This is a Horror story that I made in class months ago that's based off a true story I heard.
Hope you like

There was once a little girl who was born to an abusive and neglectful family. She had a drunker for a father who would beat her till she was a bloody mess in the corner. Her mother was a drug fanatic, who would sell her own daughter to some men to get them, and she has done that before to the child. The child was so scared for her life, but couldn't leave because they were her parents.

One day her father got carried away with his drinking and pulled a knife in the girl while he was beating her. He wasn't going to tkill her, just frighten her but he slipped on to her and stabbed her right in the chest killing the already bruised and beaten little girl. Once the father realized what he did he just shrugged it off and went and drank some more.The mother then went looking or the child to sell again for more money, and found her blood soaked lifeless body on the floor in her room, all the way in the corner. The mother was sad, but not for the loss of her daughter, but cause she had no way to get money for her drug addiction.

The mother was crying her eyes out about the loss of her drug money maker the Father yelled at her to shut up. The mother got upset and charged up to her pathetic husband and yelled at him and starting an argument. They fought and fought and fought. Some of it was about the father's drinking and some about the mother's drug addiction, but mostly about their dead money maker. They then found out they had no money for neither beer or drugs.

Days passed and the parents slowly went crazy without their addictions being satisfied, while the child dead corpse laid in the corner of it's room rotting. The mother would sometimes see the little girl in the dark and chase her so she could take her and sell her right away, but every time it lead to the room the corpse, with the knife still in it, is at and the shadow would instantly disappear as the mother entered the room.

The mother would cry at times for the loss of her mother scheme. As the mother cried the little girl appeared right in front of her looking at the woman.the mother looked at her wide eyed and then smiled happily. She then took the girls hand and forcefully lead her to the car with no warning. She then started the car and drove off at high speed. She then parked in a alleyway where two guy were and seemed to be expecting someone.The mother stepped out of the car. she talked to them and pointed to the car. they handed her some money and the guys walked over to the car and opened it. They little girl was n't in it and the guys got mad. They demanded their money back, but the mother refused and tried to run off but the guys caught her and started beating her ruthlessly. She was beaten to a pulp and had her clothes torn.

Back at the house te father was sitting in his favorite chair with a can of beer from his secret stash as he watched TV. He was surrounded by cans of empty beer. The TV then started to mess up. The father got pissed and threw a empty beer can at it and it turned off. In the reflection the father saw the girl behind him and he shot his head back to look and there was nothing there. He then looked back at the TV and the little girl was their with bruises and blood all over her with the knife still in her chest.The father was shocked and jumped back in his chair, flipping it backwards and landed hard on the ground. He tried to get up bet next thing he knew there was a huge bang.

that night the police then get a call from the house and cell phone. It was dead silent. They tracked the house and cell number and arrive. The mother was bead, beaten to death and seemed to have been raped. when the police arrived at the house they found the door unlocked and walked in. They found the father dead on the ground with a huge glass shard stuck in is head and the TV looked to have exploded. The then looked around and found the little girl's dead and rotting body in an empty room, with the knife in her chest.the looked at her closely as she seemed to have a gentle and peaceful smile on her face.

As this story was spread the people thought that the little girl didn't leave her parents was because she loved them so much, but when they knife broke her heart and killed her that love died as well and turned to hate, and so the girl went for revenge on her parent...and that her soul looks after all children who are abused by their parent for now on.