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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra
[FIN] ... It Doesn't Have To Be A Snowman (Buck, Jack &Elsa) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:55 pm

Oh so closed.

Blue eyes widened at the speed Elsa managed to whip around.

Whoa, again he was reminded of how fast she was.

Jack readied himself, ready to run. However to his surprise, he felt the soft bite of snow on his maw. In a laugh, Jack flopped over on to his side, in almost perfect timing to the impact of the snow.

Laying on his side, his maw released the stick as he continued to roar in laughter.

That was a good hit.

"What a Hit!" Jack laughed, smiling he started to sit himself up.

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:28 pm
Elsa remained unmoved and glaring back at the tumbling and merry Jack. Her eyes narrowed. For what seemed an eternity she stood there glaring at him wondering if it was worth even a word to him. The longer she waited the more the words felt as if they were going to burst from her maw.

Something, anything! She hit him and he had missed. Never mind the fact that he had -dared- throw anything at her in the first place. What was important now was that she managed to hit him in the face.

"That is more than you can claim!" She boasted cooly, with her head held high and her chest slightly puffed.

Her ears swiveled toward him while she drew in deep breaths. The thin visible stream was visible on each long exhale. Very slowly her paws begun to grip at the snow.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:38 pm
As Jack stood up, his coat ruffled free the snow that cuddled with it in his tumble.

"I Know! Isn't it great?!" The Tahtll cheered with a hop, his maw hung open with a wide smile as he looked back over at Snow Queen. She had a good mind on her to throw a snow ball. Grant it, he wasn't trying too hard as he was a little in fear what would happen this time if he actually hit her. Well, that fear had been outweighed by the feeling that was there when they where actually leaving each other.

That one was unpleasant....

"Come on, you can't tell me that wasn't in the slightest even a little bit satisfying?" Jack went on to ask as he dared to take a step closer to Elsa's direction. She however still didn't seem to see the 'fun' in playing with snow.

What a Pitty.

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 2:08 pm
"I do not have to say anything to -you-, Mr. Frost." Elsa spoke in an unvarnished tone.

Her head lifted high while her eyes trailed to his paws and what they were doing. Every movement he made she watched him carefully. All the while she did not once break her regal stance. She wouldn't want to appear in any other manner to this one, even if she felt more at ease with him around.

"Have you ever made anything else with the snow? Aside something to foolishly lob at anyone who happens to pass by?"

Though the sound in her voice suggested she was scolding Jack over the matter, her eyes told a different story. They widened just a little bit while her frame leaned a fraction closer. Both ears remained fixated on Jack.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 4:34 pm
"Well, of course you don't" Jack spoke, as his nose gave a confused crinkle. What would be the point of her saying anything if she felt forced to do so. Talk about boring, it wouldn't feel like her earned it if she did. Though, he did state for her to say something about it. But...

Ears flicked back as he recalled his words, that wasn't what he meant and she seemed to take things too literal.

Jack's eyes dart to the side as he looked at the powder, well...

"Well...No..." Jack spoke and looking from the snow he looked back to the Snow Queen.

"But that doesn't mean we cant!" The Tahtll spoke, his paws stilled spread as far as they could go, he hopped a little.

"How about it? Why...we could make a snow b'alam!" The child like adult smiled. Why! That was a great idea.

"Do you wanna build a snow b'alam?" Jack then thought about it, maybe she wouldn't want to be a snow b'alam. His eyes looked down to the powder under him...

", it doesn't have to be a snow B'alam..."

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:51 pm
Elsa watched as the little snowflake wrinkles his nose than prance around like snowflake set adrift in the wind. Or maybe a rock tumbling down a hill-side. Either way she found herself staring at him without a change in her expression.

"Why would you make a snow b'alam? Are you hoping by some unexplained means that it would hop to life and desire warm cuddles? I see no purpose in it... besides, How would you keep the shape if the snow is so willing to simply fall apart?"

Though she sounded indifferent and could care less about the answer, Elsa was genuinely intrigued by how he might answer. He had been the one to come up with making the snow into tossable balls. She had made her own by mimicking what she had watched him do a few times.

