So what was the strangest/weirdest foreign movie/drama you've seen, what was it about and what country was it from?

Well I've seen some weird movies and drama but the weirdest one would have to be the one I finished watching. Attack on the Pin-Up Boys...if anyone is a big super junior fan then maybe you already know South Korean movie.

Attack on the Pin-Up Boys is about these three, starting with Sungmin on Feb 14, then on March 14 with Han Geng then with Yesung on April 14 who got attacked with sh*t and became famous because of it...(but they were also there school's idols...) so now rumors start at the next school about who would get hit and they actually want to be attacked with sh*t.

I don't know really how to think about this movie, I love it but at the same its just "what is going on" moment.