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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Wandering Mountains
[PRP] Taking Flight - [ Radical Dreamer ] & Libra15

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:03 pm
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[ Radical Dreamer ] - Talltale - 1053

Libra15 - Fly - 1317
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:24 pm
It was the breeze that woke her. It had picked up and was blowing right in her face, and up her nose. A sharp sneeze and Fly sat straight up…well half way. She laid on her stomach blinking slightly as she looked around. What just happened? A slight confusion came over her as she shook her head to clear her thoughts. She knew what happen. It spoke deep down in her. She was created, and this was her life now to live. She didn’t know how she knew, she just already knew. She knew everything that she needed to know already, and that was good enough for her.

Yet there were so many unanswered questions. She sighed softly and went to stand up, just at this moment noticing the things coming from her back. At first it threw her slightly off balance as she looked back and stretched out her wings rather amazed. She moved them about slightly getting a feel for the currently awkward appendages. Up and down in gentle motions. To Fly, they were simply amazing.

Her attention moved away from her body now as she went back to the area around here. Where she was exactly, she was unsure. That is one thing her gut didn’t tell her. Slowly she started to take a few steps forward to explore this place she had awoken in. But only a few steps in the current direction she was heading was all she head. It only took moments for her to reach the edge of…A FLOATING MOUNTIAN!

Startled she jumped back slightly taking a few paces back. That was impossible. A hunk of land floating in midair! Fly just couldn’t believe what she was actually seeing. Leaning forward slightly she looked out over the edge to confirm what she felt she had just seen. Her eyes did not deceive her. She was indeed standing on a giant floating rock. “That would explain the wings…” She mumbled softly to herself looking down over the edge to see if she couldn’t see below. “So…how do I use them?” Fly asked herself again softly looking back to her wings.

Deep down, she knew she could fly. She knew if she took a leap off this rock it would come natural. Yet that didn’t sound like such a good idea just yet. She was confident she knew how to fly, but just in case she wasn’t ready to test that theory. With a sigh she sat down and looked out over the rock…her face twisted into a rather funny expression as she contemplated her dilemma. To jump or not to jump…that was the true question.

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:25 pm
"Oy!" Came from above, "Bhen." The call of the voice rutted the air with a thick free-spirited accent. If followed by one's ears it would lead them to a brown slinky tuff of brown fur that stretched out on one of the floating mountain's barren trees.

Dark and tan wings spread out from under his and between the supporting branches under body. A yawn left the maw of the wind gypsy.

"I'd wouldn't beh testing tho's wings of yhors jus' yet. You'd jus popped in to existence like a beautiful spring flower tus' now. " TallTale reminded her as his head craned backward to see the new sight more clearly.

Well, that is to say he had let her have some private time, when she awoke he turned his head and mind his own business. However, he did see her woven into life. It was his first time, he had heard tales of it happening, but had never witnessed himself tell now.

It would do well to be the start of a grand tale....

That wasn't to say that she couldn't fly. Just that it might be a bit of a start, though Weaver did create them for flight.

Turning himself, Talltale shifted and moved from the branches. They creaked and popped as it shifted with the weight of the grown Tahtll. With a well timed leap, Timber landed on all fours and started to approached the other. Wings stretched out and flexed. His head raised proud, as his wings shifted and made themselves comfortable once more on his back.

Dark and orange maned tail shifted behind him.

"Stanki nashti chi arakenpe manushen shai! " Talltale annouced. ('Mountains do not meet, but people do'.)

"Wel'come to Kumpania, Bhen." He smiled and dipped his head in a greeting, to his sister. (Bhen) She was one of the feather wings, and in turn she was apart of their clan Kumpania, it was where the hub of the wind tribe settled. In no doubt due time, she would meet more of their bothers and sisters of the sky.

He couldn't help but have over heard her words to herself, or perhaps even to the Weaver. Perhaps, that is why The Weaver had chosen such a place to grant the Nahlil life. By someone that could show her how to use her wings, there was no doubt that she would be able to figure it out herself however, had he not been there. If there was a will, there was always a way.

