The scene: after successfully boarding a hostile alien ship and disabling the security systems, Commander Samantha Fawkes is finally knocked out due to a gas release.

Heaven, yup that's where I'm at, Heaven. I was never a believer in the afterlife, or God. I was to busy fighting and surviving to care about some divine being. But there is no other explanation to the scene I find myself in. My eyes are blinded by a bright light, and I feel a sense of europhia, as if there is nothing to be afraid of. I stare into the light for a few minutes wondering what will happen to me now when I realize I'm not in heaven. I'm laying on a cold, but strangely soft metal bed. My weapons, gear, equipment, and clothes have been removed. I try to sit up when I noticed I'm shackled onto the bed. My hands bound above my hand, a strap around my waist, and my ankles. My broken arm has been completely healed, and the shrapnel, cuts, bruises, burns, and other assorted injuries I have sustained these last few hours have been healed as well. The Alliance has no medical technology that can do this kind of work. That's when it hits me, the aliens have woken up. They must have found my paralyzed body and now plan on doing some sick dissection while I'm awake!
I begin to scream for help, and thrash about against my bindings. A door then opens on the far side of the room, and three tall humanoid figures enter the room. They gracefully walk over to my bed. This is it. All the work, preparation, and sacrifice my crew have done all for vain. I think to myself. Two of the aliens look over my body, occasionlly proding me with what looks like a pen. The third alien just stares into my eyes. The aliens themselves appear slightly human. No skin is showing, except their deep dark pupil-less eyes. They wear the most wonderful hooded robes I have ever seen. The robes appear to be made out of silk, but seem far more durable. The robes have a blue trim with red alien lettering on them. They wear black gloves with a golden trim. On their face is a mask. This must mean they can't breath my atmosphere, and their accommodating my needs.
The three aliens begin to communicate with one another in low deep clicking sounds. The one alien who was looking into my eyes must have said something to upset the others because their tone have changed to a more hostile attitude. Then the lead alien points his finger at a red/gold pin on his robe. I didn't notice it before, it looks like a bird, but only a lizard-ish bird. Like those old Earth tales of dragons, but less deadlier, and more majestic. The two other aliens bow their heads and step back. The lead alien moves his hand over my stomach. I thought for sure he was going to rip out my stomach and show it to me, but he does not. His hand stops inches above my skin and he makes a slow petting like gesture over it, making deep clicking sounds that somehow calm me down. He removes his glove, displaying his 4 finger hand, covered in glossy cyan fur. Well groomed fur, like no other fur I have ever seen. He brings one of his fingers towards my forehead. And my forehead touches his finger.
For a split second I am overwhelmed with the most pleasurable feeling I have ever felt. Like all the happiness of everyone in the galaxy rushing through my veins. My eyes close, and it all disappears. This time I thought for sure I was dead. When I opened my eyes, I'm standing in a meadow of flowers. Wearing a silk, at least I think it's silk, robe similar to the robe the three aliens were wearing. This meadow seems awfully familiar, I think to myself. I spot a little girl a few yards away, playing with a toy ship. I jog over to the girl. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am? Wait I know you..." I stop a few feet from her when I recognize her face. It's me, only when I was a child. No more then 6 years old. I stare at my younger self playing with the toy, trying to get a grasp on what I'm seeing. Another person calls from behind me. I spin around and see the last person I ever thought I would ever see again.
"Samantha, it's time to eat dinner!" she says. My hands cover my gaping mouth, this new women is my mother. That isn't possible, I think to myself, I am really dead if my mother is here. I start to run towards my mother, arms open wide to hug her, when I get to her I just pass right through her as if she was a ghost. She keeps walking towards my younger self, and picks her up. "Your getting heavy my little angel."
"Do I really have to go eat dinner mommy? I wanna play with my ship, just like daddy!" my mom laughs a little.
"Of course you have to eat dinner, and your dad is gonna be so proud when he sees you playing with the ship he got you." she kisses my younger self on the fore head. My mom carries my younger self for a few yards, they laugh and talk. While I follow behind them, trying my best to get their attention. Circling my mother waving my arms madly. Why won't she say anything to me? Can she not see me!? I think to myself. As I'm waving my arms like a mad man, I run into somebody, and fall onto the ground. I look up to see the alien that was staring into my eyes. He stares at my mom and past self, only glancing down to me on the ground.
"They cannot and will not hear you." he says in a deep dry voice. "This is a memory of yours, an ancestral memory bound in the fabric of your DNA."
"Your accessing my memories?"