Despite the cold exterior she did pay attention to things that interested her. Which was mostly why she had yet to leave this "cub" of a snowflake.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:58 pm
Jack's ears docked back at the Snow Queen's words and statement of life coming from snow. If only he had been so powerful, maybe that snow b'alam would actually play with him. Unlike some Nahtlil, that haven't even shared her name with him yet..

Oh well, such is life at times he could only hope that one day he would know her name.

"Well, why not. It could be fun if it did!" Jack answered. "We kinda did the same thing once right?" Mr. Frost was playful to suggest, well...he at least felt like he sprang to life from something. Maybe -it- was snow? He didn't know, maybe the Moon would tell him so at one point.

For now, they could at least pretend.

"And Uh...." Jack's eyes darked side to side at the snow. "Well, you just pack it!" Mr. Frost stated with a hop in his place, and he took a step back.

His nose dipped in the snow where his front paws had been and he lifted the
'packed' bit of snow with the tip. His thoughts lifted the slightly packed lob of snow to show the Ice Queen.

"See." Jack smiled. " It's vary shape changing-like, ..." His thoughts let the packed snow drop, so she didn't think he was going to lob it at her. "It's the same thing as those things you tossed at me...well kinda" Jack's head tilted as he tried to think of a better way to explain what he meant.

They would make things out of it.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:43 pm
Elsa was ready to go back on the defensive when she saw Jack's ears dock back. Her frame puffed up and stood tall as if bracing for another verbal thrashing (one instigated by herself ofcourse). However, the stance melted away a little as he explained how to pack the snow and form it into anything.

Her brow quirked from atop its lofty thrown. Elegantly she moved forward and closer to Jack to get a better look at the lump of what was a hovering snowball. Her own was not as neat, but she would never outwardly admit to that...

"And how do you make that into more than just a ball without it falling apart?" She inquired with much less venom in her tone. Her head even lowered from its prideful lift just a hair as she inspected the lump of snow.

She was having a hard time picturing it as anything but a lump of snow.

"How can that work the same?" She asked without looking at what Jack was doing.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:53 am
Jack looked from the snow ball back to Elsa as she inspected the floating orb. A little smile tugged and poke at the corner of his maw, as she actually seemed interested in what he had to show. Okay, so he couldn't mess this up in otherwords.

'How do you make it more then just a ball without it falling apart?', Hmm that was a good question. Jack's eyes looked to the ball, his head tilted a little, as he inspected it.


Jack paused, he knew one could-but how?

"It just does," Jack answered in a little shrug of his shoulders. He didn't know, the Moon didn't tell him why, just that it did.

His thought drew up another little back of snow, as he joined it with the floating orb. nothing special it was just a smaller ball that rested on top the bigger one.

Adding a little pressure, he turned the orbs upside down to show they remained together.

"See..." left Jack, as he had another idea and the 'top' orb of snow quickly was divided into four little cylinders. A extra orb was made for a 'head', and place with the ball with legs. And with that he let his thoughts turn it to show the Snow Queen.

The little ball was quickly turned into a little round creature with a head and four legs.

"Oh, wait-" Quickly left jack as he noticed he forgot the nub of a tail. With another spare thought, a tiny little circle of snow was add for the tail.

"There." He smiled and represented the oblong 'chubby' snow b'alam to the Nahtill.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:44 am
Elsa was ready to claim "it just does" as a poor excuse for something to happen. However, as he begun to work her words were lost to the drifting snows. She watched carefully as Jack begun to make more snowballs and force them together. At first she couldn't see a shape beyond several lumps all mashed and stuck to one another. Her head tilted to the side, but retained it's regal composure.

The longer she watched him the more a wondrous smile begun to form in the corners of her maw. She could see it now! It looked like a b'alam made of snow! And it wasn't falling apart!

Than the small nub of a tail made the piece all the more akin to what he was creating. That was simply amusing!

A small b'alam made of snow... but wait, something was missing.

Elsa looked down by her paws, conveniently, there were two stones of somewhat of the same size. Carefully she levitated them to Jack's creation and placed them even more carefully into the lump of snow that appeared to be its head.

