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Random Nobody 13

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:41 am
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Warmth. Bright sunshine hitting the scales on her back, bringing warmth and filling her with energy, is the first thing LeAnna becomes aware of. Even before she opens her eyes, she savors the feeling. The next sense to register is the warm earth beneath her feet. Flexing her muscles, her claws sink into the rich soil as she opens her eyes for the first time to the world around her. Blinking a few times at the sudden flush of information streaming into her mind from all the new sights, she takes a deep breath.

The scent of loam, rich growing things, and a strange scent filled her awareness. Crystal trees surround her with bright sunlight creating rainbows as it sparkled off the leaves. Cautiously, she gathers her legs underneath her and stands, swooning a bit before her legs steady.
"So. . . .pretty," she murmurs, "Thank you." After the first few wobbly steps, her gait evens out and she walks with more confidence. Looking around, she takes a deeper breath, approaching one of the trees to get a better whiff of it. Ascertaining that that's the strange scent she'd smelt, she cast about to see what else she could catch.

With a child-like grin, she followed her nose, knowing that she would need to catch something to eat soon enough.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Beginning knowledge

While B'alam will be pretty ignorant and innocent to the ways of the world when they are first awakened, there are some things that the Weaver puts into their design. These are the things every B'alam awakes knowing :

• What spirit they carry. (Male or female.)
• That they are incomplete without the other half of their spirit. (The complementary gender.)
• The existence of something bigger than themselves.
• Basic hunting.
• Communication with other B'alam. (The B'alam language.)
• Telekinesis.
• Basic survival.
• Species recognition. (They are aware that they are a B'alam and can recognize their kin.)

** These are natural instincts woven into every B'alam. B'alam can, however, choose to later on defy or ignore these natural instincts for reasons developed along with their story. Cubs, even those awakened from idols, will have these instincts. They can be taught to the contrary by their colony, kingdom, or parents if the plot moves in that direction. **
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:17 pm
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Desperoux's journey had just started, he hadn't even flexed a paw for a raise on the glowing road before he felt something tap at his spirit. A yellow ear twitched, causing his cornflower colored hair to flick slightly. He could hear nearby jackalights in their frolic, the rustling of leaves as they where teased and tussled by wind. Everything was peaceful, and nothing was obvious cause for 'worry'....Well, so it seemed. Desperoux after all was a cautious b'alam, for no reason other then it was his just nature. After all, the Magus of their tribe had been found of him, and he wanted to make the leader proud. That is why he had started out on his journey in the first place, their magus had intrusted him with the scale of their clan, and hoped to make trade with their sister clan in the south east.....

The tahtll's (male) rose tinted nose shifted tough the smell's in the air. The minty cleaness that came from the bark and trees, (or at least Desperoux thought it smelt of 'mint') was common in the air, but there was something else. His spirit told him another was nearby, like him but not.

A nahtlil (Female)....

Cautious set of beige paws stepped him closer to where his soul told him another would be. As shy as he was Desperoux was still just as curious as any other b'alam. His dark ashen scales reflected in the sun ever so dully as his neck stretched out and his body huddled closer to the rock path and glow stoned laid ground. But this Nahtlil wasn't on the path, near but off and somewhere on the beaten one.

Quite paws lead him from the road, and past a few trunks of glassy trees. Nostrils tested the air once more, as his still tail shifted just slightly to the side. Gold eyes widened as Desperoux saw her, the Nahtlil. She was as ebony as the night, and her scales those dark flakes glistened like glass in the sun. Desperoux had never seen a Light b'alam with such coloring, coloring (or lack there of) of the night. It was almost foreboding to the gold colored b'alam, it was enough to still his breath as a almost frightened shiver ripped over his scales. It wasn't helpful that, Desperoux was already skiddish, but for her to look like the night made the Tahtll all the more alert, only for the sole fact she reminded him of darkness, something that his tribe kinda didn't deal with vary well.

Slowly and vary quietly, Desperoux hunkered and lowered himself in the brush of the forest where he had stopped upon seeing the Nahtil, and her midnight beauty. Those glistening and gorgeous scales, caused his golden eyes to flick about like a magpie to a shinny coin. To hold and look more closely at such a marvel, just one was just too exquisite to the thoughts. Wide eyes froze as thought tumbled with the idea of what could be done with such a color of scale, it was enough to race his breath with excitement passing quickly though his nostrils.

They where so -pretty-.

