I am the father who had to bury his son before his time.

I am the daughter who can't look her mother in the eye.

I am the lost dreamer who can't stand to be awake.

I am the small child who must pay for her brother's mistake.

I am the depressed pessimist who can't bear to see the light.

I am the wounded soldier who can no longer stand and fight.

I am the sole survivor who can't make the nightmares stop.

I am the abused underdog who will never reach the top.

I am the forgotten memory that lies in every mind.

I am the murdered boy that no one will ever find.

I am the thought of conscience that often goes ignored.

I am the shattered trust that can never be restored.

I am the harsh betrayal that has broken every heart.

I am the desired beginning that you don't know how to start.

I am the bitter defeat that everyone must taste.

I am the opportunity that everyone will waste.

I am the cancer ridden patient who will die within the year.

I am the lonely drinker who's had way too many beers.

I am the determined student who takes everything in stride.

I am the bright-eyed sailor who will dare to brave the tide.

I am the iron-hearted lawyer who will see justice done.

I am the cheerful photographer who wants to capture the sun.

I am the shining hope for which everyone deeply longs.

I am the young policeman who wants to right all wrongs.

I am the lively singer who passes her troubles with a tune.

I am the little boy who wants to fly to the moon.

I am the voice of the world so open up your ears.

I am the voice of all, of happiness and fears.

I am the voice of everyone who has a life to give.

I am the voice of all, I bid you go forth and live.