Seiji had wanted to do this since the morning after prom, but too much had been happening. One disaster after another surrounding the trio, and as protective as The ghost was for two of the three, he'd kept his distance until things had settled down considerably. When this would be seen as what it was, and not as an all out attack, for the sake of simply attacking. It wasn't about malice, or anger, it was about setting the record straight. Not just for it of protectiveness, but for himself as well.

So the boil had sent the nergal a text, and after receiving a reply he'd made his way to the gym at a sedate pace.

Because of the chaos that had been circling Yaya and the boils it had been hard to find time to talk to the djinn. To find out how she was feeling about everything; about Marosa calling back Sharra, the day's injuries, the nergal' sore sense through everything. He knew Junk had wanted to talk to the other girl the day after prom, that had been the plan, but circumstances had moved beyond their control. He had to imaging the ghoul was under a considerable amount of stress.

He ruminated on what little did know while he waited. Not Hadiyya's feelings now, but her feelings in the wake of Sharra disappearing again. The happiness she'd managed to make for herself with Marosa. The engagement. The nergal's return and the emotional fallout thereafter.

Their lives were all hard enough, her's especially it seemed. If he could help, even a little, he would.

azure desiderium