[Name: Tootsi Canist

Blood colour: #B20909

Gender: female

Symbol: User Image

A bit sarcastic and sassy for a kid, Tootsi is always ready to make it known that she's not going to put up with anyone's bullshit- or at least she would like to think.

Tootsi tinkers quite a lot and

• Aggressive and prideful

Easily embarrassed, doesn't like to talk about quads, close contact makes her uncomfortable, unless its brawling and/or she initiates it. Doesn't like hugs.

Toots has an incredible potty-mouth. She unconsciously uses profanity in any situation and likes to talk s**t quite often, whether she's just teasing or, y'know, being serious. It is usually the latter.

Tenderhearted to innocent

avidly ingests conspiracy theories, ideas, and typical anti-establishment ideologies.

"Blood is blood. You think the dirt gives a s**t when its seeping into it?"

Even with being so young, Tootsi has watched and listened to the back alleys and dark corners of Chittentown to understand and form a negative opinion of the hemospectrum- being on the very bottom of it also helps steer it in the ANARCHY FOREVER direction.

resourceful Tootsi has turned how to scavenge into an art form and will find a use for anything she comes across. While this might promote clutter in her hive, she will insist that every item has its use and will attempt to prove it right before your eyes- sometimes at the danger of others. But really- she has excellent intentions and knows how to make things work for the benefit of herself and others.
brilliant Despite her faux rugged appearance, Tootsi's messy bedhead harbors a mind that is lightening quick and
passionate Tootsi puts a lot of gusto in everything she does, from her tone of voice, to her animated hand gestures, to her work, etc. She becomes very zealous about her work and

Tootsi is extremely suspicious of other trolls and their motives, and will go as far as snoop on them to figure out if they are telling the truth or not. Continuously fact checks. Doesn't believe military propaganda or government officials.
Under the pretense she is always right, Tootsi will never admit to the slim possibility she is wrong. Even if something were to go completely haywire and out of control by her fronds, she would more than likely blame it on the stupid situation to begin with or whoever is close by. She also enjoys showing off her cool gadgets and thinks she's great at talking about them, too.
As a chatter box, Tootsi can sometimes take things too far and say things that would normally be considered rude or careless- and most of the time she's not interested in making amends if she hurts someone's feewings. Of course, around highblood's and adults, she'll hold her tongue a little harder, but things do slip once in a while and her lusus has to protect and chastise her publicly.

Weapon: riflekind, pistolkind

Appearance: boop

Home: Somewhat on the outskirts of Chittentown, Tootsi's hive is a well secured bunker beneath the ground.

Lusus: coyote-something momma