Turning his head, he made a glance to his pouch that rested on his hunches, what could he do to get just a single silver scale from her.

Perhaps, it would be best to work up the courage to talk to her, instead of creeping in the bushes and maybe with luck one could drop from her pelt.

Paws flexed as a breath left Desperoux. Senpi did say, that if he hadn't been blind and couldn't see Desperoux, that it would be creepy if he hadn't introduced himself before another realized he was there. With how often, and quietly Desperoux could show himself.

Okay, he could do this....

She would be nice, right? He hadn't meet another who wasn't....and besides that, it was so strange that he would even be ingrained with such a thought.

Clearing his throat, Despseroux slowly rose from his lay in the brush.

"Uh...." Left the Tahtll smartly as he rose and stepped into the clearing. Having no idea if she might have saw him, and his odd self in the brush. Eyes quickly fell to the ground around where the Nahtll stood. She hadn't dropped a scale yet...

"Greetings!" Tail flicked nervously behind Desperoux and his maw parted from his teeth in a odd attempt of a forced smile.

"And....uh S-Salutations!" Desperoux swallowed, as he then realized that his maw had quickly become dry. His tail shifted about once more, and his eyes darted to her paws once more. Careful to make sure he didn't miss the chance at finding a fallen scale.

"Y-you must be, 'new' uh...around here." The Tahtll tried to be polite and recreate what he had heard his Senpi, his Magus and tribe leader say to new b'alam he hadn't meet yet.

"I-...I haven't seen y-y-you in the tribe before." Desperoux swallowed once more, he could feel his paws start to sweat and his fur was becoming uncomfortable under his scales. His tail quickly slumped and tucked somewhat under his body. Well, didn't he just butcher this greeting, wonderfully? Ears quickly bounced down as he felt his skin under fur blush. His body slinked in somewhat of a submissive Manner.

"I am Desperoux..." He really felt like he might have said too much, but nothing really at all. Like who he was any why he was staring creepily.

"I-I handled the scales of my tribe." The Light B'alam found that like a rock plummeting off a cliff he couldn't stop till he met rock-bottem. He looked away, and tail curled more around his frame

"An...and yours remind me of the night sky...." Left Desperoux's maw timidly, as his gaze pulled up to look at the other innocently. They where Pretty.

Desperoux found that he never really did fit well in his tribe, he was just odd...but there was nothing wrong with that.

Random Nobody 13
Here you go! Hey! Do you mind if my Chronicler shows up to watch this interaction? He wouldn't been noticed amoung the two most likely. He just shows up to record events. Is that okay? (And I want him to get his word count up, he has been following Desperoux)

[ Radical Dreamer ]
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Random Nobody 13

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:49 pm
Bright blue nose to the ground, LeAnna was getting to work on familiarizing herself with the various flora and fauna that grew in the immediate area where she had woken. Without any other way to know what was what, she was listening to her instinct on what would be okay to eat and what would not be.In the background she could hear insects buzzing and birds chirping high above her in the trees. The trees themselves gave off a sweet yet sharp scent, welcoming but rather undoubtedly inedible due to their crystal nature. Studying them, she thought one of the trees had a branch just low enough that she felt she might be able to reach it if she jumped. From that vantage she would likely be able to see more of the surrounding area and find something to eat. Studying it, she gathered her haunches underneath her in preparation of making the jump before she belatedly realized she wasn't alone.

Starting a bit, LeAnna realized that the birds, which had been merrily chirping along in her presence, had gone quiet. Her instincts were telling her that something was watching, though she couldn't pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. Instinctively she crouched down, losing the ready position to jump as she did. As soon as she turned to look, she heard the brush rustling, accompanied by a voice as the voice's owner appeared. Staring at him, she felt her spirit quicken in recognition. Belatedly she thought that they were the same as her, but different. The complimentary gender? Yes. . .yes that seemed right.

Licking her maw, bright blue eyes studied him as he spoke. His golden fur reminded her of the warmth of the sun filtering down on her and the strange scales on his back intrigued her.
"I woke up and it was warm. . . I haven't been here very long," she agreed."Where is. . .here? by the way?" she asked, unable to hide her curiosity. "What is a 'tribe'?" She took a half a step forward before her instincts told her that he was likely to back off. She wiggled a bit, wanting to approach to study him more but refrained.

