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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Walking Waters
[PRP] River walkering (Buziba x Tsul)

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Conrad The Mighty

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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:36 pm
User Image Since his awakening, Buziba didn't understand much about this realm he found himself in. However, in this world it was not the intelligent man that got ahead, but the spiritual man who was the richer in life. And this water male was the richest he had met thus far. Buziba was not blessed with a silver tongue or a witty disposition, but the strength of a solid mind and the ability to see the truth in the face of evil and those who may want to deceive him, and to be steadfast in his convictions where others might falter in leu of taking the easy way out.

As the sun got hotter and rose higher, Buziba longed more and more to be near or even directly in the water. It was the only the reservoirs which he stayed full of water that kept him cool. On this day, the sun was as bright as it had been thus far and the reservoirs were simply not enough to keep him cool. After making sure that he was alone, the teal colored male slipped into the river and let out a loud sigh of relief.

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:56 pm
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Tsul was hot, tired and rather pissed off. The sun had been beating down in great waves throughout the day, and in a moment of absent mindedness several days before, she had used the last of her water stores, rendering her unable to deal with the heat. The pale pelted female moved though the trees with a practiced grace, the feathered marking on her shoulder rolled over solid muscle as she pressed onward. "Stupid, stupid." She growled under her breath, moving from a slow paced loping to a full paced run. Sure she was bound to tire herself quicker, but if she couldn't find water in the mean time, it wouldn't quite matter. She could already feel dehydration pricking at her consciousness, the heat taking its toll on the water female.

Suddenly, she stopped, inertia throwing her several paces forward off balance. There was a sweeter smell to the air now, clear and fresh and cool intermixing in the staler jungle air. Running water. She threw herself to the right, running again as quickly as she could. Water was the only thing that mattered. At the moment, it was the only chance she had left. She pushed herself harder, harder, running through the trees, paws pounding into the ground until suddenly there was no more ground to stand on. With a primeval sounded yell of surprice, she running at speed off an over hang on the riverbank and found herself smacking painfully full force. "Blurghgh." An off mixture of a sound, somewhere between exclaimed surprise and drowning. She struck powerfully at the water, bringing her head above the surface. She could feel the water seeping into her body, taking away the black tinge at the edge of her vision. It was only then she saw the water tribe male just a few paces off, having seen the whole stupid affair. Tsul let out an inward groan, embarrassment washing over her like a wave that threatened to pull her under.

"Having a good swim?" It was a feeble attempt at a joke, and it showed through the guilt on her face. Having just interrupted the calm day the male seemed to be having, she highly doubted it.

Conrad the Mighty



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Conrad The Mighty

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:00 pm
Watching a white mass of fluff leap into the water, he couldn't help but laugh as hard as he had ever laughed before. It surprised him to be so humored by such a thing. But as soon as he noticed it was a female, he could no longer laugh. Or breathe really. As far as females went, she was sure the most pleasing to the eye as he had ever seen. But she spoke to him, as if she could possibly be as embarrassed by his presence as he now was. If she had heard his entrance, he would have got right back out and found another spot up river some. Oh poop! He still had not answered her!

He chuckled awkwardly and nodded, "Yes. Hot day." Hot day? Could he seriously not come up with anything better? The stoic male did not show his disappointment with himself.

"Are you hurt?" He added in, attempting to give her a reason to stay and converse with him a little more.

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:52 pm

As her head breached the water, she heard loud laughter from the male she had seen just a few paces away and embarrassment flushed through her pelt like a wildfire. The sound was cut short, and she peeked at him with just the tip of her nose and ears above the water. If only she could breath the dang liquid, she could disappear under the surface and get away from the whole embarrassing situation. He replied to her words simply, seeming to be a man of few words to spare himself, and her ears flicked forward expectantly. He had a pleasing voice, like a deep purr. And he was handsome as heck to boot.

