It had been a while since he had last been here and yet it all looked about the same as it always did. Dusty, dark, and seemingly haunted. Not surprising at all, given this was a haunted house. Not that it mattered. He supposed this was one of the more suitable haunts for someone such as himself. By all means, a ghost should feel right at home here.

Or that's what he would normally think. Given that this place was also known to be full of insanity, it was quite the opposite. It didn't help that those hunters liked to frequent the area and attacked them every chance they got.

Who knew. He might even encounter one today.

Rolling a 4: NO HEALING IS ALLOWED IN BATTLE. Someone is whispering to you about something, but you can't place out what, it is hard to focus. Everything distracts you, even the tiniest flash of light or flicker of movement.