her best... but seriously, as a Lusus and a whiny child they can only do so much.

The glass areas are where Ruvati actually lives himself. The part underwater is actually filled with water itself, like a giant flooded room, or even a pool... however built into the glass room itself is a ledge-like attachment that he can pull himself up to and walk around instead. This is where his recooperacoon, his desk and computer, his book collection, and anything else not suitably waterproof would be. Anything that can be submerged into water, is submerged into water. There is a door at the bottom Ruvati and Amma can open and close to swim through, to get to the ocean outside.

Other than that, the beach-house like attachment home on the sandy shores is where rooms like the Kitchenette area (for when he finds too much food and wants to keep it for later), and showers are, including a little sitting room where he can greet people outside of his little happy bubble room. Its actually very clean, open, and nice to look at. Probably because he's never freaking in it.

Lusus: Amma Loopa is cute. Amma loopa is small, but she does the best she can! She is honestly pretty much just an Axolotl Salamander, albeit one who is about as large as a regular-sized dog and can survive on land without forced metamorphosis. And like most Axolotl Salamanders, Amma Loopa has a very special little ability that, honest to god, is probably the only reason she isn't dead by now: regeneration. Seriously crazy levels of regeneration. If you gore her the hell up, unless you do too much damage for one creature to EVER handle, with some TLC she can regenerate even some vital organs including CHUNKS OF HER BRAIN (this, of course, takes a lot of time though). So oftentimes what she does for her sweet baby son is defend him far more than fight for him, using her body to shield his because hers will regenerate better than his own. Loving mother's sacrifice?

Naturally though, this isn't very useful for bringing food home. Ruvati's more or less been a hunter-gatherer for some time, living off of berries and the fish that his mom can bring back for him. Ruvati doesn't seem to mind much though, given that he hasn't much experience with others' lusii. Its alright because as far as he can tell, Amma Loopa has never regretted picking him out of the training grounds to go home with her, and will even snuggle up with him to go to sleep in the sopor slime inside his recooperacoon which CANNOT be good for her jeez stop that Amma.

Their relationship is very symbiotic. Ruvati does things for Amma Loopa that she cannot do herself, like reach high places or hunt prey too large for her. On the other hand, Amma is able to at least communicate in some simple way to her son to warn him of danger, or point out things that he cannot see. For example, Ruvati can reach the higher fruits... but Amma will tell him that tree is a fruit tree. Obviously, she cannot speak. But somehow he seems to understand her just fine.

Ruvati really ******** loves Amma Loopa, fight him. If someone ******** her up and killed her he probably would snap.

Ruvati is also aware that sometimes, although he's not quite sure what it is, there's something far larger in the water that Amma Loopa seems to be friendly with. So far it hasn't hurt him when he swims, and at times even defended Ruvati, so he's alright with whatever that large creature is. Honestly, he thinks its Amma Loopa's Boyfriend, if they can even have those. She seems rather fond of the creature, and it fond of her and Ruvati back.

Power: Only the power of Self Delusion... well... depending on one's theories on whether or not someone can be meant to be born a Seadweller.