Name: Cozene Aequor
Cozene -- from latin 'Cozen'; to trick, to decieve
Aequor -- Latin; the sea / surface of the sea

Blood colour: #630808; but intentionally goes hemoanonymous

Gender: Androgyne

Symbol: A variation on the antimony symbol.

Cozene's gonna punch the hemospectrum in the bulge b/c that's about how high they can reach on an adult troll

Determined: When Cozene sets their mind to something, nothing can stop them. They will carry through, they will keep going, and nothing from a lusus to the ********' Empress herself will stop them from what they are going to do. You see, Cozene can take almost nything that's thrown at them and get back up. There is very little that can keep them down for long - they're tougher than people give them credit for.
Quick-Minded: They're a thief, so they've got to be -- but Cozene thinks very quickly on their feet, and their fingers are equally quick. They're an innovator when need-be
Strong Stomach: They can basically eat anything, they don't really care. You make your way on what you can, and when you're a redblood, what you can get isn't too much! Cozene is tiny and scrappy (emphasis on scrappy), and unless it's flat-out poisoned most edibles don't phase them.

Amoral / Lack of Empathy: Cozene gets it! Really! They do, they feel bad for you, blah blah. Also? They don't care, suck it up, spank your inner moppet and move on.
Jealous: Nobody is allowed to have things that Cozene doesn't. Nobody. They will never have enough and they are so hungry, so hungry, and if they don't have it then they will have to take it from you because it -- will -- be -- theirs. They will resort to thievery very quickly if something is kept from them -- it's not even that they want it or need it, just that you're allowed to have it and they aren't. And that's enough. They're bitter and greedy and how dare you be better than them, how dare you.

Weapon: Primarily steel-toed boots -- Cozene kicks like something that kicks hard, and they can break things with enough momentum and fury -- but they also keep a pair of trench knives! You know. Because one just isn't enough. (The knives are stolen, though, so they're

Horns: Here's a ten-second idea.
Hair: Lots of it! Long, waist-length; either in twin braids or a single braid with a thick metal band as a hair tie. Wavy with a few perfect ringlets here and there, but generally it's the nicest thing about Cozene.
Clothing: Lots of stripes. Wears dirty, worn-out boots and some tights: probably striped. Besides that, also fingerless gloves! Gotta have that dexterity, yo.
Other: They're DMAB but slender enough that nobody could really guess! Very leggy, in that coltish gangly stage of adolescence. Generally kind of scruffy, and got lotsa freckles.
AKA Wanda drew them.


Lusus: A small wolf-like creature, resembling a plushie, with an endless lamprey-like maw of teeth. Don't put fingers in there. Their name is Maw.

Power: Hydrokinesis! [water noises, blub blub blub]