Blue claws dug into the soil under her paws as she glanced down toward them. Nothing she saw could be so interesting as to merit him looking down at her feet so often. Maybe it wasn't polite that she kept looking at him and he was too polite to say anything? Looking towards his paws, she noticed they were a different color than the rest of him. Her gaze flicking down to her own paws she was disappointed that all she saw was her own plain black fur and their blue claws.

"I'm. . . LeAnna," she told him after a moment's hesitation, knowing that that was who she was. "Scales, I don't have any scales?" she twisted to look at herself, surprised to find the same scale pattern on his back was on hers. "Oh!" she exclaimed, looking only a little confused at the mention of night sky. Concentrating on them for a moment, she could feel that they were absorbing the sunlight filtering from above. The tone of his voice did more to tell her that he liked how she looked than his words, and she preened a little. "Thank you. What do you do with the scales?' she asked curiously, sitting back on her haunches. From what she could feel they didn't do much, just took in sunlight.

Ears swiveling back and forth, LeAnna listened to her surroundings as one paw raised for her to lick clean. Her steady gaze wavered between his feet and his face, not sure which would be safer to rest her gaze on. Everything else about her exuded her curiosity and willingness to listen.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Sure, feel free to have him pop in! I went ahead and added the appropriate title to the name of the rp xD
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:58 pm
Desperoux's careful ears bounced a little as the Nahtlil spoke, her voice was kind and she didn't seem to think him too strange. However, she did just only meet him. The Tahtll's tail tip curled at the worrying thought, that she might later.

The more LeAnna spoke, the more Desperoux listened to her words, and the more understanding came that she had just woken. Common knowledge of 'tribes', 'scales' and even her own appearance had escaped her. Just as it did with all that where newly woven. Most just knew of their name, and more came to them as they experienced the life they where given. Desi's tail shifted, as his eyes widened a little, he didn't know if he could handle this right now! He had never met someone that just woken, he wasn't qualified (what ever that meant.) for such a thing! This. This was a job for Senpi!

Desperoux's head turned as his eyes took a glance over his shoulder to look at the tree he had just managed to climb down, a way to their tribe's home. A place of gathering, where most of the light lived.

A yellow ear turned back to LeAnna as something in side him, reassured himself that he could be the one to tell her at least a little about their life in the crystal forest. After all, he was on a journey to share such a thing, and bring trade to their people. A small sheepish and selfish part of Desperoux hoped she would have scampered off in search of someb'alam diffidently more qualified (there was that word again...) then him.

The Tahtll's yellow frame slinked closer to the ground at the subtle wiggle of the Nahtlil's body. There was no free of harm, just of change and how he was ready for such a thing...or really anything different. A b'alam, especially Deperoux in this point of life, didn't even know the concept of fear of pain. However, there was whisper of a death......

"We're in the Crystal Forrest, that is 'here'....or at least what Senpi calls it." Desperoux found the courage to speak once more, his tail hugged his body more tightly. His own voice was bright, but meek in nature as his golden eyes took a glance at the crystal trees. The wonders that surrounded them, how the bark of the trees reflected and refracted the sun beautifully and perfectly. Each leave shimmered to it's own delight.

"And a 'tribe', is what...." Desperoux's ears folded backwards as he puzzled together how to explain such a thing, it was a vary valid question. One, he was sure he had asked Senpi about. After all, the only other thing that came naturally to Desi aside from his name, was the scales that came off of Light b'alam's back.

Desperoux shifted his paws uneasily. Oooooo their Magus was just so much better with explaining things like this!

Tail twitched once more. The Tahtll swallowed and opened his eyes to look at the darker nahtlil in front of him. His own insecurities teased him with the idea of how silly she will think him, when she has the chance to meet someone else.

"Is what, b'alam of a different type call each other as a whole..." Left Desperoux, his eyes took a surprise glazed as his ears straightened once more.

"There are more like us, but different...in a lot of ways." The scale connoisseur went on, hoping to explain. Though honestly, it was something that was better to just see.

But how to explain it.

Eyes glance to the side and his ears perked at a vary familiar and found word that left LeAna's maw: 'Scales'.

No sooner then she asked about them, then she discovered them on her own pelt. The awe and realization, caused a little timid smile to curl on Desi's maw. How she twisted about to see them.

He could only nod, as a bright excitement reflected in his gaze.

They where pretty....

Though he was also a bit bias....though still, they where pretty.

"Scales make our 'tribe' different from the other 'tribes'. We have scales, and no other does, not even the little horned creatures that are found her do." The Tahtll's posture seemed to grow with a bit of pride as the words left his maw. His stance strengthen, and his voice had grown more bold with conviction.