Her smile broadened all the more as the snow b'alam seemed to be looking back at them with bright eyes. Much darker than the both of them, but still endearing. The lack of a mouth was even more amusing to her. So much so she failed to realize she had not said a word to Jack, just oogled his creation with a wide child-like smile plastered on her maw.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:00 pm
Jack's bounced about the new creation from paw to tip of the frozen ears. It was almost surreal to see the creature standing there still in the frigged air. Not only that, but the nan standing beside him, the one who seemed to have not a single fun bone in her body was completely amused by this wondrous creature. While he thought on this he looked from the snow creature to the snow queen before him. His maw gaped just a little as it occurred to him, for a nahtlil with so many words, she had become speechless. Speechless on something that was fun related. Jack couldn't help but feel completely accomplished. The amused smile on her maw spoke volumes! She had been so cold, cold enough that he had not even known her name! Still did not even have a clue what it was. That did not matter. She could hold of on that until later, or ever. Jack was just happy that she was finally enjoying the games that he had come up with. Not because he had come up with them, but because she was finally enjoying herself. This was the fist time she seemed to have relaxed.

Ears perked and his head leaned a little closer, as his own maw closed and the always placed smile widened even more. He would remain silent though, as he took in for the first time since meeting her, that priceless smile on her maw. The image was forever stored in his memory. Her smile was almost as bright as the snow in the full moon's light, but quite a deal more enchanting than that.

Tilting his head slightly, he just watched her as if he looked upon a life's work finally completed. It was all he wanted, to see her smile. To see her enjoy herself and not be full of so much contempt and hatred for anything that might have a pulse. She was amused! She was happy! Jack could not have asked for a better sight. Watching her smile was more infectious than he had thought of ever possible! Yes, he smiled all the time, but watching her smile made his own widen greatly. The smile seemed so wide it spread internally as well. Truly this was one of the most glorious things! This was fun.

"Ah, there it is...beautiful." Left Jack before he could think to catch the words from leaving his maw. He froze as if he had possibly shattered a thin ice sculpture. His breath held in his throat as he cautiously glanced over to the snow queen, than back to the snow-creature that they had created, than back to the snow queen. He blinked, it was as if his own ears heard someone else's words. Eyes quickly darted to the snow b'alam again and the sparkling eyes she added. Hopefully, she might think he had commented on the dark eyes. Most likely not...

Eyes lowered, as he slowly pulled his blue eyes to timidly look back up to the Ice Queen for a last time, hoping that his little rues had taken. Hoping so hard that the thin ice sculpture that was her joy was not utterly shattered away by his loud and blissful voice. It couldn't have been that bad, Jack hoped with every fiber of his being that this was not the case. He felt as if he were waiting for eternity to confirm that his ruse was taken, that her joy was not broken. Time mocked him as it appeared to stop. The nature around them sat back and watched this internal chaos unfold. A second turned into an eternity. This was not fun...


PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:18 pm
Elsa froze to the sudden blunt force of Jack's words rampaging through that wonderful silent moment that they just had. The smile and wonder filled look that was on her face suddenly vanished as she looked away from the snow creature than back to him. The thought had briefly crossed her mind that he might have been talking about the snow cat watching them with its beautiful abyss like eyes. He might have liked to think he was. Elsa was cold and she was also observant. He was talking about her.

There was a list of thing she could have told him. Things she could have done in that moment. But soon she noticed his nervous looking around. He seemed worried about something. Not fearful for himself, but for something else. Elsa tried to follow his eyes as they darted from the snow creature, to her, to his paws and back again.

Something about that gesture was charming. In that moment she dropped her mental list of lashings and instead turned to look at the snow creature. Perhaps this once she could throw him a bone. Just this once. She could pretend he was talking about the snow creature's.

"It is." She spoke softly while her gaze returned to the snow creature. The smile found its way back to her features while she looked at it in its dark eyes.

[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:37 pm
To his surpise, the Ice Queen before him didn't try to kill or chastise him for his words. Blinking blue eyes took in the precious sight before him, that didn't scream 'I am going to kill you'. Even more surprising was the quiet moment that Jack allowed to pass. His maw closed and he simply smiled as he looked back to the shaped little snow b'alam floating before them. Little nub of a tail shook and shivered slightly with excitement.

Taking in a slow breath, Jack took a glance upward as if to find a familiar friend and acknowledge that he was right...

(Do we want to finish this off right here?)


[ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra

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