(Logged yahoo rp for Tallulah/Pavati and Dysmas/Pontas)

Tallulah:: -takes a breath- okie motherhood time

*Pontas climbs all over Lulah*

Tallulah:: -sighs- you just grow and now you are climbing over me, you are definitely your father's son

*Pon grins up his mother*

Tallulah:: Dysmas get your sunset butt over here..I'm not raising these on my own
Pavati:: -frowns at her brother-

*Dys brings food* oh good. they popped on your watch. *teases*
*pon laughs and swats at his sibling*

Tallulah:: not funny
Pavati:: -steps back from Pon swatting at her and glances at Dysmas- Daddy!
Tallulah:: Dysmas..come get your son -gestures to Pon-

*Dys struts over and scoops up Pav* are you sure i can't take this cute girl?

Pavati: -snuggles into Dysmas- Daddy!!
Tallulah:: -sighs lightly and lets Pon continue to climb over her-

*pon wrinkles nose and laughs at Pav* Ahahahah girls are.... *pauses with a glance at his mother* ......
Dys: How's daddy's sweet little girl? *cuddles her to his chest*

Tallulah:: -glances at Pon- girls are what?
Pavati:: I'm good -smiles and cuddles into her dad-

Pon: *digs his paw into the sand* nothing mama.
*Dys pulls out a pretty shell for Pav*

Tallulah:: -glances at Pon slightly suspicious- okay
Pavati:: ohh...pretty shell

*Pon is tempted to steal the shell from him sister until quelled by a look from his father*

Tallulah:: -snuggles Pon- such a little rascal..but Love you anyway

*Pon gives his mother a rogue-ish grin* imma be a swashbuckler!

Pavati:: daddy, where did you find this shell? -lightly taps the shell with a paw-

*Dys chuckles and sits down while keeping an eye on Pon* If you go to the ocean on a moonless night and sing beautifully for it, it will give you a gift.

Tallulah:: -glances at Pon- oh really? -pulls Pon closer to her- as long as you don't forget your family when you grow up
Pavati:: really?! is that how you got mama?

*Pon wiggles, trying to escape from his mother* swashbucklers don't have mot....... *glances toward his father and coughs*
*Dys levels a gaze at Pon, then gives Lulah a wink before replying* yes it was. she came out of the water

Tallulah:: -glares at Pon- Swashbucklers don't have what?
Pavati:: ooh....Pon is getting in trouble

Pon: uh... uh... uh.... *searches around frantically* moths! yes that’s it.
*Dys laughs and rubs his cheek against Pav's* Yes. He has much to learn, you'll need to help him

Tallulah:: -glares suspiciously at Pon-
Pavati:: what?! but daddy, I doubt he'll be okay with being helped by his sister

*pon tries to put on an innocent face*
Dys: *leands down and whispers* no, but you should still help him. be gentle and he will come to accept it.

Tallulah:: -sighs a little-
-glances at her brother- I guess so

*Pon looks around and finds a crab crawling across the sand. he slinks over and starts pawing at it*
*Dys smiles and licks her nose*

Tallulah:: -lets out a breath lightly and glances at Dysmas keeping an eye on Pon- Dysie, Pon is going to be my sole cause of exhaustion
Pavati:: -follows Pon to make sure he doesn't venture too far-

*Dys nuzzles his mate* i'll make sure you get plenty of breaks then. *keeps his eye on the cubs as well*
*Pon laughs as he pokes the crab and it scuttles across the sand*

Tallulah:: -nuzzles Dysmas back- Thanks ^^ I love you
Pavati:: You can't go too far Pon, Mommy and Daddy won't be albe to see you if you do

*pon glances back, surprised to see his sister following* aawww what are you doing here pav? go back to mommy.

Pavati:: -shakes her head- no...I need to make sure..you don't stray far, what if you get lost then what will you do

*Pon puffs out his chest* I can't get lost! I have a superior sense of direction!

Pavati:: no you don't! we're still small

*pon humfs at his nagging sibling* lemme alone pav.

Pavati:: nooooo!

*pon rolls his eyes* alright! you can come along. just keep up. *looks down at his sister*

Pavati:: -glances back at their parents but follows Pon anyway-
Tallulah:: -glances at the cubs- I hope they don't wander far

Dys: they shouldn't be hard to track. i'll go after them. *gets up and mosies after his wayward offspring.
*pon tramps forward with his head held high. He was an intrepid explorer. discovering new beaches.... with his tagalong following. *he wrinkled his nose as he glanced back at his sister once more. who needed girls?!* oo look what's this? *runs up to some seaweed laying on the beach*

Tallulah: -nods her head- okay
Pavati tramps after her brother, looking at their new surroundings. She hadn't been down this portion of the beach before, but her adventurous sibling wanted to discover more. She made a face why was she responsible for helping him learn the necessary skills, why couldn't Anatola or Calder do it. She sighed lightly and ran up beside her brother to investigate the seaweed.