And then he kept walking, because like most journeys, it wouldn't do for it to be short or easy. He just kept plodding along, and then, eventually, he came to a particularly ungraceful halt outside of a very familiar tent, fingers that were now more bone then flesh reaching up to brush against the fabric that hung in front of the entrance, a glance from side to side showing that no guardian stood to keep vigilant watch, a sight that was mildly surprising to Alexander.
"Medea?" He called out, unsure whether or not he should just let himself in, or if the absence of a guardian on the outside meant that she was not home. After all that walking from such a great long distance for such a typically lazy zombie, he would not at all been happy to find that she wasn't even around for him to speak with.
Well, he supposed if there was no reply, he could always go and harass Salbei for a while instead, and try back later.
RP for him to get sent on his "staff of Charon" artifact quest