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                                                                                          The impatient cub rarely ever strayed far from his parents and siblings, but as each day passed his mind became hungrier and hungrier for the knowledge he did not possess. From what he had been told the world was an extremely vast place brimming with adventures and mysteries, more than enough to feed the musings of a starry eyed cub. Even stepping out of the view of his parents was enough to cause his little heart to pitter patter excitedly. Now, as he looked over his shoulder, he had it in his mind to at least go to the border as determined by the clan. He had no intention of crossing it just yet, but his sense of adventure would not be satiated unless he was peering out over unfamiliar terrain.

                                                                                          Once it was determined that the coast was clear Naoki took to a mild trot, his eyes jumping eagerly from one landmark to the next. It was hard for him to imagine the world being any bigger than this, for he could wander until the sun shifted positions in the sky and still not have made it very far at all. Each time he ventured out he got a little further, something that often surprised him since he thought he had gone quite far the first time around. No matter what he was always impressed with the sheer size of his environment.

                                                                                          He stuck to the bushes mostly in an attempt to stay out of sight; a cub with his pelt color would never be able to conceal themselves all that well. He knew if he were to be caught he would instantly be escorted home, where a more watchful eye would likely be placed upon him. If he were to be caught, he at least wanted to see the border first. That way his goal would be met and he would be well stocked with fantasies enough to last the duration of his punishment.

                                                                                          With a flick of his tail he took to a swifter pace, his ears still open to any sound that may alert him to another. With each bound forward he felt himself growing more excited. Though it seemed like a small accomplishment in retrospect, for a cub it was monumental. He would brag to his siblings about this for days to come. Eventually the markers illustrating the boundary of the water clan came into view and his heart soared. “Almost there!” He murmured.
