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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Ring of Fire
[PRP]Near Death Experience Brings Us Closer... (Xavi/Xazi )

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:05 pm
(This is AIM RP between me and Krusnik05 )

Xavier: *entering the hot springs as he wished to bathe and relax his tense muscles from his daily workouts, the male stopped as he narrowed his eyes on his sister, pressing his lips together with a cold expression that she would be here. damnit he now would have to wait for her to leave......which could take forever!* Don't you have somewhere else to occupy more than here?

Xazivera: *is lounging in hot springs with her eyes closed since she spent all day hunting for her and her brother. His food is still in the cave that they both scare on occassion. Her eyes snapped opens as she looks up at her brother whom is staring at her with cold expression, a flicker of irritation crosses her face* Well excuse me for wanting to relax after a day of hunting for myself and my lazy a** brother *glares at him*

Xavier: *growls sharply, baring his teeth at her* I never asked you to do all the hunting as I can do so well on myself. Oh....*shakes his head* Nevermind me, I'm still useless aren't? Of course...nothing I do ever pleases you. The only thing I'm good at doing is receiving lashes from your sharp tongue.

Xazivera: *quirks her eyebrow as she looks at him with now cold but distasteful eyes* You never asked but you implied that its my job to go hunting and its yours to protect wittle sister of yours. *frowns at him in annoyance, not amused with how he is acting toward her. She was just doing her part and he is snapping at her for that.* Sharp tongue? What about yours?!

Xavier: Cause and effect sister. You are the cause and this is the effect. Now will you please allow me some space to bathe in peace without your presence annoying me more. I resent being connected to you and I don't need to feel it more with you around me. This spring is closest to my den...find another that is closest to your own personal space *growls low, glaring at her*

Xazivera: *scowls more as she glares at him before she stands up in a smooth movement* Fine, brother. You can find someone else to hunt for your pathetic a** because I am done with you ordering me around and me thinking that we will eventually find our balance. It is not going to happen because YOU are a female in this sibling relationship. you disgust me... *stalks off to their shared den that they agreed to share but they still have their own den to fume and seethe about her brother*

Xavier: *growls sharply and splashes the water after her but it misses off cours and it wouldn't have done anything since she was wet already. Entering the hot springs, he duck further under the soarching water and then broke up for air, moving to rest his head on the rock sighing deeply and closing his eyes. Damnit.....this was a curse. He was a curse and his sister was a curse. Things would have been different but there was too much change, too much already taken from him. Angry he slapped at the rock ground, hissing. Yet as he did that and felt the energy beneath.....and it was all wrong. Frowning he pressed his ear to the ground..hearing a faint rumble that seemed to have been going for a short time now and........what in the hell?*

Xazivera: *paces back and forth in their den angrily, not happy that they have a very strained and explosive sibling relationship and its putting a strain on her health. But she refuses to admit it at all and she freezes when she felt a tremor under her paws. A ripple of dread runs down her spine as she could feel the pressure rising from the volcano. Her eyes went wide* Xavier..... *naturally her first thoughts was to run to her brother but when she turns around, the tremors became more stronger*

Xavier: *growling sharply the den around them was moving with a growing momentum, cracks could be hear and debris beginning to fall down from above. Jumping out of the hot springs as the temperature became unnaturally hotter, the male shook off the water to not let it weigh him down and bounded after the shared den for his sister* Xazivera! *roars out for her to hear him* Move to the exit! *They needed to get out before the angry volcano reached it's fingers towards them. Even as he entered the den, seeing his sister the tremors increased and the air around became hotter* Get out! *snarls moving towards her and pushing her a head of him to get out first. It was instinct really and not because he wanted to be nice or seem heroic...it was all instinct and his heart beating quickly*

Xazivera: *her claws extends and digs into the dirt because the tremors was getting more violent and she is trying to get to the exit but keeps falling down or dodging the rocks or stream of dirt that is falling from the ceiling. A small involuntary whimper of fear escaped her muzzle before she could stop herself, her eyes went wide and wild at the sight of her brother bursting into the den* Are you insane, brother?! Why the heck are you here when you should be running for your own life?!?! *snapped the words out at him but she's secretly relieved that he cared enough to come for her. Her head jerked toward the ceiling as ear-splitting cracks and rumbling could be heard. As her eyes turns toward Xavier and she tries to leap forward,the ceiling came tumbling down on her but fortunately, its just small rocks and dirt.... for now. Coughing, the female now realizes that the situation they are in is becoming more desperate and she frantically tries to claw her way out of the rubble pile.* Xa.. Xavier! *her voice is raspy and she couldn't stop coughing. Her front leg finally broke out of the pile and she had to suppresses a sob that is lodging in her throat.* We are going to die... *she frantically thought* No.. we will NOT die!