Scales. Now that was something Desperoux felt comfortable talking about.

"Well, what I do with them...." Desi's eyes took one more quick glance to the ground at her paws.

"Is...a bit strange and...different to what others might think to do with them." The Tahtll spoke, wondering if it was okay to go in to further detail about the scales and what his Magus asked of him. While others didn't think you could do a whole lot with them, after all most only thought it as a way to gather light, fort heir horn. Not something to be used for trade, or armor for other tribes. Light tribe scales where rather tough

"I...Collect them." The b'alam sat down on his hunches, hopefully that is what he could leave the explanation at. Less she start to think him a little..odd.

Random Nobody 13
Okay cool! ^_^ Ty

[ Radical Dreamer ]
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Random Nobody 13

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:43 am
When the tahtll glanced over his shoulder, LeAnna couldn't help but glance as well, wondering what was there to see. All she saw was more trees, though they were brighter than the ones she had awoken around. Blinking, she wondered if that was true or if it was some trick of the light. Her attention went right back to the tahtll as soon as he spoke, nodding at that. Sleek tail flicking behind her, she cleaned off the first paw she had started on and began on the second as Desperoux answered her questions. His awe at the forest around them reassured her own, finding she was right to find such delight in it.

"There are more like us? With. . scales? Or different, that we have scales and they don't?" Questions slid out as she tried to grasp the concept. Her brow furrowed and her ears flicked back in her confusion. Hopefully, it would be something easy to understand or that she could be shown. No sooner had the questions left her maw did the tahtll explain just that. LeAnna was intrigued about that, watching his body language and delighting that he no longer seemed as wary as he had before. Or maybe. . shy was a better word?

"Little horned creatures?" her voice tilted up in surprise. As far as she was able, she hadn't seen any other creatures. Her paw hit the ground again, forgotten in her curiosity. Ears flicked up, swiveling to point towards him with the occasional twitch around as the birds began their song again.

Even better than hearing about some of the creatures in the area around them was hearing how excited he got about the scales that adorned them both. She nodded encouragement as he hesitated, wanting to hear what he would do with them.
"You. . collect them?. . .So then . . they fall off?" she sounded surprised, twisting to see her own scales again in disbelief before turning towards him in a rush as she jumped back to her feet."Or do you have to take them off one of us?" Voicing her thoughts, she felt a sudden dread. The scales on her back felt very much attached; how else was he supposed to collect them aside from taking them off her? Her fur bristled, fluffing her to almost twice her size as she backed away from the tahtll. Tail flicking back and forth agitatedly, she watched him with cautious eyes.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
ack, sorry, I'm normally better than this. Feel free to kick me if I take too long to respond orz
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:17 pm
Little horned creatures....

Desperoux nodded slowly as she restated what he had spoken, yes. There where little horn creatures that had horns just like theirs. Watching LeAnna carefully as she sprung about and twisted, Desi's eyes bounced around trying to catch every movement. His head slightly boggled a little to keep up with the motion, his left paw raised as he felt himself lean back in his sit abit. He didn't quite know what to make of all her sudden moments. The nahtill certainly had the energy of a cub, not that it was at all a bad thing. certainly not, perhaps all that energy explained why she had such shinny scales.

Certainly that was it, and something to be recorded in his notes.

As LeAnna shrinked back and bristled, Desperoux's eyes widened and he twisted himself backward and away from the dark Nahtil. HIs own tail puffed and tightened around him as he turned himself to make sure to keep eyes on her.

"Oh goodness!" Desperoux spoke and crouched lowered to the ground, a few more paces away from the newly woven one. This is why he did not like unfamiliar things! His ears flattened on the back of his head as he did his best to not show any trembling.

Senpi help him, how was he suppose to go on his journey!

" Weaver, no!" Left Desi in almost a shrike as if he couldn't even began to understand why she would even think such a horrid thing!

"That would be taking something, that's yours..." Desperoux spoke softly his tail curled more tightly around his paws. "Senpi would be vary disappointed in me, if I did such a thing. " Why the pure thought of disappointing their magus, brought tears to the smaller tahtll eyes.

"A-and that is just mean...." He almost squeaked in a mumbled. Shuffling he moved just a few more paces away from LeAnna, he didn't want to do anything mean...

"They fall off." Desperoux spoke his eyes looked to the ground, as distraught filled and hung in his chest. "Most don't notice." He found it harder to explain his intentions, let alone compile them to complete a full sentence.

