User ImageThe storm had appeared out of nowhere, rumbling above Mwezi's head in a manner that much reminded the magus of a child throwing a particularly violent tantrum. Unfortunately, by the time the rain had started, he'd been too far away from his own cave to get there without having to endure the water for a rather long time and... well, while not dangerous (at least not to him), the rain was horribly annoying.

He rather refused the idea of having to walk under a downpour, soaked to the bone, before reaching the den he shared with Uuo. He also refused to arrive home, only to have the other magus snort in amusement as his wet hair.

As such, logic dictated he find a refuge, which... Mwezi did. To the very best of his abilities (though he did have to run away from his first choice, for it'd been inhabited by a rather upset looking bear). The cave he'd found was medium sized, and deep enough that the wet b'alam was able to hide himself in the shadows, well away from the mouth, the annoying storm and the thunder outside.

Lowering himself down to the floor, Mwezi scowled openly at the storm outside, offering the petulant meteorological phenomenon a snort before turning his attention to his hair and his fluff; both were soaked and needed tending to before he could comfortably lay himself to sleep. As such, he put himself to work, grooming away at the bits and pieces of his pelt, hair and fluff which he could reach, his ears flattened against the nape of his neck in an attempt to keep the horrible noise from outside... well, outside, really.