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The first sensation was one of warmth. And it lasted a long time. There was, at first, one warmth, and then it was three, and then another, and another. Each one was separate and distinct; three of them were pressed up against his body--the first three--and the fourth one was above him, and the fifth one from within him. All was right, and all was ready. So the tahtll opened his eyes for the first time, and blinking, awoke under the sun.

A mane of golden hair draped in front of his eyes, but an absent shake of his heavy head cleared it from his eyes and let him see them for the first time--tiny, brightly colored, each of them crowned with curving horns. A feeling he was too new to have known before dawned in his heart like the first sunrise, and he knew immediately, in his heart, that they were connected to him in a way that could never be described. Or so he thought--for no sooner had the idea occurred to him than language, long since planted in his head, provided the answer: love. He loved those little balls of fur and horns--and he did not even know what--who--they were.

They just were.

A tender smile on his face, the tahtll shifted his legs to pull his tail out from under himself, and he wrapped them around the three bundles. He pulled them closer to him and nuzzled each of them in turn. Daughters. That was a funny word. And yet, appropriate--it was what they were to him. And he made a vow then, that tahtll, to the Sun, to do whatever was necessary to keep his daughters safe--and happy. Whatever safety and happiness could be...

Hoshi Lockhart


Strawberry Gumi Bunny