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Aisuto was crouched down behind a snow drift, watching a snow mouse very closely. It had just poked its nose up out of the snow a minute ago, probably making sure that he wasn't where he was. But he was down wind, and the little thing couldn't see him, so he had a good chance of catching one this time! At least, he thought he did. His dark blue fur did very little to help him hunt in the daytime, and he wasn't allowed to be out at night by himself yet. Not yet, but he hoped his parents would let him out soon. It wasn't like he was incapable of defending himself! Even if he didn't have any fangs yet.

The mouse's head appeared over the layer of snow he was hiding under and Aisuto ducked down, nubby tail wiggling in anticipation of the quick hunt. Well, it wasn't really quick. He'd been waiting for a while for the little mouse to appear. And he wasn't going to botch it up this time! Waiting was the hardest part of hunting, but he could do it. He knew he could. All he had to do was wait until the mouse was far enough from the hole that Aisu could get between him and it.

The mouse was hesitating though, poised just on the edge of his hole. If he decided to go back in, Aisu would be stuck waiting for who knew how long! It had already been almost forever.

"Come on come one." He whispered, words on the arctic wind and then gone. The mouse didn't seem to hear him. It didn't move at all, still sniffing the air and looking delicious. It finally, finally! moved out away from it's little nest, and Aisu sprang, coming between it and it's hole. The thing squeaked and dove for another hole in the snow with Aisuto hot on his heels. He almost grabbed it's tail with his teeth when it vanished into what was probably another den.

"No..." He whined, sitting back on his hunches and pawing at the snow. "Come baaaack."

Chimerical Beast