A Lesson In Gold Gen Laundering

At Revolution:Gaia we look down on the use and purchase of gold generators as they are the core reason that everything is wrong with Gaia today and consider this a bannable offense within the guild. We implore you to not enable Gaia Online or the gold gen sellers in the marketplace by buying their product. It indirectly encourages them to purchase/sell more with their GC and continue pumping gold into our community. They are 95% more over priced than the grant amount of gold you would get from them out of your curiosity. This is truth! Save your gold!

However, there comes a time in every Gaian's life where they may come across a gold generator, be it found in dumpster dive, gifted (or bought one out of curiosity from the Marketplace. burning_eyes )
This simple technique will help you rid yourself of the "dirty" feeling of having a gold generator in your possession. It will also sink the gold from said generator, while helping the economy and you can still come out on top!!
Be prepared to take just a little bit of loss with this technique. Each individual gold gen payout and method of laundering the gold has it's own costs associated with it.

How Do You Still Come Out On Top
Well, you will still end up with more gold than you did before the generator came into your life. razz

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Here Is How Its Done

-First you open the gold generator and get your prize! (yes, that is right gonk )

Please be sure to pick the item prize if your gold generator gives you a choice. If it does then you have just solved your own problem and you need not go further wink
If you are not given a choice and can only be granted gold, take note of the amount of gold you have received because this is going to delegate your purchasing price.

-If you have access to Loyal's Bazaar, this is where you want to spend that gold.
-Bifrost is the only choice for members without access to Loyal's Bazaar, so Cache bundles are really the only high priced choice for you to use.

If you do not have access to Loyal's Bazaar but need more purchasing power to launder larger amounts of Gold Generator winnings, please feel free to contact me to assist you in that process

Please Note: All Laundering Purchases Must Be Over The Winning Gold Amount You Received. Any Remaining Gold From The Generator Is Enabling Inflation


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Bifrost Cache Bundles: 1000 Pack , 500 Pack, 100 Pack

1)You will want to purchase the same amount in Cache bundles that you received from the Gold Gen.

2) Re-list them in The Marketplace for sale.

3) Get your gold winnings back emotion_bandaid

Please Note: You will receive a loss of gold due to the Marketplace tax (3%) upon your sale of the items. This is the sacrifice one must make in order to benefit their community. (Besides, you'll still have more gold than you did before xp )


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Loyal's Bazaar
1.) Look for items that are priced 3% or more than your granted gold amount.
Say you won 35,000,000, and 3% of that is 1, 050,000, purchase items totaling just slightly over that amount (36,050,000).

2) Re-list them in The Marketplace for sale.

3) Get your gold winnings back emotion_bandaid

Please Note: You will receive a loss of gold due to the Marketplace tax (3%) upon your sale of the items. This is the sacrifice one must make in order to benefit their community. (Besides, you'll still have more gold than you did before xp )

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Flynn's Plunder
Shove that gold right back up Flynn's Booty!
Bid on something to WIN!!
The gold from Flynn's Plunder does not circulate back into the economy. You can drop it there and take home something nice as well

Lesson Learned?

You may not get back the entire amount that you won from the generator, because of marketplace taxes and expenditures, but you still come out on top, with more gold than you had before the Gen. emotion_bandaid

How Did That Benefit The Economy?

Well, there is nothing wrong with a little extra purchasing power, but here is how it really worked out for the community. emotion_hug

1.) You opened a gen and took the gold, but you didn't dump it into the economy.

2.) You also destroyed the gold generator itself.

3.) You sank the gold in the gold shop by purchasing items and selling them on the Marketplace, taking someone elses gold from the economy.

Essentially, you opened a gold gen, got rid of the gold forever and put an item in circulation, instead of more gold! Plus you have more gold than you did before and that dirty guilty feeling of having a Gold Generator has been washed away. wink

This is in no way intended to encourage users to purchase or sell gold generators. This is meant solely to execute an economically healthy method of removing the gold and the gold generating product from the system.