She began to pull herself towards the show to give the male the privacy of his river space back when he spoke again, and she paused, choosing instead to tread water to stay in place against the waters current. "Nah I'm fine. Thick skin." She said with a laugh, a light cheery sound trying to cover up a pounding headache from the way she hit the water. "That type of entrance, it takes years of practice." She feigned seriousness, pretending for a moment that the spectacular belly flop had all been planned. But after a second, the expression broke and she found herself laughing again. "I'm Tsul. Whats your name, cutie?" He seemed a bit like the less touchy feeling type, so she couldn't help messing with him a bit. Too much fun to be had, for a meeting that had been entirely unplanned in the first place.

Conrad the Mighty



Dapper Dabbler

Conrad The Mighty

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 1:27 pm
Buziba was visibly shaken by this compliment as if it were an insult. He was not sure how to respond to such words, so he chose simply to ignore it all together, now that he was the one that was embarrassed by the situation.

"Tsul is such a beautiful name, it suits you well." This one was not blessed with a silver tongue, so he had to do the best he could with the notions he had. But it wasn't easy being graceful in a flowing river, full with crests, peaks and all.

"I am called Buziba." It was an archaic name, really just syllables put together, but he liked it. In truth he didn't quite have a choice, so he may as well like it. Her laugh sent shivers down his spine, but perhaps it was just the cold water finally getting his bones to the proper temperature.

"Which part of the waters do you prefer?" He was just trying to keep this rapport going as long as he could, so he would say anything at this point as long as it didn't make him sound like an idiot.

"The sea or the river?"

Sorry this slipped right through my memory banks
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:39 pm

She smiled and dipped her head in simple gratitude at his compliment, noticing with a grin that the male had ignored her minor flirt. Tsul repositioned herself so that she was swimming against the current of the water, helping to keep in her place better in relation to where he was treading. She grinned again, her face lighting up. "Well, its a pleasure to meet you, Buziba." She said with a teasing purr.

She thought about his question. There were caiman in the waters at times, with their foul breath and hard armor but a well placed bite usually kept them at a safe distance. She had heard of other creatures that lurked in the oceans, ones that could pull whole b'alam under without a single effort. Caiman she could handle, the dangers and endlessness of the ocean frightened her. But what fun was it to show any fear in a conversation! Wiping away any concern that might have slipped onto her face, she burst out into a happy smile. "River, definitely. Not a fan of the salt water, myself."

She stopped swimming for a moment, letting herself sink under the water for a moment before returning to the surface. The river may not be the cleanest or clearest source of water out there, but it felt comfortable. Like a whole different home. "What about you handsome? Wheres your favorite haunt around here."

Conrad the Mighty


Dapper Dabbler

Conrad The Mighty

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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:07 pm
Tsul's smile sent a ripple down Buziba's spine. Such a pleasant and alluring smile. The tease was a wonderful and much welcomed sight. This time when she poke, he was listening intensely and the response was much easier to respond to.

But as she dipped down under the water, he was very much concerned. There was no way a water tribe B'alam would drown! Buziba pushed away from his trusty spot on the bank to be taken by the flow of the water down closer to Tsul. As he neared her, he grabbed back onto a nice branch with his claws and wrapped around a vine with his tail to stop himself.

"Personally, I enjoy the salt water. Watching the salt water waves to be more precise. It's so serene, it teaches me about life." Something passed by his foot and made him jump. It unnerved him a little, but not enough to jump out of the nice cool water.

"But when it comes to swimming, I prefer this river."

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:50 am

She watched the male b'alam intently, her eyes trailing over the teal markings on his face trailing down his side. She had to admit, he was handsome. He didn't seem to be a overly open individual, which made the mystery of him all the more interesting. She was good with faces and reading what they had to say, but it was far more difficult for her to read his expressions as they changed.

When she came back out of the water, she realized he had started swimming towards her a ways. It didn't cross her mind for a moment that he might have been concerned for her safety. "I hadn't thought of it that way before." Even being a feline of the water, it was hard for her to ignore what could be lurking just out of reach, waiting for an opportunity. She never mentioned, lest others find her silly for being afraid of the one thing she loved most, but it was a constant fear in her mind. And here was this male, learning things from the ocean she had never considered.

