The Sentinels Party has geared its goal toward situating itself on land encompassing part of the border which includes volcanic and forest grounds with access to a water source.

Presently and amusingly enough the only member so far is the Fire tribe B'alam Evartene and her Bork familiar Havinaf. She is the founder and currently acting leader of the Sentinels Party, and she has somehow convinced herself--be it through her imagination or gut feelings--that she is now on a fitting mission to search for two co-leaders who she envisions shall succeed her (in leadership, not Bork egg farming--the latter had not crossed her mind) and spearhead the aiding of the party's growth and development.

Members & Positions List:
* Evartene: Sentinels Party founder and currently acting leader, and Bork egg farmer

Upcoming Membership Targets Arrivals:
* Ryu (Bork egg customer, requested rl custom, shall be Viel's spirit-bound partner)
* Viel (Bork egg customer, requested rl custom, shall be Ryu's spirit-bound partner)

My OOC Goals:
* Let's be ambitious and aim for 2k words per character per rp 8 D But of course a minimum of 1k is definitely fine and beyond wonderful already though duration of plotline rps shall give a reasonable time span with an opportunity to leisurely gather 2k words when hosted x D
* Evartene is my priority for getting to Magus first and having ourselves qualified as a colony candidate and instated asap ^u^
* Ryu and Viel shall become the new acting Magus co-leaders eventually but this is certainly not something in need of any sort of rush ahaha Cx

* Foooooooood: Bork eggs oQo
* Genre: comedic and serious adventure lol idkwhyiaddedthisbeyondtehlaughsahaha >u<
* Please feel free to join me on a colony establishing journey sprinkled with the weirdness of three and a half puffy puffs! oUo

Listingness of Sentinels Party thingies:
* Bork egg farming
* providing a watch and defense for Fire tribe capital and lands
* thriving society

* Hi, I am interested in some Bork eggs. (themes: first meeting, three oddballs all together for the first time, where is Havinaf, Bork search, providing Bork eggs, customers, recruiting) [ intro = | conclusion = ]
* Mission?? What?! (themes: more obtaining of Bork eggs, sharing and considering personal aspirations, two and a half of three and a half puffy puffs begrudgingly forming a party of sorts, more customers and regulars, recruiting) [ intro = | conclusion = ]
* Sooo are we nomadic?? (themes: inconsistent presence of egg providing spot, more getting to know each other and sharing stories such as of adventures, more customers and regulars, recruiting) [ intro = | conclusion = ]
* A fight for land rights?! (themes: impatience, annoyance, questioning, truths, reconciliation sortofmaybeithinkyes, Bork eggs for free alimitedtimeoffertodayonly, recruiting) [ intro = | conclusion = ]
* What aree we tryyingg to accomplish?! (themes: why just Bork eggs almost all the time, brainstorming together, anddd more customers and regulars, recruiting) [ intro = | conclusion = ]
* (hosted when instated as a colony) Whoo!!!!!!!!! We are established! (themes: celebration, Bork egg festival lol jk or not, recruiting) [ intro = | conclusion = ]
* (can be delayed considerably) Oh!! It's you two all along!! (themes: more obtaining of Bork eggs) [ intro = | conclusion = ]