"I collect them."


"Thats' all..."

Random nobody 13

[ Radical Dreamer ]
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Random Nobody 13

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:51 pm
LeAnna was vaguely reassured as her accusation was met with a surprised and horrified expression. Leaning back on her haunches, the female felt her fur start to lose some of the bristle and puff that had happened as she grew agitated. Ears still pinned back to her head, she pinned her pale gaze on the tahtll and listened. Weaver? Senpi? She fought back the urge to ask what these were, what they meant and focused instead on what he had said.

The distance between them was almost too far for her to catch his mumbled words and she crept a bit closer to hear him. Thankfully, his eyes were on the ground and he didn't notice. Needless to say, LeAnna believed he would have turned tail and ran in fright if he had noticed. Crouching closer to the ground as well, she studied it for a few moments before speaking again.
"If you didn't seem so. . . . . . I might not believe you. . . but --" halfway through speaking she made a startled noise, having spotted something on the ground. Taking a few cautious steps forward, she brushed at it with a paw before glancing between the scale and the b'alam standing a few feet ahead of her. The scale shone dully, its' color the same as those that adorned Desperoux's pelt.

"That's. . . . from you?" she asked, eyes widening a bit in surprise. The scales certainly hadn't looked like they would fall off so easily. "Do they grow back?" The question popped out before she could control herself and she scooted back from the object in question a bit, just in case he wanted to fetch it. Black fur smoothed out and her tail stopped flicking in agitation. The nahtll was still wary, but willing to reconsider with the evidence of his truth laying between them.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
[ Radical Dreamer ] rolled 1 10-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-10)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:40 pm
(Lets see how this goes. Low no good, High not so bad...)

Desperoux found it had to pull his gold eyes to look at the black as night nahtll, as they were almost too heavy with tears. To think to hurt another, by stealing their scales straight from their pelt was a horrifying ideal. However, it was not and dreadful for the Tahtll to think of disappointing his Magi. It was then his head turned slightly away as he seemed to question if she had gotten closer to him. His paw raised as his body shifted to raise just ever so slightly, as if to whirl himself about and bolt up into a tree that was safely far far far away. Though, the puzzle of weather or not she had moved closer was only distracted with the mention and slight glimmer of something on the crystal woodland forest. That very shinny glimmer caused his heart to sink and his eyes to widen as he knew right away what it was...

(Roll success)
Eyes flicked back up to the Nahtll, as if at all possible his eyes widen more as she touched his fallen scale. He felt his heart race faster. Blinking his felt his body shutter, as he held back the urge to lunge out for his scale and take off running of like a jackalope from death. WHICH! She reminded him of with her dark pelt and all....so, all things considered, he was handling this much better then he should be. (Calk that up to a win, for the shy guy.)

".....Y-Y..." Desperoux stammered, his tail stiffed and pulled as if to struggle with the words and pulling them out from his body. After all that work, what that left is body was just a soft sad 'squeak'. Swallowing, He settled with a nod. Blinking, set the tears of his golden gaze loose into the crevices of his tear ducts.

To her second questions, he nodded once more. Eyes looked once more to his precious scale, as if to debate to grab it, a flick of his eyes shot back to the dark b'alam as if to debate if she had tainted it in someway.

"...Stronger.." Desperoux spoke his sentence broken, he looked down as if to be ashamed of his own anxious nature and thoughts, or er....lack of....

"too..." He manged a second word, as his ears lowered. He knew there wasn't nothing she could have done to the scale, it was just his...nature. Slowly his tail turned and twisted once more tightly to his body as he remained as ridged as a crystal tree.

His eyes looked to the fallen leaves of the Forrest floor, as he wondered to himself why he had to be such away. No one else, he had known, acted in such away....and by 'known', he meant by having watched from a distance. Releasing a breath, Desperoux turned himself and started to slip away. Slowly, his body remained hunched to the ground, as he even started to try and slip away with out his own precious scale.

Yes, he actually trying to just leave. Why? because he totally wasn't up to such a thing, and felt he couldn't handle it. This Nahtll problem and most likely thought he was...odd and certainty there where better b'alam out there to show her the way. Like how his senpi did him...


The thought of him, caused Desperoux to stop and remained hunch to the ground.

Senpi wouldn't' be proud of his nature-But Senpi was stronger, and better then he could ever hope to be, he wasn't a leader, no. He was a 'low' scale collector.

