I don't know what to do with myself anymore. For the longest time now I've realized that I'm a ticking time bomb when it regards me anger because I'm quiet in reality and just tend to bottle it off because there is so much accumulated anger that occasional bitchy side comments won't cut venting wise. It could also be a sign of depression for I'm bored a lot of the time because I've lost interest in the things I used to love, but then again I found a new thing and I'm still to bask in it. I like to role playing and I'm just waiting for the grand opening of my new guild to start and I'm excited for it. I'm just worried I'll soon get bored of that too and I'm usually just going to get bored of everything. They say life was a game, but why does it have to be a boring game?

Anyhow, back to my anger. So many things have hurt me in my life all together and I think it's just the consecutive anger that has just built up over the years causing me to go insane slowly from it. Since I like to role play I have made characters with the same characteristic as being blunt and actively aggressive hoping they could serve as the purpose of a venting tool as well as a character, but I still haven't gotten a chance to use either of them yet due to the role play needs to go into the next phase to let the characters into the plot. I can have random bouts of anger where I could just go insane and have the want to hurt those around me and morbidly tear them limb from limb without a clear mind if that is what will take my anger away. I have so much of it that at this point it's so easy to hide away even though I feel as if I might snap at every moment. The people around me annoy me to the point whereas I keep telling myself what I'm going to say and when I'm going to say it, but then I lose the opportunity which just pushes the anger further and further back into the abyss of my mind.

These clearly could be signs of depression and I've never been medicated or had a long talk with a therapist or anything of the sort.