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The purple female stretched out her limbs, careful to not fall from the tree she'd decided to nap in. A small breeze made the leaves rustle gently, a calming effect washing over her. She stood on the large branch she'd picked out, peeking out from under a large section of leaves that had provided shade. Nothing seemed to have changed since she first closed her eyes. The landscape still looked the same and judging by the scent, there wasn't much change in the weather either.

Which meant it was perfect out to continue exploring! The Weaver had given her some knowledge of her surroundings and of the other tribes. But not nearly enough. She was on her own little quest to learn what she could about the land she lived among and those who were considered 'neighbors'.

Raven leaped down from the tree, landing gracefully and looking around. If she recalled correctly, she wanted to continue heading south. Following the little river. She took up a light ground covering pace, keeping the lazy serpentine landmark in her sights. Her destination was to visit the water tribe! She'd already paid a brief visit to the fire tribe, finding their land a little warmer than she preferred.

She wasn't sure how long she traveled for as time wasn't something she was keeping track of. But as the sun began to fade little by little, Raven found herself finding more B'alam. All bearing those strange but pretty jewels on their heads! Grinning broadly, her golden eyes lit up as she realized... she'd done it! She'd found where the majority of water tribers called home! She began wandering around like a lost cub, eyes big and taking in everything they could.

Geyser Eelborn