

The was a boil walking with silk in front of her. In their newly destroyed land silk was incredibly hard to come by. It was a dream if you could even find a spool of it, and the price? Don't even get Ying started on the price. She could talk forever about the injustices of silk prices in this day and age.

So why did that boil have a bolt of it?

There was no hesitation in her steps as she marched right up to Alva and stopped him in his path. Even at her modest height of five foot even, there were ways to stop others. "E-Excuse me sir," she said, trying to sound confident, but instead coming off rather forced. "Is that ... silk?" Of course it was, Ying's expert seamstress eyes wouldn't lie to her! It was just the easiest way to start the conversation. Plus even expert seamstresses made mistakes!