This is a small little story I decided to make involving everyones favorite Egyptian Death Cyborg Robots and some pastel colored equines. Please give constructive criticism and tell me of any mistakes, grammatical or lorewise.

Unknown Planet
The Necron Overlord could feel itself awaken, after millions of years, he had finally gotten up from his undisturbed sleep, waiting for the rest of his Necrons to awaken with him. However, they would not awaken, their bodies remained in slumber. The Overlord quickly prepared his Resurrection Orb on some warriors, before being interrupted by an unknown force.

"STOP, I will not let you continue!" The new voice said, with a strong commanding voice, one of a female, to be exact.

"Who..... Dares...... Interrupt..... Me......" Was the response the Overlord gave, searching his surroundings for a possible opponent.

"It is I, Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria, and goddess of the Sun" As Celestia said this, She appeared right in front of the Overlord, with a blinding light, forcing him to step back, and gaze upon her, seeing a large, slender equine with a white pelt, and multicolored hair, topped off with a tiara made of pure gold and a purple jewel hiding behind a long horn.

The simple claim of godhood by the new arrival instantly angered the Overlord. The Necrons had already destroyed the C'Tan, what would this new arrival prove by stating its apparent godhood?

"I offer you a proposition, Return to your eternal slumber, and no soul shall disturb you until the end of time itself, you will be left undisturbed, and no one shall awaken you." Celestia said, hoping that the Overlord would agree with her.

Within the Overlords mind, He could not decide what he should do. Kill the creature standing before it, and conquer the planet? Or simply return to his sleep and be forgotten by all, never to be disturbed by anyone? In the End, the Overlord quickly moved to make his decision.

Thanks for reading, also, I'll put up a pole to decide what the Overlords course of action is, please help me find any mistake, and give some constructive criticism. Also, the reason I decided to make it an MLP crossover was because I always wondered "What if Equestria was a Tomb world? I'm not really that much of a brony, really only just barely qualifying as such in my honest opinion.