Yet, he was the one chosen by his leader to do a task that no one else could...

Slowly and surely tears started to stream from the poor tahtll as he struggled with himself and what to do. His body started to jolt with muffled hiccups, like it had done so many times before when he got this way...

Why did his leader choose him?

He Couldn't do this, this was impossible. Admittly in the back of his mind past the panic, he didn't blame LeAnna if she left. A part of him almost hoped that she would. This was embarrassing! It had to be for her! That wasn't to say that he wanted to be alone. He just didn't know how to be around others. Weaver Help him, how was he suppose to complete his journey he was on. Poor Desi couldn't even seem to mange on his own, in his own territory! How could he hope to make it in someone elses?!

Random Nobody 13
Sorry about the wait! I will post for the Chronicler next, you can wait. Or go ahead in post if I don't. It really is fun rping with you lol [/quot]

[3019] *magus count collected up to here*

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:26 pm
The golden one had just now set on his journey, (It's always the quiet ones) The chronicler had just been there to see it as if guided by a unseen hand. It just so happened his job had not been accomplished as he too and just as curiously followed the shy one to the new life that was woven. The Watcher just as before kept his distance from the others, but remained in hidden view to see what the interaction would bring. Bless the Weaver and Fortune would have it, that he too would be lucky enough to see another brought in the world, by the creator.

Such a delight and privilege, almost caused a escaped breath of awe and wonder to leave his maw under the masks that gilded his maw. However, for recorded history sake, he digressed and instead quickly wrote down the interaction between the two. His quill, flagged by his own given feathers, quickly wibbled and wobbled with each careful word. Teal keep eyes, watched past the mask and silver trees to the curious display of tinder shyness and bold resolve that happened before him.

Every stutter and stammer was taken in by the careful and tuned ears of the chronicler. Every twitch and curious flick the new balam showed, was too jostled down in his notes. However, his personal surprise of the shy one's speech and timid nature remained removed from his writings. They after all were to, and just as before to remained untainted by his own emotion and feelings on the matter. That would be for the reader of history to decide, when they are able to understand such writings that will be kept away int he grand library of the water tribe. That is why after all, his brothers and sisters were given such a duty, to record history in the making. Just as it had been preordained for the scale collector to set out on his journey it was preordained for him to witness it, record it and see this moment. That would too be recorded in history. It was why they were given the same exact masks, to not be distinguished among the others if they were seen while they record.

Still, The gold and silver masked b'alam remained still, his every muscle was honed and trained to remained perched for long periods of times as he had witnessed many of interactions before this, but never had he seen any b'alam beside his sisters and brothers be woven before him. Truly it was a good day. He had found another treasure to be recorded for the library. The vast and almost empty library will be filled with one more gem for others to read and enjoy.

The Chronicler felt himself smile, as his 'heroes' where given names to be added in his recordings, it would be good for the readers to have such a thing, and it fit nicely into the story of one meeting another for the first time.

Desperoux and LeAnna.

It was a delight to see a b'alam know herself and her name when given a little thought of it, it had been the same for many before her. Including himself, it truly was a fascinating thing.

Even as Desperoux went on to describe the uses of scale's and their importance, it was recorded that the tahtll who had been so shy before then, was suddenly confident and so sure of something.

The curious nature of the tahtll and her reaction to the scale collector, taking scales-as priceless as the reaction was, a laugh was stifled by the watcher. Softly clearing his throat, his eyes remained focused on the scene before him and without so much as a glance to his notes, the quill moved just as quickly as before. However, no display of his emotions or his feeling on the matter, was reflected in his careful writings. All the Chronicler's writings where -suppose- to be unbias and only recorded facts. To not taint history, or the reader's perception of the matter. If it wasn't possible, for the Chronicler, they where to dust his paws, sweep his tail of the matter, and with a turn of their back they where to leave.

Someb'alam had to record and watch, so this particular chronicler was jaded, and determiner to view life and all the results of every b'alam's decision. It was his burden and task. His joy and pleasure. He had yet to come across one incident where he felt he had to dust off his paws, sweep his tail and leave.

Admittedly, he was a bit proud of such a standard...The Weaver, did after all choose him along with his brothers and sisters to handle such matters.

Back to the task at hand, The Watcher's thoughts turned back to the scene as trouble seemed to take the place of the matter, with raised sounds coming from the both b'alam.

The Chronicler's quill jolted the matter on the worn pages of the journal, his smile faded behind the mask as he was tentative to the matter at paw.

