This is a opening scene to a fantasy "novel" I'm writing. It's centers around a young girl name Leaigh (Leigh) and a baby dragon she names Fane.


She sat, big honey eyes wide, as the keeper sat the huge egg on the table. “This, my sweet, shall be your closest and most loyal friend. You’ll grow to know him better than you know yourself. He’ll protect you, no matter what, as you will him,” he paused, gently pushing her closer to the table, “but most of all, my sweet, cherish him like you’ll cherish no other, and he’ll cherish you.”

The tiny little thing, standing on tip toes to see over the edge of the table, let out a gasp as the first crack appeared.

“Kandar,” whispered the little girl’s mother, “you’re sure this is the one?” She stood back, almost blending into the shadows where she stood.

“My dearest Ana, my queen,” he brought her hand to his lips, “I’ve never been more certain in my life. Even when it was your turn to peek over that table, I’ve never been more certain.”

She smiled at the memory, which is what he wanted, and allowed herself to relax and watch what the Fates had in store for her family.

“Kandar?” the little girl’s voice sounded like a fairy’s laugh, “this is mine?”

“He, my sweet,” Kandar corrected, “He is yours, and yours alone. Take good care of him, my little Lady, and he’ll one day take good care of you.”

Bits of shell littered the table, and a small golden eye peered out of the shell. There was a scratching sound, and that little eye closed.

The little girl looked up at Kandar questioning, and then let out a giggle of delight when suddenly the shell split into a hundred little pieces, and the little golden creature tried to stand. It sneezed, and a little puff of smoke erupted from its snout. The girl giggled again, and the tiny creature cocked its head to the side and let out a screech.

Kandar scooped the little thing up and held it out to the girl. “He is yours, and you are his.” he dumped the tiny creature into the girls hands. “What will you call him, Little Leaigh?”

The girl looked at the little golden dragon in her hands, and in a whisper as soft as the beat of a butterfly’s wings said, “Fane.” She pressed her lips to the top of the little dragon’s head, and then said “Fane. And you’ll be the biggest, fastest, strongest, and most brave dragon to ever live.”

Kandar and the queen Ana silently joined hands, as the little girl held her dragon close. Neither of them could know that Little Leaigh would be right.

If you like it, let me know! Constructive criticism is welcome, just please be nice!

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