Name: Tekkno - A play on Techno
Komari - Meaning troubled in Japanese

Blood colour: Blue #0a01bc

Gender: Male

Symbol: A broken record

Profile: who is your troll? what are they like? how do they think?give their basic personality with an explanation of any thoughts and beliefs that are outside of the social norm. along with this, please include a few hobbies, any goals they have, and where they can usually be found on any given night. temember to touch on the strengths and weaknesses that you will elaborate in the sections below.

Tekkno Komari had moved into his nice, newly built hive in Four Fronds... Not but a few nights before the fire came. It claimed the house, as it did many, and forced him to live in Chittentown until it could be fixed. Certainly, it wouldn't take too long. After all, Tekkno was a highblood. But somehow, Tek slipped through the cracks and this is where most of the child's personality has come from.

- Four Fronds House Burning

- Lost most of his things and forced to be inventive

- Made him more wary of others and more observant

- Caused SHJo to go from light drinking to heavy drinking

- No real thoughts against the hemospectrum. Not very discriminatory, since lost his house and was helped by lowbloods to relocate.

- Loves to make music, dreams of playing in a club. Loves to dance too.

++ Inventive
"Yøu wanna dø sømething, but døn't gøt the stuff? Eh, we can make it happen."

Tek has a good grasp on tinkering and building. He is willing to take risks in create novel solutions to problems, and enjoys pressing boundaries when it comes to creations. He's mostly fond of simple robots, computers, and weapons. However, he loves to create doodads that serve little to no purpose. A box that when pressed plays a simple tune. A tiny lusus that dances when placed in the moonlight. Lights that glow after having gathered the suns harsh rays.

On another side of this, he is also quick to use his inventiveness to craft lies and worm out of tricky situations. These unconventional solutions are helpful, if he's not caught in them. His inventiveness therefore spreads beyond just the physical tinkering. Of course, it's not JUST lies. Sometimes thinking outside of the box can be a good thing, and bring out positivity.

++ Observant
"There's sømething nøt right abøut this."

Put him in a new room and his head might fall off from how much he looks around. He enjoys taking up new scenes and images as much as possible, be they natural or trollmade. If they are trollmade constructs or rooms, then he can learn about the creator/owner of the room. If they're natural, well... Nature is the best mentor when it comes to creations.

Tek is also skilled at observing others - reading body language, facial ques, vocal problems.. Subtle shifts that give him a hint as to what the other party is thinking. While this can be helpful, it can also lead him to jump to unfounded conclusions (see brash). Still, it is helpful more often than not, and has saved his hide from tricky situations in the past. This skill was fostered by SHJo, whose mood could shift easily and knowing how to predict them became necessary.

++ Sympathetic
"That's real tøugh, brø."

Even the trolldevil could get a tear or two from Tekkno. He's one who is willing to sympathize with others, no matter the cause or reason. It's not that he agrees. Hell, sometimes he might desperately disagree, but he can usually understand the other parties logic and respect their opinions.

-Four Frond fire and his home being devistated, being helped by lowbloods and learning to use his observation to listen, not nessecariyl agree, to others opinions.

-- Loud Mouth

or Chainsaw mouth. This kid never seems to shut. up. He's constantly talking or making some sort of sound. Tek will chew your ear off if you let him, and it's not always friendly banter. He's quick to yell or point out what went wrong with what you said/the situation/etc. Sometimes, despite his observation skills, he says stuff that just isn't smart for the situation. This can be due to jumping to the wrong conclusions, or just cause he really doesn't like you. We're not sure yet.

-- Brash
"I'm sick øf this s**t and I'm really sick øf YøU."

Remember observant and how sometimes he jumps to the wrong conclusions? Well, you'll know quickly, since anything in this kid's head goes straight out his mouth passionately, be it anger, sadness, happiness.. You get the idea. His brashness can sometimes borderline recklessness, but his observant trait draws it back from that line, but barely. He's willing to say things that really ought not to be said, and when a smarter (or less brave) troll would back off, he's right there chewing your ear off telling you that your failed relationship with your lusus WAS due to the horrible fruitcake you gave them on twelfth perigree. Oops.

To make matters worse, he's likely to not care if he does bother you. Truth, above all else, is what matters. Tek believes this firmly and just does not bend or move from this position. So you don't want to hear that your moirail is cheating on you? Sucks to be you, bub.

-- Obsessive
"Have I tøld yøu abøut this thing? I have? økay I'm telling yøu again."

When a new bright, shiny interest enters Tek's life, everything else can go take a flying leap. Focus and driven passion frequently push his new hobbies into dangerous realms. Staying up for nights on end to finish coding projects or this new mix of a CD or binge watching Red is the new Magenta. Conversations usually revolve around this, and if you're in earshot, beware.

Obsession also has a nasty turn. SHJo frequently has... unsavory drink around, and has on occasion prompted Tek to try it. It's something that he dabbles in when particularly stressed and overworked. SHJo, despite its downfalls, is careful to never let him take too much, but what SHJo doesn't know wont hurt it, right?

Weapon: Spiked Knuckles

Appearance: Colorless base || Color Splash

Hair: Fluffy and untammed, it usually appears soft. (not as bushy or wild as say gamzees but it is pretty wild).
Eyes/Face: Usually appears tired or flirtatious, has bags underneath them from lack of sleep. Nose is broken
Clothing: Comfortable please! Sweatpants, socks, and an a-top (wifebeater top). He also sometimes has a shawl he carries around if his arms get cold.
Other: He has two lip rings, a nose piercing, and collarbone piercings.
Horns: An odd curve, one broken midway (see ref)
Note: While the image has a symbol in it, that's just a poor drawing attempt. Something a little more record looking and broken please, but it can be very simplistic.
Colorsplash is there to show where I'd like the colors to be, but more can be added. Anything not colored is either black (for clothes or hair) or grey for skin.

Home: NHC -

Tek's house is part of a community hiveblock, with the bedroom being repurposed for brewing sake and his jamming sessions. The living area is where his recoopracoon is currently.

Lusus: SHJo or Jojo - based on Shojo

Unlike a Shojo, SHJo has an odd glitching effect about its face and body, like an odd mental blip or a blurring (possibly from pheromones that it sends out that effect trolls?). Otherwise its a pretty typical shojo. Hairy, trollesq, can talk to Tekkno, and enjoys drinking lots and lots of Faygo and other harder drinks that it can get its hands on or make.

SHJo obsesses over liquor and has passed the quirk onto its charge. Other quirks include the need to be observant and the ability to sympathize. Not that SHJo is either of those, but Tek has learned from being near the lusus to be both sympathetic of its long winded, drunk rants and to be observant of a mood change if one should occur.

When not drunk (because the lusus is practically always buzzed), SHJo is pretty kind and caring. Its taught Tek as much as it can about the world and no matter the level of inebriation is always following him around.