Are a new concept to B'alam. For returning oldbies it can be particularly confusing. You may have a pile of old B'alam that you aren't sure what to do with. Hopefully this guide will give everyone a better idea of what a tribe is, what qualifies a B'alam to be a part of what tribes, and how to progress in those tribes. If you have any further questions after skimming through the guide, feel free to ask!

What is a Tribe?
"Tribe" is a loose word for species within B'alam. The word "Tribe" will come along because this is the very first generation of creation. We're wiping the slate clean and every B'alam will be an original creation from the grand weaver himself. B'alam will be carved with features that will give them a special advantage to the location where they are first given life. The B'alam in each region will identify closely with one another and start to build up their own societies. They'll identify themselves as all one tribe. As their world expands and kingdoms are formed this word will more or less give reverence to the days of the first awakening.

Collectives of B'alam will be colonies, kingdoms, etc.

What are the characteristics of each tribe?
Every tribe was given an adaptation that allows them to survive and thrive in their respective environments. The tribe also determines what elemental abilities that the B'alam can unlock upon awakening as Magus.

Earth Tribe
The earth tribe has no defining characteristics. They are the most common B'alam in the realm. Other than hair, clothing, and trinket edits, they don't have any real defining characteristics. No additional limbs or appendages, just good old fashioned B'alam. While they don't have any special adaptations per say, they can live pretty much anywhere.

Fire Tribe
The fire tribe is defined by a set of thick, curling horns that sweep away from their skulls. They have a high tolerance for the heat and tend to have thinner coats. Because of this they don't do too well in colder regions or areas with a lot of precipitation. They tend to prefer the cones of volcanoes or the desert.

Water Tribe
The water tribe is defined by gem-like globes in their foreheads and paws. These globes store water that the creatures drink. When they grow to magus, this water can be used in their magic. The general population uses these globes to store water in their bodies. This allows them to travel away from sources of water and travel with the wandering rainclouds.

Wind Tribe
The wind tribe is defined by feathery wings that sprout from their shoulders. The wings allow the largely nomadic tribe to fly through the sky currents, migrating from wandering mountain to wandering mountain. They have a deathly fear of the underground and small, confined spaces.

Ice Tribe
The ice tribe is defined by a large pair of canines that hangs over their lower lips. They also have a thicker coat that hangs long along the underside of their belly. This allows them to lay in the snow, ice, and frozen ground without catching cold.

Light Tribe
The light tribe is defined by a single backsweeping horn sprouting from their forehead. They have a few scales around their eyes and scattered around their shoulders. They reside in the crystal wood where light bends, refracts, and paints their homeland in a cascade of color.

Dark Tribe
The dark tribe is defined by bat-like wings and a pair of pronounced canines. Small, needle-like, and exceedingly sharp. These fangs are used to feed on their prey and extract blood to use in their dark magics. They prefer to live in the underdark- a series of intricate caves during the daylit hours. When the sun fades, the wings of the dark tribe fill the sky.

If I have a B'alam that has multiple features from different tribes, what are they?
Unfortunately, there is no cross-tribe breeding as of yet. For now, B'alam that do not fit into the guidelines of a tribe are considered spirits in limbo. You can have them recreated at a lower fee than a full on custom, but they will have to be adapted into the new tribes. You can choose what tribe to put them into.

What kind of features are no longer allowed on B'alam?
This will be a pretty long list! Pretty much if it doesn't fit into the guidelines above, it could be questionable. However, we've compiled a general list of features that will not be included in the shop any longer.

• Human clothing.
• Modern implements. (No technology beyond middle-ages.)
• Flame on a pet.
• Plants growing out of a B'alam.
• Butterfly wings.
• Insides hanging out of a living creature.
• Multiple heads, legs, or tails.
• Multiple eyes.
• Ghosts.
• Etc.

What B'alam species are being officially retired?
The kirin, the sabers, and the demonic B'alam are retired. There will be tribes that are very similar and even share some features but to distance ourselves from the previous shop, these B'alam's features will be redesigned. They will look moderately to extremely different from the original 'species' that existed