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As the sun is highest in the cornflower blue skies, the wildlife is bustling around like usual, calling out to each other and scampering around to find food or supplies for their dens, nests and whatnot. That peace was shattered when a tight ball of b'alam suddenly appeared next to the river, the birds choked the skies when they all took off shrieking alarm calls and wildlife on the ground cleared the spot rapidly, running for their shelters. Opening his eyes for first time after listening to the cacophony the wildlife caused, the male found himself curled up in a very tight ball right next to a running river and first thing he did was look at the water in utter fascination. It was love at the first sight!

The sounds of river, the smell and everything just entrapped this male in its enhancement and the male couldn't help but to reach his shaky paw out to submerge it in the cold running water with a blissful sigh. The male rests his head on his front leg as he enjoys the feeling of the water running against his paw as his mind starts to ask questions...

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I here?

Why does this water makes me feel good?

So many questions are clogging up his mind and it is driving the male crazy so he forced himself to pull away from the river and stand up on his shaky newborn legs. First thing he thought that would help him is to jump in the river so that's what he did.. he stumbled and fell down several times before he managed to walk to the river wobbly without falling down. The bubbling water of river seems to sing and rises up to beckon him in, so in he goes not knowing that just like walking, he needs to learn how to swim. The river suddenly seizes the male in its control, sweeping him down toward the rapids while the male flails and gasping while his webbed paws instinctively starts to paddle against the current.

His heavy tail billows out behind him as he managed to swim back to the calm part of the river, spotting a purple figure up ahead and it perked his attention up. In his newborn mind, he thinks that river is his teacher and is teaching him lessons but now.. the question is.. what lesson? The purple figure up ahead is temporarily forgotten.. again.
