This is a backup of my SF stuff just in case it gets deleted or somethin'.
Hey, Gaia! How ya doing? It's been a while since I stuck my neck out in SF other than posting in the occasional thread. I thought you were doing a bit better.

I'm starting to get tired of being wrong. am I? Well funny you should ask. I'm pretty dang upset actually. Angry even, irate, furious!

No need to ask why. I know you don't care, I'm a user and one who doesn't spend money here so I don't matter. Don't worry, you've made that clear.

Get to the point you say? Well sure thing. I understand you have some more things to ripoff, more people to disappoint and probably more legal letters to send before going to dive into your pit of money.

Let's start the feedback shall we?
For the sake of the users I'll give a rundown on what's happened recently. Gaia interactive sent a cease and desist letter to the owner of Tektek, ordering that the site be pulled down on the grounds of copyright infringement. Now Tektek has been around since 2004 and Gaia has been aware of it to the point of advertising it in their welcome fairy messages. Never before have they seemed to have issue with tektek. Unfortunately that is apparently no longer the case.

Background done.

So Gaia, Since you're experts on copyright law I'm absolutely positive that you had absolutely no intention of flirting so closely with breaking it yourselves. Surely these designs and the will to make them came only from your own minds inspired by nothing but creativity and certainly not by profiting off of fan fever.

Let's see.

User Image Wow, that sure looks a lot like the asari from the Mass Effect franchise. What a coincidence that you also thought of blue aliens with multiple sleeked back headtails.
Okay, commentary will take too long. Let's just separate by franchise shall we.

Pokemon - Since this is your biggest moneymaker "inspiration" lately we'll start here.
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And those are just the NEW ripoffs from pokemon that could very well get you sued.
Let's go to one you've run into the ground so many times it's deader than dead can dead.
Sailor Freakin' Moon Also known as - How many freakin' usagi odango hairstyles do we need!?
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Here's another one that you so abuse, especially in the hair department.
Final Fantasy
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One of the most popular franchises of all time that you ripoff
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Please feel free to add to this list Gaians. I am going back to bed for now but I will certainly be adding to it later.

And that's just SOME of the blatant ripoffs you guys have sold for REAL DAMN MONEY. The only difference between you guys and Tekton was that his site was better at being Gaia than Gaia is and it was still free.

Until you guys can come up with a dream avi creator that actually works, sorts by colour and type and doesn't require me to know the name of every damn item you guys put out every single day, you've screwed most of your users over. Congrats.