Xavier: *ignoring her words, he grabbed her and pulled her along with the use of his body towards a designated exit, one of many they had fought over into agreement, feeling his body being pelted by rocks, he growled sharply at pushed her further from behind* Go Zi....GO! *he hollared at his sister, grunting when a sharp rock hit his spine making him freeze up from the nerve endings. Damnit.....this was getting out of hand* Please just burst out! I'll follow you! * He doubted it with how his body locked up and was slowly regaining itself. All he cared about was getting this sister of his out to safety. Once he knew that she was safe...then all would be good.....*

Xazivera: *felt herself being pulled out of the pile, she coughs as she followed him which is not normal thing for her to do while she stumbles toward the exit, feeling him pushing her* Xavi... *turns her head around when she sees the rock hit her brother's spine* Like hell I am going to leave you behind! I know that kind of hit, its not good kind. *she swiftly moves under her brother, half propping her up on her back.* I am not weak. I might have been hit by the ceiling but we need to get ourselves OUT. Start walking. I don't feel like carrying you *she felt that if she goads him little bit, he will force himself to move and she starts taking few steps* come on, old man.. *there is a worry in her voice as she constantly glance up at her brother. For once, there is a genuine fear of losing her brother and she don't know how she would deal with it if he ever left her*

Xavier: *taking the goading attempts he growled low, moving his body and forcing himself to keep going. There was no way he was going to fail....going to be weak and have to hear it for the rest of his days. No, Zi needed to be out of here before something hit her as well. Pushing off Zi, Xavi moved with her assistance yet his ears twitched back at the sharp crack coming from over head. Looking up something dark was coming at them until he used his horns to knock Zi out of the way moving as quickly as he could but the boulder came down, slamming into his left hind leg with what he thought was an audible snap. Roaring in pain he hissed and snarled at his sister* Get the ******** out Zi! I'll follow in a bit! NOW GO! *if another boulder came flying down..it would indeed be the end of them and that was not how they were going to go out. Hell no...they were the fire twins who can raise hell, especially Zi with her fiery spirit and his cold detachment. Which made him realize right there....that he was being cold to the wrong person. She was his twin...his other half. But that realization came to late with their potential death......*

Xazivera: *normally would smirk at Xavier's growling as he took her goading and she slowly moves toward the exit, occasionally checking her brother but when her eyes looks away, a sharp crack could be heard and she felt herself stumbling away from his horns. She spun around in time to see the boulder slamming into his left hind leg with a sickening snap and she screamed in shock.* Xavi!! XAVI!! NO!! *shakes her head fast as she lunges forward, grabbing his scruff and tries to drag him but she released him for a bit to talk* WALK, darn you! walk or I will not let you live this down! *her muzzle grabs at his scruff and starts to tug at him before she swiftly moves under his body once again* Hang on! *she suddenly lifts off the ground with him on her back and she starts trotting, being careful to keep her gait smooth so it won't jolt her brother. She never felt so worried about someone else and that makes her desperate. A desperate female will go to desperate measures to save her own brother*

Xavier: *growling low he moved his front legs and the remaining hind leg that felt weak from the shock of pain going through him. Moving as fast as he could and cursing his leg to hell, there was a spark of hope in front of them. Panting softly, he whispered close to Zi's ear* The exit is just there. We push the opening and we'll be free *he said knowing that he had to hold onto that hope. With that hope came the image of his sister safe and free from here. Taking on inner strength, Xavier pushed himself harder with a growl* Almost