"Those apart from us, know me as 'Talltale'. However, Bhen since ya are Familia, dat is toh say ya are apart of teh clan, may know me as my fledling given name: Timber." Talltale stated with a smile. Not that he was ever a fledgling, he was woven as a adult but their cubs got their 'non-gypsy' names when they gained their wings.

Looking at the new b'alam, a smile rested it's self on his maw as he watched her. Thinking it polite to let his words catch up with the new nahtlil. After all, living was a lot to take in all at once. His brown tail shifted as his head leaned closer to take in what she might have to say. Green eyes all but begged her to ask what ever she wished. Shador, that was also known as Riddle Mouth to his b'alam, was vary gracious at teaching others. Onery and whilie as he maybe, his quick tongue was gifted at teaching. He was their Magus after all, the grand Weaver couldn't have pick one better if Talltale was asked. Nay would he tell, that is where indeed he gained the accent from as well, less even more so would he also admit how much he admire Riddle Mouths way of words. One would just have to hear him talk to understand...

Lowering his hunches, Timber hope to make himself less intimidating. Not that he did anything to be so, before hand....just well, sitting he could looked more 'approachable', it was after all the posture he took when he told his stories.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:51 pm
[ Radical Dreamer ]

"Oy! Bhen." Fly flicked her ears and turned her head in the direction of the voice. It took her eyes a few moments to adjust and find the source of the sound. His brown fluff of fur kept him well hidden among the brown branches of the trees. The shade helping conceal him. But at her eyes focused, his face came into better view and for some unknown reason joy felt her young, new heart. She knew this one like her was good. She knew he was here to help her. She could learn a lot from him, and that excited the fresh soul.

"I'd wouldn't beh testing tho's wings of yhors jus' yet. You'd jus popped in to existence like a beautiful spring flower tus' now. “ She glanced back at the wings sitting upon her back. Spreading one out slightly so she could see them better before looking back in the male’s direction. So he had been watching her this whole time. He herd her. Well that was slightly reassuring for her. At least now she knew the answer to her question. She was sure her body knew what to do, but the funny thing about her new brain…it could cause her body to forget its natural instincts and act differently.

She watched closely as the male leapt from his perch and came forward toward her. She didn’t move, didn’t feel need to. She felt safe in the presences of this one. She knew he was no danger to her and he would help her in this new body of hers. "Stanki nashti chi arakenpe manushen shai! Wel'come to Kumpania, Bhen."[/b] Her ears did flick however at the funny words he spoke. It took her brain a while to calculate exactly what he was saying but she understood most of it…she thought so at least.

"Those apart from us, know me as 'Talltale'. However, Bhen since ya are Familia, dat is toh say ya are apart of teh clan, may know me as my fledling given name: Timber." Her head nodded slightly. Now she had a name for this kind soul in front of her. “Timber…” Her lips formed the words herself. It was much less of a mouthful than Talltale and it made much more sence given the color of his coat. Talltale to her was just odd.

She felt it would only be polite to give him her own name….but what was it. “I’m Fly.” She shocked herself. She spoke her name before she even had time to finish processing her thoughts about what her name was. She supposed the Grand Weaver programed that into her automatically as well. Something compelled her next actions as she bowed her head in front of him out of respect. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She rose her head up again and continued to look in his direction though her body still faced out toward the open air.

“Please tell me Timber, where exactly am I?” She looked away from him and back out to the floating rocks. “I might be freshly awoken, but I don’t understand how it’s possible these rocks are floating. And what are they floating above?” Her head tilted like a small child at all the questions in her brain.

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:17 pm
Timber nodded his head to Fly, as she introduced herself and spoke her name. 'Fly', simple but meaningful it was as free as their tribe. He loved it.

"Well met, Fly." Timber's accented words, wouldn't press for the curiosity of her 'non-gypsy' name that the flightless and featherless would only know them by. Smiling, Timber returned the nod that of the one she had offered him.

