LOST CLAN CREATION FORM The Horseman Name: Jasmine (茉莉)
Nicknames: Jazzy, 莉莉
Gender: Female
Age: Apperance-wise, early 20's.
Original Clan: Conquest
Job Role: Artisan
Personality: Jasmine is shy and timid, and often trips over her own words just as much as she trips over her own robes. Despite acting skittish, she is quite fond of being in the company of others, and will do her best to try and overcome her fears for the sake of companionship. What she lacks in courage and finesse, she makes up for in loyalty, diligence and compassion. She cares deeply for others, and will more than often go out of her way in order to accommodate them, and will work tirelessly in order to achieve her goals, despite fumbling quite a bit on the way.
She has a passion for music, and her favourite instruments to play are the guzheng and liuqin. If she isn't busy crafting one, she'll often pass the time playing, often lost in her own world until someone interrupts her, to which her clumsy demeanor will return.
Mount Form: A pretty white horse
Weapon Form: Bow
FEAR ATTACK: The Barrier T2
The Chill T1
The Pulse T1
Physical Description: exclaim Please refer to this
outfit guide for horsemen!
exclaim Eye Colour: Seafoam
Hair Colour/Style: Dark bluish-black
Skin Colour: PEACH
Clothing Style/Colours: Oriental dancer clothes idk
Extra: /shrugs
References: Clothing idea hair idea hair idea Tektek idea sheet