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Moric prowled through the cavern tunnels, moving far away from his post since he had been relieved of his duty for the next several hours. This male was a guard under the command of Xibalba and absolutely proud to have such an important profession as soon as he had woken up. Ever since that moment all this male had done was work hard to keep any and all criminals in line, watching them with that cold, mean eye and keeping his own guard up to not let them get the best of him and his fellow guards.

Yet it was also a relief whenever Moric had a chance to breathe and keep away from the criminals. It was the time for him to relax and truly let his guard down in private in order to recharge himself from the challenging tasks at hand, especially when his faction was much better than the ones who dealt with the fools. Baring his teeth in the dim light of the tunnels, the male didn't approve of those fools and their wardens.

It didn't matter. Moric was off duty and needed to unwind. Perhaps he will rest and have a decent conversation with someone. It was something he was sorely in need of considering Moric barely spoke to anyone while on duty. Then again it could very well be because of his cold and grumpy demeanor that inspired others to keep their distance of him. Growling softly, the male found a small spring of cool water and went to it, sitting down with his wings pressed tightly against him as he was lost in the depths of his thoughts yet keeping his ears alert for anyone who might approach this common dwelling area.

Strawberri Stardust