So, I wanted to know what you guys think of this anime,
its just coming out, so just tell me your impressions.

I really like it so far, its got a interesting storyline and keeps you on a cliff hanger
without getting you so confused you don't know which direction it is going. I also
like the animation to it, very nice, though I wish the transformation wasn't a replay.
>,> personally I like then when they are new every time, but that is wishful thinking.
After all its costs more money to make new transformations as it does for them to be recycled.

I really like Kyousuke so far, he is very likable, and I love how much they call him
a lolicon, its just funny. (<- along with his love for milk) His character is very much
a mystery as to what his past is really. I'm also very interested in what is on that
ship that Andy wants that is on the ship.

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