A few scenes in the township of Roseville took place the other day.
With so many bystanders, its easy to figure out the story, but here it is as it happened....

[1:43:33 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The school front door slams as somebody exits it. It is a fresh and blustery day outside, and thus a lot of people appear to be heading out*
[1:44:31 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *london grabbed her purse and wallet so she would have money to buy her latest snack after getting everything she headed out the main door so she could go to a marketplace*
[1:45:48 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Click click click click, a pair of heels is also walking down the concrete path towards town*
[1:47:43 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *she could hear the sound of heels on the tile but ignored them because she knew she wasn't the only one heading out, she looked around when she got to town trying to remember where the marketplace was*
[1:48:44 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Theres the intersection near the school, with many cars and buses going past. A few have advertisements for a summer festival in a few weeks, some go to the beach, and some go downtown to the shops*
[1:48:54 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Its probably too noisy to hear the heels anymroe*
[1:50:18 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *she walked over to a sign that perked her interest after remembering the way but felt the need to read about the summer festival*
[1:52:51 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The sign reads "Summer festival of Roseville"*
[1:52:58 PM] Shiny Sweeney: ((I had to look up the name of the town lol))
[1:53:28 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *It is two weeks away, and apparently takes place in the city centre, then moves down to the beach to watch fireworks fired from a boat out in the bay*
[1:54:09 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *looks over the sign pretty quickly before smiling* Sounds like fun! I think I'll go~ *cheerful voice*
[1:54:23 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): (I would too xD)
[1:55:22 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Somewhere further down the hill, heels are still clicking, and the doctor sees the sign too. 'Tch.' She makes a small mental note about it and continues on*
[1:56:35 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *after the smiling girl looks it over again she decides that she needed to go to the marketplace to buy stuff*
[1:57:50 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Competitions and games! Craft stalls! Fireworks!' the poster doesnt have much more to say really. Maybe more info will be up next week*
[1:58:23 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The marketplace is down the hill towards the main city, but it is nice weather for walking, and many people are jogging or out doing picnics and family things*
[1:59:59 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *after arriving at the marketplace the girl looks for a produce market so she can buy strawberries*
[2:00:54 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *A bunch of little kids are pushing their bikes up the hill as she walks down it, and once reaching the marketplace, it is suitably busy. There are usually a few people at each stall- and the outdoors stalls are doing quite well because it is such a nice day out*
[2:04:38 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *she easily avoided the kids on the bikes as she headed down the hill. She walked over to the fruit market and looked for some healthy strawberries then grabbed the good strawberries and paid for them*
[2:04:46 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *She might spot a suspicious whirl of red hair blowing about in some of the plays of wind, but it dissappears into a shop rapidly*
[2:05:39 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *ignores the red hair, cares more about strawberries*
[2:06:28 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper attempts to overcharge her*
[2:07:29 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Giving her a wide grin, but eyes which dont meet hers, they charge the double the price*
[2:08:14 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *simply glares at him and pays the right amount of money* No, sir. I need this money for my family. *she lies easily and not noticebly*
[2:09:31 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The strawberry selling lady looks kinda annoyed shes been called a sir, and accepts the smaller amount of money, shooing London away*
[2:09:41 PM] Shiny Sweeney: (( X'D bahaha))
[2:09:54 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): (Duuuuuuuude!)
[2:10:38 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): ...oops. *facepalms for mistaking the lady for a man*
[2:10:47 PM] Shiny Sweeney: ((I'm a mean person lololol I did it for my lols xD I'm laughing too hard at it))
[2:10:57 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Old people, ya just cant tell their gender sometimes*
[2:11:22 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): (Call her a ma'am change the gender to man?)
[2:12:29 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The strawberries are fresh and sweet, but pretty juicy. There are a few buskers around, juggling, playing different wierd drums or drawing chalk masterpieces on the pavement*
[2:13:57 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *puts the strawberries in her hand and starts eating them while stopping to watch some of the street performers in wonder*
[2:15:35 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The chalk guy is totally involved in his work, like some sort of crazy artist, the drummer is just chillin' enjoying and smiling out at the crowd*
[2:16:01 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The juggler makes eye contact with London and gives her a wide grin, offering to juggle all 10 strawberries and not bruise a single one*
[2:16:19 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Well love, do you ya trust me> Here, I'll even wear gloves so they stay fresh~"
[2:17:09 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *smirks* Seems interesting to try. *give the juggler her ten strawberries* Let's see it then~
[2:17:30 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The juggler starts with three, then four, then five, then six... a crowd begins to draw around them*
[2:17:41 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Hoho! You think I can do the last four?"
[2:17:54 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "If I do, can I eat one?" *He gives london a cheeky wink*
[2:18:21 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *He adds another one, then another, now its 8 strawberries whirling around through the air*
[2:18:33 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *puts her hands behind her back and smirks still* If you juggle all ten, you can have five.
[2:18:43 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *He actually looks excited*
[2:18:53 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Alrightey! What a taker! You have a deal, missy!"
[2:19:14 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *He laughs a little and adds another one, after having to wait and space out the ones hes already juggling a little*
[2:19:27 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *chuckles at his excitement*
[2:19:36 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *One strawberry is left, but he seems to be too busy throwing the others to pick it up*
[2:19:53 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *He looks at her and gives a head movement as if to say, throw it to me, would ya*
[2:20:21 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *throws the last strawberry*
[2:20:43 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *At his face, or hands?*
[2:20:56 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *hands*
[2:21:26 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *He ducks a little and catches it in his mouth instead, eyes dancing*
[2:21:29 PM] Shiny Sweeney: ;D
[2:22:05 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *chuckles at that* Heh, cheeky.
[2:22:06 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The crowd applauds and throws some coins, then he blasts it into the air and begins juggling it as well*
[2:22:23 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *catch eat catch eat catch eat*
[2:22:34 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *hes having way too much fun with this*
[2:23:04 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *But then theres a strange whirring noise, and a few people screech further back in the crowd, theres some kinda disturbance and everyone turns*
[2:23:08 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *honestly doesn't care if he eats them all because she's enjoying the show*
[2:23:43 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *blinks at the noise*... Huh? *looks behind her*