The Tahtll, Desperoux had almost ran off but found the courage to stick around. Even as the Nahtill, LeAnna relaxed from her her bristled stance. The onlooker felt the subtle shift of his head as he watched as Desperoux started to....


~Hmm. Curious.

This B'alam who bravely scaled down from his home in the light tribe trees, was now hunched and cowering in tears.

The feather quill, had yet to stop in it's note taking and only paused with the quiet turn for a fresh page. One the movement was completed, the quill dutifully returned to it's task of recording the scene before him with out his given emotion.

yet, he couldn't help but wonder how the new b'alam was going to react, the choice and decisions almost seemed endless. They were theirs to make, and his job to record. He only had to remain unseen and hopefully not sensed. The Chronicler leaned closer with anticipation while still in his perch. He dare not whisper the utterance of his heart:....What would happen next?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:50 am
LeAnna watched as the tahtll's body reacted to the sight of the glimmering scale between them. Her mind caught on to his hesitation, his desire for the fallen object. He looked extremely distressed, but she couldn't have upset him that much. . . could she have? Caught up in her own thoughts, the dark nathll almost missed his response. Watching his tail thrash around, and hearing how hard a time he was having talking to her after what she had thought; it shamed her and she crouched lower to the ground, ears drooping and tail curling around herself.

She felt even worse once she caught sight of the tears streaking down the golden furred tahtll's face. Head drooping, she curled herself smaller as she saw his gaze flick between her and the scale. It was obvious he wanted the thing. . and didn't want to be around her. As Desperoux's gaze drifted to the forest floor, she started to slowly back away. If she got far enough away, surely he would go after the scale. It was something precious to him, something he collected. Surely his own scales would be worth the effort to grab as well.

Maybe she wasn't fit to be good company. Maybe she had woken alone because that was how she was meant to be. Surely whoever had made her hadn't meant for her to do this. Yet. . .yet. . .

She couldn't bring herself to leave. This tahtll had been the first she had seen. The first of her kind, or any kind really, that she had witnessed upon waking in this world. Her creator must have meant for her to at the very least part on pleasant terms. As she debated, conflicted on what to do, Desperoux turned and started to leave. His golden coat blended surprisingly well into the foliage, and a soft noise of despair left LeAnna's maw as he disappeared from sight. She hadn't . ! Hadn't meant . .to do that!

Tears gathered in her eyes and the nathll pressed herself as close to the ground as she could get. No. . . she didn't. . .didn't want him to go. . not like this. Something inside her warmed, telling her that that was the right path, and she slowly gathered herself up. Ears drooping and tail curled around her hind leg, she eased toward the fallen scale. At the very least. . .She could bring him this. . He would want it. . wouldn't he?

Without thinking about it, the scale scooped itself off the ground and zoomed toward her maw. Astonished, she caught it just in time. Had . . she done that?? Shaking her head, she put that thought aside and slunk off towards the path the tahtll had taken. He couldn't have gone far. . .

It didn't take her long to catch up with him, as he had abruptly stopped. LeAnna managed to avoid running into and startling him and was able to witness his break down. Hiccups wracked his body, though they were accompanied by silent tears. Cautiously, slowly, the nathll approached him. She got within touching distance and hesitated. He would run! He would run and hide and leave her on her own! But then that warm feeling came back and she was able to take those last few steps.

Gently, slowly, she pressed herself against the crying tahtll, until they were pressed together from shoulder to hip. A soft purr emanated from her in an attempt to calm him and she gently dropped the scale in front of him. Inside she was shaking, waiting for him to snap or flee, and her tail remained tightly curled around her. Crouching down a bit, her ears drooped back, it was obvious that she was smaller than the male, and hesitant. But she couldn't bring herself to say anything or leave just yet.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
orz I am horrid, I'm so so sorry.

Random Nobody 13

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:29 pm
The B'alam's mind was filled with anxious wallows, Bright light seemed to ricochet in the darkness of his closed eyes. Each 'flash' of light shot arcoss his mind making him more dizzy then the next. It was like he was caught in a pit of tar, struggling so desperately to be free, his body wanted to rip free of it's self. Desperoux's body shook and shuttered with breath that quaked though his body. His tail had never twisted so tightly against his body, as if it tried to hold and comfort him. He wanted to wail out, but his maw closed on it's self tighter grinding his teeth even more tightly together.