"I have to say, I haven't been around here before. I was desperately out of water when I, uhm, jumped in." Read: belly flopped, but she hardly cared to remind him of her spectacularly failed entrance. "I was a bit lost." She admitted feebly. Not so much lost as trying to be anywhere other than where she was before, but it hardly mattered. Everyone was running away from something. "What does the ocean teach you?" IT was an honest question, the males words are sparked her interest. She wasn't one for appreciating the smaller things, maybe it was about time she did.

Conrad the Mighty


Dapper Dabbler

Conrad The Mighty

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:18 pm
Buziba held back his chortle as she mentioned her entrance into the water, bending the truth a little. He didn't bother to correct her, it wasn't the time.

"Well whatever the reason for our meeting, I'm appreciative for it." He offered a suave smile before he too climbed out of the water beside her. Unfortunately he lost his footing and fell back in. He considered staying under the water for good instead of resurfacing and facing ridicule. How undignifying.. But he had to come back up.. And attempt to climb out again, this time succeeding.

Buziba acted like nothing happened, he could have even done it on purpose the way he was acting.

"Well, it teaches me lessons like to be calm in the face of the mundane, and no matter how harsh the storm, it will pass and the water will ebb and flow once again."

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:52 pm

She lowered her rear to the ground by a fern, giving herself a good shake to remove the water. A slight breeze seemed to kick up, feeling good against her wet fur, a cooling moment in the jungle heat. Tsul witnessed his smile, and couldn't help but swoon a little on the inside, somehow managing to keep a straight face. She watched at Buziba began to follow then slipped back into the river. She stifled her laughter but couldn't wipe the grand smile from her face. "Think of it this way, now we're even." They'd both be embarrassed at this point. That was even in her book.

As she listened to his explanation of the sea, the smile faded and a look of wonder crossed her face. Never in a million years would she have considered that. If anything, she was literal. A tree was a tree, sunrise was a sunrise. Thats where it ended. She had never really thought about the meaning behind it all. "Thats amazing," she breathed outwardly, tilting her head to look at Buziba. She was seeing him in a new light. She stood, shook her pelt lightly again, noticing the return of heavy strength she felt in the water stones on her forehead and paws. "Well then. I think this calls for a trip to the ocean then, don't you?" They were a ways from the beach but not a bad walk.

In all honesty, she didn't want him to get bored of her. She was having fun with Buziba, something that had seemed so impossible moments before their meeting. She wasn't ready to let him go just yet, if he was willing. "Might sound weird, but did you just wake up recently?" She started moving towards the west, her internal compass guiding her towards the ocean. She wasn't sure if she was the only one, but the world was still fresh and new and full of wonder. "I mean like, really wake up." It was like life before had been a dream and it was only just becoming real. She couldn't quite explain it, but it was almost like waking up for the first time. A new start in an old world.

Conrad the Mighty


Dapper Dabbler

Conrad The Mighty

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:21 pm
Buziba nodded, he would love nothing more than to spend the day with this female at the beach. He didn't enjoy the company of many females.. Or really, males for that matter. They were too course and often vulgar. But this one was pleasant, she kept a smile on his face, which too was quite rare. The dark teal male dipped his head, agreeing to the truce of equality.

"Well shall then, the two of us balanced, travel to the beach. Make sure your reserves are full, it is quite a trek." He began to walk in their mutually desired destination. Buziba was loose and comfortable around Tsul, but at the mentioning of awakening, he stiffened, but nodded. Surely this wasn't an entirely proper conversation.. The male was uncomfortable with subjects in which he did not fully understand. But surely he held no grudge against her for her ignorance.

"Yes, I was the first of the water tribe to awaken. It was lonely.. And peculiar to put it in words." Buziba had not thought of explaining it to anyone, no one had ever asked him such a question. They were both opening their minds to new experiences it seemed.

They are so cute...
[ RP Zone ] The Walking Waters

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