"No, I cannot pick and choose what memories to view, the ones that appear to us are the memories that demand to be remembered."
"I don't remember this memory! I was just a little girl!" I get up pointing at my younger self.
"You may not have a conscious memory of this event, but your mind never forgot."
"Mommy, can I ask you something?" My past self intrupted out conversation. She stares up into my moms blue eyes.
"Of course my little angel, what is it?"
"You won't go away like daddy does, right?" my moms smile fades from her face.
"Of course not." she says holding my past self's check.
"Promise me! Daddy can die doing what he does, every time he leaves I get so worried, that he'll never come back, but I can't stand worrying about the both of you!" my past screams, tears forming at her eyes.
"Alright, I promise I'll never put myself in that position." Everything turns to black, for only a few seconds, now I'm in a different memory. Its night time, in a space port. Buildings are on fire, Alliance Atmo-fighters fly in the sky performing aerial dog fights with Colonial Resistance Fighters. I sadly do remember this memory. It happened when I was a little girl, about 9 years old on the planet Praxis. The day my mother left me forever.
I see my mother, holding me in her arms, my father's arms wrapped around her shoulders. They are escorted by multiple CR militia. "I can't leave the civilians in D block!" he screams over his headset. My younger self has her head buried into my mothers shoulders crying. "Re-direct any militia to D block, and get those civis out! What do you mean there is no more militia!?"
A guard pushes my father to move faster. "Sir, we have to get to Masani's ship, get you off world!"
"No!" He screams. "I'm not running away while civis are killed!"
"There is no time, we have to move now! Alliance transports are landing in this block!" another guard screams at my father. "We go now, or we don't go at all!"
"Damn it all!" my father screams throwing his head set on the ground as they run. After a few minutes the large troop transports begin to land all around the space port, unloading Alliance marines one after another, some contained tanks and APCs. My family reaches Masani's ship, technically a pirate ship, and still is today. Masani refused the offer of being added to the Alliance Navy after the treaty, he decided the pirate's life was the life for him. But to this day he still is a close friend to my father, officially however, he is a wanted criminal. Masani stands in the open air lock of his small pirate Corvette.
"Alright it's time to bug off this rock! Give me the girl." he tells my mom, outsrecthing his arms. He picks my younger self up and straps her in safely in a seat. "Now its the lady's turn." he says with a outstretch hand. As my mom goes to reach it, the rumble of the Alliance VTOLs fly over head. Stopping a few yards away hovering in the air. They are so close you can make out the pilot's faces as they recognize who the man is standing on the ground. The 20mm cannons spin up preparing to unleash hell on my father. But before they can fire, my mother throws dad onto the ground her body shields him as the guns unleash. The 20mm rounds shred through my mothers combat armor, and her insides killing her instally, sending blood all over the ground, air, and my fathers body. The militia return fire, one soilder kills one of the VTOL's pilots causing it to spin dramatically out of control, exploding as it hits the ground.
Militia men get gunned down every few seconds. Masani, who fears nothing, jumps down from the air lock. Pulls my mothers corpse off of my dad. Father is screaming, shaking mom's body begging her to come back. "We have to go now Darin!" Masani wraps his arms around dad's stomach, half dragging half carrying him to the air lock. "She's dead, we cannot do anything for her!" He throws dad into the ship, jumping in after him, seals the door. When the door shuts the memory turns to black again.
Now we are in a classroom, roughly 4 years later. I was just 13-14 years old. This was no oridanry classroom. This was a military training camp where young teenagers learn the art of the Colonial Government Militia. All 15-25 year old Colonial's are required to serve in the Militia, it was our way of life. The need for soldiers against the Earth Alliance, was so great that we forced our teens to enlist. If you weren't fighting, you were teaching, or mining, or manufacturing weapons and ships. Everybody contributed to the war effort. I sat in the back row, next to my 'boy friend', the last person I ever dated. James was his name. He always had a crush on me, and was my only friend at the school. Our teacher, who I can't seem to remember his name, was a hard a** that never let his students do anything fun.
"And 4 years ago, after the battle of Praxis, the Colonial Resistances officially signed the Praxis Rights, which allowed the Colonies to declare their freedom from the Earth Alliance, ending 100 years of corporate oppression from Earth. Sadly, to this day, the Earth Alliance does not recognize our legal declaration of peace, as a result this blood bath of a civil war continues." the bell rings. The cadets begin to gather their books and pads leaving the classroom.
"Got any plans for this evening Samantha?" James sits down on my old desk. Peering down at my past self as she gathers her books into her bag.
"Not really, just target practice."
