I'm a traditional artist. With a few years of community college under my belt. I am no longer an illustration major however I have four years of college art experience. Including the years I started drawing in middle school. The mediums I'm good with include: Colored pencil, Graphite (including graphite sticks), charcoal, watercolor, Gouache, and alcohol based markers.

Link to my deviantart gallery
Time zone: EST
How often I'm online: once or twice a day.
Things I feel I'd be best at teaching: I'm good at organic things like, people, flowers, trees, and some animals. I can draw some architecture. For example rooms or hallways. I also have a sharp eye for details, and analyzing images.
Things I feel I wouldn't teach well: I am poor at drawing mechanical things.
Level of mentee I can take: Intermediate.
Mentee Limit: 5
Current Mentees: 0/5

PM me if you are interested