Damian woke up and was chained to a chair.

"What...what the hell.Where am I?"

He looked around and saw he was in a warehouse.He blinked and felt something warm flow into his eye.He realized that it was blood.Damian looked to the floor and saw a puddle.He looked into the puddle and saw himself.His black hair was a mess.His eye had a cut above it.He had a bruise on his cheek and his nose was broken.

"They still don't like me."

Damian chuckled and sat back in his chair.He noticed his bindings were a little loose.He wiggled his arm and after a few minutes he freed himself.He then undid the binds on his legs.He stood up and stretched.

"Now.How do I get out of here?"

"It seems you are awake now."said a voice from behind.

Damian turned and saw a guy with blonde hair and a high school uniform on.

"You gave my boys a hard time.You just moved here from the United States and you are just starting your final year of junior high.Yet it appears as if you can handle highschoolers just as easy as kids your age."

Damian smirked and looked at the high schooler."I think that before anything else happens we should have a formal introduction.I'm Damian Grayson.I wish we could have met on better conditions."

The blonde haired boy laughed.He threw one hand up and the lights came on.Surrounding them were twelve guys that had the same uniform as the blonde boy.

"Hello Damian Grayson.I am Takashi Akatsuki of Shirokawa Highschool.You will be coming here in two years so I want to test you.Let us see how well you are able to fight."

Takashi got into a fighting pose.The people that surrounded Damian did as well.Damian smiled.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm going to Hino Academy.Although if you still want to fight I will be happy to oblige."Damian got into a fighting position and attacked.