"Mind if I tag along? I need the extra practice." James says.
"Yeah you can come." my past self laughs a little. The irony of this is James didn't need any practice at all. Me and the Alien follow my past self and James down the hall ways of the old acadmeny, walking through students. The Alien seems to be overly interested in my memories. He stares at my past self and James, and the other students whom I don't even remember anymore.
"How is it that you can speak Terran?" I ask the alien. He glances at me for a split second, I guess he was confirming that I was speaking to him.
"Basic Knowledge and skills that becomes second nature to sentient life forms becomes embedded into ones ancestral memory. My people have the ability to access and share this knowledge between those who share memories, and their off spring." he goes back to watching my past self.
"So all your children gain all the memories of their parents, and so on and so on?"
"Yes, and no. The deepest and oldest memory's require the bonding process to access. After time, some memories will fade away into nothingness. However, basic knowledge like our language, skills, crafts, arts, and even our history will be passed on."
"So by doing this -" I wave around to demonstrate I'm talking about the memory "-you've accessed my language, my people's history, and the skills I know?"
"Not all your history, only the recent history you have witnessed, and your skills as a solider."
We follow my past self out to the shooting range. Past me, and James don't get much shooting done, as they are to busy talking, laughing, and having an all around fun time. Both of them flirt with each other, while the other blushes and giggles. A fairy book relationship. After 30 minutes or so, 2 CGM officers, armed officers approach us.
"Cadet Fawkes, Cadet Allentio you are ordered to appear at the main gate ASAP with Colonial Government Military guard."
"Why the guard? What is the meaning of this!" James screams at the guard.
"Come on lets just go." my past self says. The two are escort into the main gate, a run down court where cadets and supplyies are dropped off. A whole platoon of armed soldiers man the permiter of the fence, a women I recognized as my father's second in command at the time walks over to James.
"James Allentio, you are hear by under arrest on the charge of being a Alliance spy."
"That is out-landish!" James screams at her waving his hand at her,
"In a recent 'interrogation' of Alliance POWs they gave names of deep cover operatives in Colonial Government space. Your name was the first given." she draws her side arm, and takes a step towards James.
Suddenly Jame's arm is wrapping around my past self's neck, his cadet training pistol is shoved into the side of her head. Shock overwhelms my past self and the revelation that her crush was a traitor filled her mind. James laughs. "Yeah I'm a spy. You Colonial rejects finally figured that out, good job." he takes a step back, my younger self grabs his arm and starts to struggle. "I wouldn't do that love, might lose your head." she stops.
"Let her go or we will kill you." My fathers aid snaps her fingers and all the soldiers train their weapons on James head. Roughly 20 laser dots focus between his eyes.
"By the time you fire, I'll fire. No your not going to kill me. Here is how this is going to play out. I want a surface to space FTL transport here in 10 minutes, or the precious daddy's girl gets it!"
"Why James? I trusted you!" my younger self starts to cry, how pathetic I used to be.
"Why? WHY!? Do you really have to ask yourself that? Your the daughter of Admiral Darin Fawkes, military leader of this... res - no this isn't a resistance this is a coup."
"You were just using me to get info on my father!?" James starts to laugh more, gaining some level of pleasure from hurting someone else. This next part I can't watch because it is still painful. But I remember it well, and the sounds still occur. I try, hoping that I can block it out if I shield my eyes, but I can't block any of it out. When I close my eyes, I picture it in my head. This part was where, according to my doctors, I lost my 'innocence'. Where I turned into a cold hearted killing machine I am today.
My younger self elbows James in the groin. He falls to the ground still holding his pistol in one hand, his other grasps his bruised groin. She spins around, un holstering her gun, training the iron sights on his head. She hesitates, then the gun shot rings out. James' gun barrel smokes from the recent discharge of a round. The round fired from his gun at my younger self's chest. The bullet pierces uniform, skin, and lung. Blood and lead explode from the back of her, terror and pain on her face. She falls to the ground and everything turns black again.
"What happened to James?" The alien asks. I clear my throat, emotions I haven't felt in a long time gather at the back of my mind, demanding to come out.
"Snipers gunned him down. His head popped like a watermelon. The doctors were able to save me, and clone me a lung."
"What a waste, taking him alive would have allowed your side to gain information from him." The next memory plays, this time a more older version of me is running in the streets of a city. In full combat gear, grasping a RG Assault Rifle, leading a team of Colonial Government soldiers. The city was London. This was my mission, that turned the tide of the war. That forced the Earth Alliance into giving into the demands of the Colonial Government.