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Hello there!

This Guild has been around since been about since about 2010; it has been active since then too! However, the guild as been slowly down lately, and since this guild is in fact my favourite, I would love for it to stay active.

As a member of this guild, I would personally like to recommend it for any Greek Mythology nut or a fan of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan.

They accept members that are both semi-literate to literate. From experience, I can say with confidence it is a good place to grow as a Roleplayer. :3

Just so you can see what they are all about, as well as the Rules and Expectations:
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Though they may seem harsh, they aren't. In fact, the crew as well as the Captain are quite hilarious.

So please consider this guild if you enjoy Greek Mythology or the Percy Jackson series. :3

P.S.-- Be sure to read the front page, since it is pretty important.

P.S.S-- If you join, create a character, get claimed, ect. and still don't have someone to roleplay with, I'll be glad to help you out there. :3

To be taken to the Guild, click the top image.