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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:36 am
Bring me to life!

Your SN || lux_rayne13
Your OC's Name || Tweak
OC Gender ||
Pick a tribe for your OC || Water
Pick traits, edits, and secondaries that you do not want on your OC || Fangs, Claws
References please! User Image User Image
Character's Personality || Tweak is an absolute sweetheart and quite a gentleman, and in a crisis will be the first to demand females and cubs be helped right away. He tends to be empathetic, will listen to anyones woes and do or say what he can to help, and if he wore one he'd give the shirt off his back to someone in need without a second thought. He can also be a total goof ball, so he plays really well with cubs.
Tell me about the character || Tweak is a helper by nature, and has always been a healer as well. I've never played him as healing by magic, though, only in the ways that the cats of the Warriors series use, for simplicity. As for his name, well… Tweak was born with a condition that makes his muscles randomly twitch. It doesn't really bother him or hinder him, and honestly he never really notices it much at all. Like, maybe if he's hunting and his ear twitches and hits a leaf, startling his prey, he might verbally chew out his ear and paw at it a couple times but it's more comedic than anything. He's very tolerant, very light-hearted, and very kind.
History/setting/additional info || I haven't been able to rp him much, so the only history he has is he had a mate in the first shop I had him in who believed strongly in fairies, and it took him just a couple seconds of 'wait, really?' before he just went along with it because hey, who knows? But, like with all my characters, a new shop means a new clean slate, so there isn't anything that will carry over from anywhere else to here~
Character's theme song || I only ever really listen to country and 98% of my characters probably don't like country so I have no idea whatsoever… XD;;;
Any plots that you'd like to run in B'alam with your OC? I'm not really sure… I think one day it might be fun to play him as getting swept away down a too-strong river and finding himself in unfamiliar land, and just kinda rolling with it and finding all sorts of adventure. For now, though, I'd just like him to live in a nice tribe area with other Waters, being a fun-loving dork, and getting better and better with his healing skills.
How will you assimilate this character to the setting? As he has absolutely no history that follows him from shop to shop, it'll be easy as pie to assimilate him to B'alam as I can just drop him into the world and play~
Additional info/comments? His colors are pretty much white with silver and light blue/teal markings, but those markings will always be CC in any shop I get him so feel free to have fun! If at all possible, I'd lovelovelove for him to have the light back fluff in the blue to represent his piercings if those aren't an acceptable edit, even if he can only have the ear fluff part of the water tribe due to template restrictions? I dunno, totally open for ideas/suggestions on how to make him look the best~ <3 Also, hair is totally cool if you think of a style you'd like to throw on him!~

Bring me to life!

Your SN || lux_rayne13
Your OC's Name || Skash
OC Gender ||
Pick a tribe for your OC || Earth
Pick traits, edits, and secondaries that you do not want on your OC || Fangs, Fluffs, Backridge, Streamers
References please! User Image
Character's Personality || Skash is a warrior, a fighter, a hunter. He'd easily be one of the tribe to go out to find food, or to step up to the plate when safety is threatened. He also tends to keep to himself, though he's not opposed to living in a group or in any way mean or snappy when others talk to him. He's polite, he's kind, he's helpful, and he'll gladly be a shoulder to lean on. However, ask him his opinion on just about anything that doesn't involve safety or hunting, and he'll probably just tilt his head and look at you with confused eyes. Or, rather, confused /eye/, as one of them doesn't work right.
Tell me about the character || Skash is the ONLY character I have who comes with a past, as I won him in a 'tell me about him and his wounds' contest and I'm still very proud of that entry all these years later. The shop has long closed, but I did make sure to get permission from the colorist to obtain him anywhere, though I haven't gotten him anywhere else yet. His left eye (the injured one happens to be facing us on the template) could be like the reference or just whited out, it's just basically blind due to the fight detailed below. Battle wounds are not needed, though scars would be cool?
History/setting/additional info || This is the contest entry I won him with <3
Surrounded. That is exactly what him and his mate were. Turns out, the lavender beauty was a run-a-way from a band of thieves and murderers. Now they wanted him. They blamed him for losing their charmer, who had been forced to distract victims with her looks. She had had enough of being eye candy. She wanted someone to look at her with more than lust. So she had ran - and ran right into the paws of the warrior. He liked her for who she was, and had brushed off her past as just that - her past. History.

