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Morning was due to break soon. The wind howled along the ridge line, and the stars clung to the sky, even as the rising sun sought to chase them away. The icy mountainside was barren to the undiscerning eye, but on a high ledge, a small white and red form stirred in the fresh powder. The young tahtll could not have awoke in a more breath taking or dangerous position, and as his tyrian-hued eyes slid open to regard the world around him for the first time, he was rendered speechless by it. For a long time he remained pressed close to the soft white snow beneath him, freshly deposited the previous night by a small flurry that had passed through. He could not remember anything, but was distinctly aware of himself, and of the curiosity he felt. As he gazed up into the sky, he couldn't help but wonder what it was he was supposed to do next.

After regarding the world around him for some time, he crawled to the edge of the icy extrusion, and quickly realized that it wasn't quite as steep as he had initially assumed. As nice as the view was, there wasn't much to do on the ledge, but as he attempted to stand, a knot tied itself in his stomach, and he plopped back down, swallowing his dread. What to do? Would he be stuck forever?? Laying his head on his paws, the young tahtll relegated himself to observing the vast world beneath him. There was very much of it, but there were other things, too. The pointy greenery of trees, and...was that little splotch moving?? His heart began to pound, and he nearly leapt to his feet, before the fear overtook him again. Yes, the little shape below was definitely moving. For the first time, his voice boomed down the mountain.

"Hehh...h-hello??? Hello!!" The tahtll was surprised to hear the sound coming from his own mouth, amazed as he called out, forming the words as naturally as could be. He didn't know who it was down there, or if it would even understand, but it was worth trying. With his breath puffing heavily into the air before him, the young b'alam sat close to the edge, chin on his paws and eyes glued to the form on the path below.