User Image>Name: Ithmas Ketner [is-ma s]

> Ithmas: Corrupt form of Mathis. Barton Mathis, a.k.a The Dollmaker, a psychotic serial killer from the DC Comics. <
> Kesner: From Johann Daniel Kestner Jr., The King of Doll Makers <

>Blood colour: #0A3978

>Gender: Male

>Symbol: Key hole User Image


Ithmas is a little bundle of joy, who likes to interact with others no matter their blood color. Even if he upholds the hemospectrum, he doesn't mistreat those below him as he finds it unnecessary even if they step out of the line. Why handle lowbloods yourself when you adoring lusii can do it? Ithmas is very compassionate and calm towards everyone, even those who doesn't deserve it. He doesn't tend to look for any form of competition, living his life as a slacker. The child feigns to be delicate and fragile, just to keep his "adorable factor." His lusii however constantly tells him to toughen up-- To stop letting others step all over him. He is a blueblood after all. Thus, others see him as puny living toy that is easily manipulated-- and shows no restraint whatsoever. Most of the time he is aware of the fact that he is just a pawn on the eyes of most and doesn't mind becoming just that. Actually he loves the fact that he's considered useful by anyone.

This child aspires to become the greatest toymaker! He loves making them, although they don't particularly come out as beautiful as he intended in the first place, specially his dolls. Yet he strives to make them better by learning about the different materials he could use and whenever applicable and by knowing everything about troll anatomy to make the perfect dolls.

Ithmas enjoys FLARPing to the max and tends to dress up as his FLARP persona, Doctor Gavril Ilfesh.

Surely this kid may be as cute as a button but, he has the most interesting hobbies! Making figurines such as dolls and plushies is one thing but, making dolls that (no matter as horrible as they may look) awfully resemble his friends, acquaintances and even enemies is another. He speaksNot to mention that he goes out into the forest to pick up fresh bodies from recent hunts and dress them at his leisure. He also enjoys reading books about surgery to help him create the most beautiful 'living dolls'. Whenever Ithmas finds a body that isn't useful per say, he cuts off the limbs that might serve him later.


Ith doesn't try hard to get along with others. His caring attitude towards those he knows






Constantly compliments others/ knows nothing about personal space

Weapon: Dual retractable metal whips.

Appearance: LINK 1

Home: Ithmas's hive is located in the forest.

Lusus: Pops, a cute white Teacup Pomeranian, is the lusus that took care

[x] [x] [x] >Pops is that small< heart

Power: N/a