"Yoh, have been given your name. Dats good." The Tahtll's smile grew as he raised to his paws and approached Fly seeing how she wasn't a flighty one. Not to mention he didn't want a crink to appear in her neck with how she turned her head to look at him. His paw steps guided him to be next to her on the edge.

Taking a deep breath of the air around, his lungs swelled with pride and the air of their people. His eyes closed and he smiled he took a moment to enjoy the moment. The freedom, that only the wind tribe knew and understood.

"Yoh, my dear Fly are in the wonderful floating mountains of Kumpania!" The Bard told her. "This is our land, and where our tribe take roost." TallTale went on to inform the Nahtlil

Looking back to Fly, Timber let out a laugh. It was a vary valid question. He gave a shrug of his shoulder, and he smiled as he looked out to the clouds and floating mountains.

"Why does a paroo fly?" He answered, "They just do," The b'alam smiled, his tail shifted around behind him as he looked to Fly.

"We don't know why the sun raise, and the moon glows." Timber stated. "And I don none care to f'ind out." Talltale was quick to smile,

"I could weave yoh a story about them doh..." He turned his head to look over to Fly. "And yo' are always free to find out."

"But No one does." He added more seriously, as a smile slipped on his maw.

Now, that wasn't a bad idea, perhaps he could tell a story about why the mountains float, why the sun rises and moon glow. Timber was known for his stories, and bards tales....

Perhaps this Idea, wasn't a bad one indeed...

Wow, you have such a pretty set up, going on there.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:47 pm
Fly’s flicked at hearing her name for the first time from another…"Well met, Fly"…it sounded strange but natural. Her mind drifted off slightly, allowing the word, the name…her name…to sink in just a little bit more. ‘Fly.’ A noun, a verb….her name as well as an action she could take part in. She looked out over the horizon off the floating giant rock and took in a deep breath. Oh how she now had the urge to fly. To take a leap off this rock and let her wings take her to were ever the wind blew.

She just could picture it now, weaving and twisting and soaring threw out the skies. Moving with the wind, against the wind. Looking down upon the world below from a prospective that only she, and the other winged ones like her, could have. Something special, something she felt was only given to a special select few and she was one of them. The thoughts filled her heart with emotions, emotions of joy. A grin appeared across her face at the thought of the actions. Her tail slowly starting to flick with delight.

She completely forgot the other one was there until her ears picked up on one word. “story about them doh..." She didn’t even hear the rest of what Timber had to say, or what he had spoken before that. She jumped up slightly with a spring and twisted in the air to face him before sitting back down again. “I would love to hear a story!” She exclaimed over joyed and excited at the thought of her first story.

Her eyes had a very joyful, hopeful twinkle to them. Her ears perked high up at alert to listen to every word he had to say of his story. An innocent smile appearing across her maw…waiting as patiently as she could, hoping he would tell her one. “Please?” Her voice grew softer as her smile grew a little more to show her teeth slightly.

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:36 pm
A story?

Talltale's ears perked as Fly encouraged and ask for a story. Well, stories were something he did do best, and turned them into song thanks to his teacher the conductor.

A rich chuckle left Timber, why Fly was a excited as a new carvling. His dark tail shifted behind him as he smiled. New life always seemed so excitable. it was fun.

"I could, " The Tahtill smiled. "but perhaps you would no doubt like to use thohs wings you been given, first ya?" He offered in a reminder, it wasn't just moments ago that she looked to want to hop off the edge and take flight. Hmm, curious thought to what might have happened if he hadn't stopped her...

"But, if ya want..." His accented words tickled the air. " I can weave you a story or toh." Timber added coyly, as if to tease the fact that he would know that she was wanting to fly more.

And hey, if she didn't' he could share some stories. Not that he had been around too terribly long, but he did have some stories to tell. The choice was hers, at some point if she was interested she could me some of the other brothers and sisters of the clan. that could be fun.

[ RP Zone ] The Wandering Mountains

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