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Maks winced as he lowered himself to the ground near the quiet bend of a crystal clear river. Everything that could possibly have gone wrong today had gone wrong. His paws were sticky and caked with debris, his nose was running and his eyes tearing, and his rump still smarted something awful. Though he was in a haggard state, it wasn’t anything he hadn’t already become accustomed to. For the past few months he had been suffering from a bought of chronic bad luck, something he described as being a rough tide. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what may have brought on this unpleasant current that he now found himself floating shakily upon, but he knew he was tired of it.

Last week he had fallen into a hole and had to yowl helplessly until someone could come to his rescue, that was enough to permanently damage his pride, but that was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to his misfortunes. His most recent endeavor was comprised of an unintentional encounter with a beehive, and the possibility of an allergic reaction.

With a low groan he lowered his head down onto his two front paws and dipped his tail into the cool water beside him. Nothing made him feel better than allowing the current to carry his tail this way and that, it was quite soothing. Though his peace was soon interrupted as he began to feel fish sampling his appendage to see whether or not it was edible. “Of course…” He grumbled most unpleasantly. A dark cloud seemed to descend over the brooding male as he lay there as still as a stone. “All I need now is for a bird to come peck at me, that would really seal the deal!” He grumped.


I was recently informed that, because he lacks water globes, Maks is not of the water tribe but of the earth tribe. XD I am sorry for the confusion! My other boyo Naoki is of the water tribe, so if Raven still needs to meet a water goer we can do an rp with them as well.