[2:24:28 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Between the crowd you can see 3 bikes whizz past at breakneck speed*
[2:25:10 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): Eh, what's going on? *sounds calm but surprised*
[2:25:36 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "The kids! Somebody stop those kids!"
[2:25:52 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "One of them was like 5! Who let them up there!"
[2:26:09 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Bad parents I reckon. If they dont crash before they hit the pier I'll be surprised.."
[2:26:27 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "I used to do that when I was young, Good runup, that hill. Not as young as that though..."
[2:26:59 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *listens to all the comments while she tries figure out if she should try to stop them or not, probably not*
[2:28:06 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The whole crowd is watching them, looking and peering past each other down the hill*
[2:28:38 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *watches as the bikers race down the hill*
[2:28:41 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The sounds get a bit more distant, then an epic crashing noise echoes up to them, and the crowd seems to understand the spectacle is over*
[2:29:10 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Some go back to their shopping, muttering about hooligans, others meander further downhill through the city after the bikes*
[2:29:22 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The juggler is gone, including the strawberries and all the coins*
[2:30:04 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): ...ugh. *winces a little at the crashing noise but regains her composer easy then whirls around to see the juggler gone*
[2:30:17 PM] Shiny Sweeney: ;D *you can just imagine his winking cheeky face*
[2:31:02 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *wants to throw a strawberry at his winky face*
[2:31:43 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *takes out two strawberries she had hidden and eats them before anyone else tries to get them*
[2:32:01 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Further down the hill, theres a 5 year old with a broken collarbone, and a 6year old in a crumpled heap with bone sticking out of her arm, in too much shock to make any noise...Further down the road, theres a splash as the final bike rider makes it all the way through town and off the end of the pier without finding out how to slow down*
[2:32:34 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeepers whose front window the children had crashed through is in a mental state, and clothing is scattered everywhere*
[2:32:49 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Theres a familiar bob of red hair in the shop, actually...*
[2:33:29 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *raises an eyebrow at the hair before going to where she heard the crashing*
[2:34:27 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Inside the clothing shop, by the time London arrives, one of the children is sitting to the side and crying, while the other is just hyperventilating and looking at her own arm, while Miss Kim tries to ask her questions*
[2:35:29 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Miss Kims eyes snap up at London, only a tiny flicker of surprise before going straight to ordering her around*
[2:35:52 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *she just stuffs her hands in her pockets and tries to stay quiet and not be noticed. Failed*

[2:35:56 PM | Edited 2:36:06 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "London, please find me something to wrap this child in. They are in shock. Find a thinner piece of fabric to wrap the other ones arm in a sling"
[2:36:29 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper just flails on the spot and offers some cheap t-shirts to use*
[2:37:19 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "LONDON. Are you paying attention! Please be prompt!" *She snaps at the girl, then looks down at the kid with the horrifically broken arm who is just steadily going more pale*
[2:37:30 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *sighs* Of course. *looks at the shopkeeper and smiles* May I? *she asks before taking it and giving to Kim*
[2:38:01 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Its alright...sweetie...Shh. We're going to get you an ambulance and it will be really ....fun." *What is this, bedside manner or something?*
[2:38:30 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper nods and goes around the back to phone an ambulance, leaving london with the cheapy tshirts to use as slings and touriquets*
[2:39:54 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *she looks at the children*
[2:40:22 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *does not know how to comfort kids*
[2:43:54 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "...Just...wrap up the littles ones arm so he doesnt further damage his collarbone, london!"
[2:44:29 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Surely you know how to do a sling.." *She is tying a length of torn tshirt fabric above the break wound on the little girl, to stop bloodflow
[2:45:55 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): Mmm.... Ok. *gulps as she kneels down by the kid and whispers to him/her* I hope this'll make you feel better.. *makes a sling for his/her collarbone*
[2:47:24 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The kid squirms and is obviously distressed, and is crying loudly in londons face*
[2:47:44 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Their older brother turns up at the shop door, wheeling his bike, completely drenched from head to toe*
[2:48:09 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The sounds of a siren are faint in the distance*
[2:49:04 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *tries to calm the child down* Come on now, it'll be better soon... You just have to bear with it for a little bit. *smiles reassuringly at the kid*
[2:50:17 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The kid cries a little less and grabs at london with sticky hands and a running nose and eyes, then yells in pain because he has moved the arm attatched to the broken collarbone*
[2:51:26 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The older brother runs over to the youngest one, nearly vomiting when he sees his little sisters bone sticking out, and trying to comfort the one that was making the most noise*
[2:51:27 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *gulps a lightly as she squeezes the kid's hand* You really shouldn't move it... Just let it rest...

