every bird

I have a question for you but before I ask it I feel I need to explain a bit.

I do not own a mini shop per sey, but I do roleplay here on Gaia. Via my RP thread I have a section where I promote my favorite mini shops. I do this as my way to generate customers for said favorite shops. I even incorporate some of the art I have purchased into my RP! I even have a toybox with everything I have purchased from the shops in our guild.

In my RP I host festivals for my players to be apart of. I had the idea of further promoting my favorite artists by requesting artwork for the festivals.

So, this means I would ask you to create either one or a few custom pieces and pay for it. Those pieces would be used in our festivals as items that can be purchased/won. A link would also be provided for my players to come and check out your mini shop for some additional shopping.

I simply don't have the time to create all the arts and prizes for the events. Not only that but I think it would be a cool promotional deal to support my favorite mini shops.

So then, my question to you is: Will you create a few pieces of arts (items and or food items) for one of my events? Our up coming event is on July 7th for our star festival. It is the festival where we honor our dead.
I am looking for lanterns and anything star related. Star cakes, cookies, balloons, etc.