The whole thing, not simply just the research or just the actual adventuring or even just the return to a very angry boilfriend, had quite thoroughly drained the young witch. Researching on its own had been a trying experience (studying was one thing, but mindlessly searching for something was another entirely that was just awful for one less suited to such pursuits) and that whole terrible thing called The Tower of the Stars was even worse. And! And it had turned out exactly as the witch knew it would. In Tarot, the Tower was an unlucky card so to actually have to go up through an actual tower full of tests and trials was undoubtedly going to go wrong! Belladonna should not have been the least bit surprised that she had more or less failed, nor should she have been upset to find out the person who would have benefited the most from a successful trip was angry with her over her excursions! But she hadn't been prepared, and thus all these events culminated in the witch deciding to take a two day long nap.
When that really failed to make her problems go away, it seemed the only reasonable course of action was to fix them.

Naturally, this was much easier decided upon than done, but Belladonna had to at least try. And while she was not entirely satisfied with the results of her trip to the tower since that had failed to provide any sort of artifact, there was reason to believe what the witch had come away with was something to be investigated. Since none of the books she had looked in to actually find the tower had any information, there at first seemed nothing to do but wonder about it. But that wasn't quite right, for something that had happened inside the tower had been helpful enough. On the last floor, when the witch had fought a copy of herself, the other her had been aghast to see the broken little handle in the witch's possession. The whole thing had struck her as odd, for the thing was broken and scarred, really only the end of a staff or scepter or who knew what given its current, less than stellar state.
And if there was anyone who would know something about a mysterious, broken object, it would be Medea.

Not that Belladonna necessarily wanted to explore that option. Mort had been... Less than enthusiastic when presented with the idea, which given how intensive the tasks the Initiated had been sent on was not a surprising reaction. But, loathe as she was to ask someone she had never had any real contact with, the witch also knew how helpful Medea could be. And besides! It wasn't like Medea had a penchant for mysteriously disposing of nosy students! Hopefully...
Half tempted to wear the outfit Sal had given her, Belladonna decided that wearing a simple dress would be the best option. Undoubtedly the Priestess would not be impressed by corsets and frills, so keeping it simple seemed best. With broken handle in hand, the witch set out across campus and headed toward the Horsemen's area, careful to keep her chin up. She was here for a reason, for a purpose that was not to be disputed. It was important!
Still, when she found the tent she hesitated, a free hand reaching up to touch at the back of her neck and hating the jolt of nervous energy she felt coil in her stomach when her fingertips brushed against the recently formed scar. A collar could hide it, a choker could cover it up, but the witch couldn't hide from it. Nor could she hide from this. Just jumping in would be best!
"U-um! Ah, hello? M-Miss Medea?"
Should she knock? How did one knock on a tent? Was there a doorbell to ring? Um um um what do!?

Oh hey look I did the thing