Xazivera: Then what are we waiting for? *her lungs are screaming for oxygen because the heat in the air is stealing all of oxygen so the situation is becoming more dangerous and she starts to move more faster, knowing that she is strong enough to carry him through the cave mouth* Hang on.. take some of my scruff. I am going to start running. *she would wait for him to take her scruff before her trotting picks up to ground-eating gallop, her muscles strained and starts to scream in pain but the female ignored the pain because she knows that the only thing matters is their survival. The sound of crashing, cracking and groaning could be heard behind them but she refused to look because she knows that its the den falling into itself and if she did look, she would probably falter in her speed which can't happen.* Almost... *her voice becomes ragged as she suddenly leaps out of the den with her brother on her back..... just in time to see the den shake violently before imploding*  
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:49 pm
Xavi: *gritting his teeth until it hurt, the male pushed with the back of his leg to help Zi propell them out of the destroyed den and into the hard surface of the rocky ledge. However the male feline body twisted so that he could lay on top of his sister and protect her from some of the debris that managed to shoot out from the implosion getting pelted further by sharp rocks but.......they were free from that space and Zi was going to be protected. She might come out with bumps and bruises but that was better than anything else that could have been resulted. Panting softly, he moved off his sister when the debris stopped but the rest of the implosion continued below them. For now they were safe, needing to breathe in fresh air and........well hell now the pain came at him but he kept silent as best as he could* Zi.....*touching her with a shake paw he stared hard* Is anything broken?

Xazivera: *had to fight little bit with Xavier because she wanted to be the one laying on top of him to protect him since he's injured more than her. Only thing she have is bruised ribs, bruises inside her muscles and cuts all over her face and she felt like she was being suffocated because her brother was being really throughout about protecting her. When he slides off her, she takes a deep gasping breath as her wild purple eyes turns toward him* Xavi.. Xavi..we need to get you to your den if its still standing. Your leg is broken..*she didn't pay attention to her own body whom is one bundle of painful nerves, throbbing all over and she lightly swats at his shaky paw with her own* Don't mind me. Nothing is broken.. my ribs certainly feels like it.. *she realized that taking deep breath hurts because her ribs have to expand for her lungs and she struggles to keep the tears at bay because the soul-numbing fear finally is starting to overwhelm her, combating with sheer relief and.....joy* Oh Xavi... *she trembles as she moves closer to him* I need to find berries and leaves for your leg... but let's get you to your den first.

Xavi: *shaking his head he layed there limp or close enough to it as he touched his sister's fur* I can't move right now. My back hurts and this leg needs to be set in place. You can't be moving either *growls sharply managing to act like a brother in the most unlkely of time* I need you safe and not broken by me. *if they didn't like their solitude so much, Xavi would have told Zi to go get the healer but then again her ribs were bad too. Gritting his teeth and moving towards his sister he licked her fur slowly* Next time leave without me....*whispers hoarsely* I could have lost you

Xazivera: *settles down gingerly against her brother, resting her head on top of his back, being mindful of the broken leg because she knows that she needs to rest before she tries to move her brother to his den then find the healer.* Oh shut up, Xavi. I will move if I want to and I don't feel like it right now *is grumbling as she nuzzles into his fur, squeezing her eyes to keep the burning tears at the bay because its unusual for her to cry and she hated to cry because it makes her feel like she's a weakling* Why would I leave my own idiotic brother when he insists on rushing into a collapsing den for a sister he claims to hate so much? If you die, then who will I aggravate and make their life a living hell? *takes in a deep breath and winces as her ribs throbs angrily, she nips at his shoulder while clearing her throat because she didn't like how raspy her voice sounds* You are stuck with me...whenever you like it or not.

Xavier: *shaking his head slightly he sat up slowly and licked her cheek gently then dropped his head on his paws. the broken leg was throbbing...it felt as if it was coming out of his fur or something. Taking his mind off that for now even if it couldn't be helped, Xavi sighed softly, lowering his voice as if not wanting the world to hear his words that belonged only to Xazivera* I'm sorry Little Zi. Forgive me for losing my temper.......for hurting you in any way *his eyes slowly closed, encroaching darkness was beginning to flood his vision and his eyes threatening to roll to the back of his head* I need you more than I let on, even when we fight. My other half...*yes that pain was beginnign to get to him but it was also the bruised spine of his. Xavier didn't like the thought of being crippled in some way that would make Zi have to care for him completely. For that matter...now he really wasn't going to settle down with a female because of a broken leg that was going to leave him limping*  

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

[ RP Zone ] The Ring of Fire

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