User ImageThe call of waters had brought Neapspring from the playful coast to the capital by the lake. Mirro te Weavia--Mirror of the Weaver. A reflection of all that was good in the world. Neapspring, personally, thought it should have been by the sea, but the lake was a fine place to settle, too. More fresh water, for one thing. And lots of rock to make a palace out of. She'd heard about the plans to make a palace from other Water Tribe. It certainly sounded interesting, but she hoped no one thought she was lazy when she had politely declined to help in its building. She couldn't help it--her head had been woven like a river. To follow the contours of the land, to see strange sights, and meet wonderful people, these were all a part of her head and her heart. They called it "river-minded." Fair enough. Not what she would have called it, but she rather liked it. It was, after all, who and what she was.

But there was a place in her tribe for her, too--the Storm Walkers. They who followed the magus Stillwater from place to place to expand the knowledge of Water Tribe, and, by extension, all tribes. The journey would begin here. Neapspring could hardly wait! But the journey would not begin until the month of August had breathed its last. That would be in...approximately a weak and a half. So the restless nantil had that long to convalesce and, if she was lucky, make new friends. She might not see them again until next July, but maybe she'd get lucky, and could convince them to join her and the rest of the Storm Walkers around the world!

The white tahtll looked promising. He actually sort of reminded her of her own markings and colors, a bit. She trotted towards him. "Good morning! Are you waiting for something?" It looked a bit like he was, though for what, she did not, of course, know.
