Here ya go guys.
This is the first few...lines of my story.
Tell me if you like it.
If not, then I shall stop. :3

Chapter One.

The wind was so strong today; it untangled the knots in my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling the everlasting breath of nature press against my face. It suffocated me, but it all felt good. I dipped downwards, and then back up, a smile of radiance breaking out on my face. My hands were planted at my sides, tingling with happiness and freedom. The sun shone on my face, burning through my eyelids, causing me unbearable pain, but it all felt so good. So good. So good. So good.

Then the wind stopped.

My eyes opened, only to see a sky, tinted with the colours of a black eye, the clouds gray and intimidating. It all got smaller and smaller. I was falling. I opened my mouth to scream, but some different sound came out. A laugh. A laugh, as if I was having a good time. It wasn't cruel, but it was happy. I was so happy. I turned around, hearing the sounds of the ocean beneath me. Happy sounds. I continued laughing, up until I fell. Right on my head. On a rock. My appearance was horrid; my skull had cracked open, my wrist swung by a vein, there was blood everywhere, and my face wore of mask of sheer happiness. In the midst of my laughing, I heard a voice. "Wake up."


And I did. Sweating, too. Screaming.
I clutched the sheets as my eyes flew open, my mouth wide open, an ear piercing scream erupting from my throat. Shortly afterwards, my mouth closed abruptly, tears running down my face. I wiped an eye, checking to see if it was blood. Nothing. Good. I reached over to my bedside table, wearing a mask of serenity as I did so, grabbing my pills. I needed them. The nightmares were horrid, but I needed them. I couldn't take the risk of showing my powers at school. I was brought back to the lab alongside Velma for doing so, and I managed to be set free within a month. "Take this medication, Dani." They told me. Then left me there, on the streets of New York City. Scared. Good thing I knew Willa. Without her, I'd be one of those sad little bums on the street.

My chest was heaving now as I swallowed three pills, no water or anything. I arose from my bed, clutching the way-too-large jersey I wore, my red bangs sticking to my face and hair sticking to my neck.

I'll end it here guys for now, just tell me what you think, thank ya' dolls!