[2:52:30 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The kid cries and holds onto London and his brother, and the sirens get to outside the shop*
[2:53:08 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Paramedics come in and talk a little to Miss Kim, then come over to London and the other two kids*
[2:53:58 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Its okay, shhh...no need to cry. We're going to take care of you all. Are you their brother and older sister?" *They look at london and the dripping wet other kid*
[2:54:24 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *watches as the ambulance arrives and gives the boy's hand a squeeze again and then let's it go doesn't say a word but smiles at him* Just a bystander.
[2:55:57 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Okay miss, good job in making that sling. We're going to give you xrays at the hospital, little fellow! Its going to be fun. For now..breathe through this whistle. It will taste like peppermint!" *the officer is calm and hands the shaky kid a green whistle which has strong anaesthetics in it*
[2:56:57 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "And you are actually their brother? Okay. You can come along for a ride too. Come on you too, lets get you into the ambulance.." *he took both the little boys, carrying the hurt one, and the wet one excitedly following behind*
[2:57:18 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *smiles and nods then watches as they take care of the kids*
[2:58:33 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Miss Kim is busy talking to another paramedic, as they both load the little girl onto a stretcher. She has a whistle too, and a sling now as well. It doesnt actually make any noise, but the dosage seems to be putting her right out of it*

[2:58:56 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper is sortof just hovering at the back of the shop with a broom* anxiously, and wheeling the two bikes outside*
[2:59:48 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *sighs calmly before going outside to see if the shopkeeper needs any help*
[3:00:49 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Miss Kim is dusting the blood off her coat but it doesn't really work. She looks somewhat annoyed. The shopkeeper begins picking up the scattered clothes and piling them on benches so they can sweep the glass off the floor*
[3:01:54 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *when she goes outside she greets the shopkeeper with a small smile* Need some help?
[3:03:16 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper nods* "Yes...please...I know those kids are small and hurt...but where are their parents? I hope this doesnt happen again...Its going to cost a lot to repair..."
[3:03:24 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper begins whining to london*
[3:04:21 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *shrugs a little* I don't know. They may have been out of town.
[3:05:35 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "...Yeah...I hope the police come and take statements...so I can get some insurance..."
[3:06:38 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Miss Kim is picking up clothing too and folding it into extremely neat piles*
[3:07:27 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *nods* Yes. I hope they do too. But maybe not charge too much? The parents will have to pay the hospital too.
[3:08:24 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "....Hm... I would only charge for the window I think.." *They have swept most of the glass into a pile now*
[3:09:24 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *smiles a bit* I'm glad. I want them to think more about the kids than paying stuff.
[3:10:50 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "...I suppose so. Broken bone at that age should be fine..." *the shopkeeper mumbles, and a crowd begins to form at the door*
[3:10:55 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Oh my what happened here"
[3:11:26 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "I heard some kids ran into the glass"
[3:11:36 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *nods before looking at the crowd* Great... A crowd...
[3:11:51 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "What are those two doing here?"
[3:12:07 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Oh They're from that prissy school up the road"
[3:12:30 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *snorts quietly at hearing prissy school*
[3:12:32 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Huh you never see them come out of that place much."
[3:12:53 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Yeah But dont they look creepy. Escpecially that woman who has blood on her.."
[3:13:02 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Miss Kim glares at the crowd*
[3:13:15 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "..sh--" * the culprits disperse*
[3:13:28 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *puts the broom by the wall then puts her hands in her pockets*
[3:13:58 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *The shopkeeper heaves a sigh and changes the shop sign to 'closed' on the unsmashed front door
[3:14:46 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "Well thanks for helping out. You two can keep any of those tshirts you've used. I dont have time to wash stock and get bloodstains out with all the repairs I need to do."
[3:15:30 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Miss Kim looks at the t-shirt rags, and picks one with only a tiny spot of blood on it to keep, putting it into a shopping bag herself*
[3:15:47 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *turns around* Thank you *smiles gratefully
[3:15:50 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *
[3:16:06 PM] Shiny Sweeney: "I hope your week does not have any similarly disasterous events." *Miss Kim waves good bye too*
[3:16:48 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *nods in agreement* I hope your day turns out better.
[3:17:11 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *With that, Miss Kim heads out the door and back up towards the school*
[3:17:52 PM] Shiny Sweeney: *Because obviously she looks fairly disheveled now and she values her appearance, so she has to go home to clean up. And after all, she'd only gone out to buy some clothes- and technically now she had some*
[3:18:45 PM] Taylor(Spider/Rangom12): *london looks around but is given dirty looks due to her school, she just sighs and goes back to school too*