Well now this history was snarling at him from every angle except behind. Why? There was a roaring river behind them, a waterfall not far from where they stood. Snarling back at the band of Nikku, the warrior stepped in front of his mate to protect her best he could. This little movement was like a spark that ignited the whole scene. Suddenly there was blood and fur flying everywhere, snarls and cries filling the air, teeth and claws seeking out flesh. The warrior felt a sharp tug at his ear, a sickening crunch near the base of his tail, and heard a blood-curtling scream.

Her. Ignoring his pains he fought his way back to the female, dangling over the edge of the river, her neck under the paw of the biggest of the band. With a loud, fierce battle cry the warrior sprung at the male, knocking him off balance and sending all three into the waters. The beauty was closest to shore, and she nearly had a good hold when the big brute tried to sink his claws into her back. The warrior sunk both front paws worth of claws into the brutes neck and back, dragging him away. Next thing he knew they were tumbling over the falls. He felt his leg and hindquarters being torn open, and suddenly the vision from one eye turned red. The brave Nikku kept lashing out as they fell, tangled, to the rocks and rapids below.

SPLASH! Still fueled by the battle, the warrior flailed his paws about until he resurfaced, then surged over to the shallower water. Looking back at the falls he saw what became of the big brute: his body lay splayed out over a rock sticking out of the water. Shaking off, he started to rush back up the steep hill, until he noticed the brute wasn't the only one that came down the falls with him.A pretty lavender fur ball was floating in the rough waters by the falls. Swallowing hard, he dove back into the waters and dragged her out, laying her limp body across the grass.

It hadn't mattered. None of his effort mattered. Not a single blow he landed, not a single bit of flesh ripped from his enemies mattered. He still failed. He lost her. Closing his eyes he let rage wash over him. Then he sealed up his heart and limped into the woods, adrenaline wearing off, more than one kind of pain kicking in.

Character's theme song || No clue XD
Any plots that you'd like to run in B'alam with your OC? I'd like someone to open his heart back up again, as after losing his first mate he'll be extremely wary of falling for someone again.
How will you assimilate this character to the setting? As long as he can keep his basic 'injured in a bad fight trying to save a mate who he lost anyway' thing, I can tweak him to fit as needed (like his tail actually still being intact, and his eye still technically in it's socket, just blind instead), or rp out what I need to for him~
Additional info/comments? You're more than welcome to add hair, whatever you think would fit him! <3  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:35 am
Bring me to life!

Your SN || Moon_Princess_Yuki
Your OC's Name || Mitsu
OC Gender ||
Pick a tribe for your OC || light tribe
Pick traits, edits, and secondaries that you do not want on your OC || Anything that'd make her scary or intimidating, shes supposed to be smol and cute
References please! link, link, link
Character's Personality || She has almost crippling social anxiety but a really kind heart. She does her best to talk with people and try to make friends not letting her fear get the best of her, but ti's a hard battle. Often she can over come it if it means helping other people.
Tell me about the character || Mitsu was my first real OC, my first RP'd character I kept longer then a month. I made her just to RP but she stuck with me all of these years. She started out being a pacharisu but I don't hold her to that because it doesn't define her. This would just be a new chance to play with her again.
History/setting/additional info || (a lot of her story will obvs be retconned for B'alam but her history isn't really her so) She was born in a family that considered Shiny to be bad luck. Because of that anything and everything bad that happened in the family was blamed onto her and she was punished for things she had no controle over. But she still tried her best to be strong. Eventually Her father was fired from his job and they kicked her out feeling that was the last straw. She was five. She couldn't of survived on her own like that. But a homeless single mother with a son her age took her in and helped take care of her and they were a small family for several years till the mom died, around that time the mayor of the city wanted to show how kind he was so made a mandate that all homeless children would be collected and brought to orphanages where they would be cared for and loved. This followed a small adoption boom so families could also show how kind they are. Mitsu was adopted but her brother was not. The family she was adopted into almost immediately sent her to boarding school to keep her out of their how. She was 14 at the time. when she was a senior she was transferred to Pokemanz school and thats where her story started. So the setting was a pokemon boarding school

TLDR: She's a student at a pokemon boarding school after having a pretty rough childhood.
Character's theme song || I don't know songs don't speak to me like they seem to for most people.
Any plots that you'd like to run in B'alam with your OC? I mostly just want to play her again, but maybe something to do with over coming her social anxiety, or learning to live around it?
How will you assimilate this character to the setting? I'll change her history having it be that when she's first weaved she is as most B'alam alone. But another B'alam (whom I'm hoping will be a second custom or someone I find in shop) was weaved close by they decide to stick together, Mitsu relying on them to talk to other B'alam. Eventually learning to live on her own with out him. Besides that small change I think she already fits pretty well. She might end up a crafter or baker, she's always liked making things.
Additional info/comments?