It wasn't till he felt the sudden warmth of another against him that his tear flooded eyes shot open and his yellow body braced it's self. Claws shot out, and his breathing doubled. When it looked as if he would spring up and dart off into the light forest, to be gone forever. What was that? A light. The sight of his golden scale fell before him and took his watery gaze. How it shined in the light, seemed for the first time to show the beauty of his own dirty gold scales. It caused Desperoux maw to open slightly, as for the first time-it was a glimpse of what his blind (edited) magus might have saw in him.

Swallowing a hiccup left Desperoux, as he felt his body turn and lean more into the purring and comforting warmth. Letting the scale drop, a shaken paw reached out and pulled the scale closer to his body. like a cub cuddling their parents paw. His eyes fell close and a soft weep left the b'alam. Though this time, it wasn't as panicked and hopeless.

It was sad, but....there was just something 'completing' about it. A healing.

After a moment the weeping stopped, and Desperoux lifted his head. revailing the scale that was in his paw, his eyes opened to look at it's tarnished gold color.

"I'm S..sOrry. I am...Not VHary..gOood at -this-..."
The B'alam worked through his words in a unsteady wobble.

He took in a slow breath and released a shuttered one. At least he wasn't crying anymore. Though his body felt tired and heavy...

"Thank you..."

Random Nobody 13
No worries! Wonderful post! [/quote
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:21 am
Just as she feared, the touch of her side against his startled Desperoux. The soft shick of his claws flaring out sounded loud to her ears. LeAnna buried her own claws into the soft loam under her paws, bracing for him to flee. In contrast to the hurried pants of the tahtll, she held her breath, waiting. . waiting . . A moment passed with no retaliation, then another. One eye slit open and she glanced over just in time to feel him leaning into her.

Gradually, her purring steadily grew louder, her body relaxing. The fact that he took the scale proved that she had done the right thing to bring it to him. That was what had been wanted of her. Feeling much calmer, she leaned against Desperoux more, noticing that he seemed less shaken now. To her relief, his helpless weeping slowly abated and he raised his head. Her ears flicked up to catch his words and she shook her head a bit.

"No, I'm sorry. I don't know anything, I can't help much," her reply was soft, hesitant. Her body was slowly calming, believing that she doing the right thing and relaxing to help calm the other. "I thought. . you might want that. . .even if I made a mistake when you were helping me." Ears flicking back a moment, she resolutely raised them again. The soft warm feeling reassured her and she gently nudged his face with her own. "I didn't want. . .us to part. . .like that." Her tail twitched, finally uncurling from around her leg. "Can I. . help you. . .somehow?" Her desire to help him won out from the hesitation she felt. She wanted to learn more, and see more, but she also wanted to help this tahtll, to make up for causing him so much hurt. There had to be something that she could do.

[2497 words]
[ Radical Dreamer ]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:20 pm
"You didn't do anything wrong..." Left Desperoux in a wobble, slowly he shook his head. Truly she didn't do anything wrong, she was newly woven-and reacted as she should, as anyone might. It was him. It had always been him, he had always been different...where others would have acted 'normally', he seemed to...overreact.

"It was me..." Desperoux squeaked. His tail shuttered a little at the admittance. Yellow eyes looked down at his paw as it uncurled to reveal the hard, muddied gold scale.

His eyes closed as she spoke of a 'mistake', she didn't make one. No, he did...he was a 'mistake', he had done something 'wrong', there was something 'wrong' with him. Yet, hew as the one the trade of his tribe, depended on.

"..I do." Desperoux answered, as he was gently nudged by LeAnna. She was so kind, and her purring was so comforting. He did want his scale, though to him it was just a dirty unattractive thing-that at that moment before she had caused him to see more delight in it. Even if it was just a little...

"Thank you." He took in a deep breath, as he tried to do what her purrs did for him, and calm himself as well.

Nodding he agreed with her, as his body still from it's panicked shaking. "Yeah-we shouldn't." Desi spoke, turning his head he looked back at LeAnna. It would be fair for her to think, she had done something wrong. Yellow eyes and tear soaked fur looked back at her. A weak smile pulled at his maw. He didn't want her to turn out like him-or ever feel the worry he does. It wasn't anything he would wish for anyone.

"-you- didn't do anything wrong." Left Desperoux softly and almost in a whisper. His tail slowly uncurled.

"The Weaver just weaved you, he doesn't make un-perfected things..." A stronger smile placed it's self on his maw as he was met with a double standard he held for himself.

Random Nobody 13
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