Bring me to life!

Your SN || Moon_Princess_Yuki
Your OC's Name || Natsu
OC Gender ||
Pick a tribe for your OC || Fire tribe
Pick traits, edits, and secondaries that you do not want on your OC || Im good with whatever for him
References please! I don't have any pics for him, but he's a houndor with traits from a Poochyena, like a fluffy tail and greys in his coloring.
Character's Personality || Kinda a clasic emo kind with out the angst. He loves dark clothes sad music, death. Plus he stays quiet most of the time and doesn't like dealing with people or making smart talk. But he's also kind and loyal and if you manage to be his friend you'll be friends for life no matter what.
Tell me about the character || I made him for Mitsu. I wanted her to have someone to turn to growing up, a brother who was the same age who if she needed would be there for her. That's why he was made. If you only make one of these two make Mitsu because Natsu can't exist in a universe with out Mitsu. That might make his character seem shallow but he has tones of depth it's just he was made for her. But not as a boyfriend just as a brother, there will never be romance between these two.
History/setting/additional info || He was born to a teen mom who as soon as she started to show was kicked out of her home. He was raised on the streets, she did her best to raise him and Mitsu when she came into their life but it was hard. He did his best to help but kids can only do so much. When she died and him and Mitsu where left alone he vowed to always take care of his sister. But would be separated soon after when they get taken to an orphanage and she gets adopted but not him. He stayed in the orphanage for years, he almost aged out when a rich elderly pair finally did adopt him. They were old and had no kids and wanted someone to pass their stuff onto, to help someone. They also adopted 5 other kids with this hope. And when it was that time of year they sent him to the best boarding school they could find, not to send him away but because they hoped it'd give him a fresh start in the world to do something great. The school was pokemanz where he met Mitsu for the first time in 4 years. they never separate for long after that. Mitsu often staying at his house for long stretches during college.
Character's theme song || again don't really have one
Any plots that you'd like to run in B'alam with your OC? Probably have a plot where Mitsu and him get separated for awhile and he does his best to find her. I might have him learn to let her lead her own life with out him but not separate. They will always be a part of each others lives. He'll probably be her go to baby sitter. But in the beginning they will have some bad co-dependency issues they'll need to deal with. Maybe something with when he finds her again she'll be settled in a new life, and having him deal with trying to find a life. Maybe at some point he goes to the fire tribe to see what they have for him? I'll probably definitely tie in the fact their different tribes into plotting
How will you assimilate this character to the setting? Basically he'll stay the same but with a recognition that he's a fire tribe who is defying that to live in discomfort with a light tribe B'alam, even if she does choose to stay away from the light tribe so they can live in relative comfort together.
Additional info/comments? Thank you very much!  


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:45 am
Bring me to life!

Your SN || S u r f for L o v e
Your OC's Name || Evea Dove
OC Gender ||
Pick a tribe for your OC || Air
Pick traits, edits, and secondaries that you do not want on your OC || things that kill the dainty look... lol
References please! User Image, User Image, User Image, User Image, ((Bonus because my kid is just cute.)) User Image ((Not actually part of my charactor but ain't she cute?! lol))
Character's Personality || As a wolf she was strong natured but calm, as a Soq she is timid, shy, but wanting for companionship.
Tell me about the character || She is going to be timid, her heart in her eye's but her voice silent to any who don't listen closely. Her one area where she shows her true strength will be in her flight, and kindness. She is forever wanting to help others.
History/setting/additional info || She originally was my puppy IRL then morphed into an entirely different character as time passed. now she is my favorite to write with. <3
Character's theme song || youtube
Any plots that you'd like to run in B'alam with your OC? something that involves finding inner strength. I want her to come out of her shell with the right time, in order to help someone or many someones. Even to the point of severally sacrificing herself in some way.
How will you assimilate this character to the setting? Already have her in my mind. I will easily be able to get her into this world just right.
Additional info/comments? She holds a tender spot in my heart... I appreciate it if you do make her. if not I also understand. <3  
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