Name: Ludare Quixot (But she likes being called Luda, Lulu, or simply Lu, too. Only her lusus may call her Lu-puu.) (Ludare is Latin for "to play," while Quixot comes from quixotic/Don Quixote.)

Blood colour: Standard Blue, #080052 (Her hue is 245.)

Gender: Female

Symbol: Directed movement/energy

Personality: What is your troll like? Are they a joker? Short-tempered? Shy? Do they have any quirks? Hobbies? What are their feelings about the hemospectrum? How do they get out and interact with other trolls? Think of a personality for your troll at it's kid stage, as that is when you begin to roleplay. You can come back and submit an edited profile as they grow and change, so don't worry about predicting how they will change when they become teens/adults.

Ludare is a very playful little girl.

Strengths: two minimum, four maximum. think of strengths as things other trolls would admire about your troll, or that help your troll in some way during everyday life. try and keep strengths and flaws balanced in number.


Flaws: two minimum, four maximum. think of flaws as things other trolls would dislike about your troll, or that hinder and hurt your troll in some way during everyday life. try and keep strengths and flaws balanced in number.



Weapon: She likes pretty much anything she can pick up and whack people with. And I mean anything. Chairs are a favorite. However, her chief weapon of choice is a bat or club. Bludgeoning weapons, basically.


Picture reference!

Ludare's most outstanding feature fashion-wise is that she loooooves oversized t-shirts. She just about always orders her shirts about two sizes too big, so her sleeves dangle around her arms and her shirts flap around in the wind. Her shorts look shorter because they're covered by her shirt, but they're really just normal length. You're too young for booty shorts, dear. Puffbeastmom would throw a fit if she knew anything about sensible fashion.

Ludare's eyes are a bit on the big side, and it might be said that they look "cute" or "charming." However, contrasting those "cute" looks are some rather sharp teeth and devilish-looking horns. Her hair tends to be a bit messy at all times- as she sees it, it's just going to get tangled up when she goes out for another run, so why bother brushing it? (That's not to say she never brushes it, though. She hates knots.)

Home: The suburbs of New Hemisect. Ludare picked a place where there would be plenty of people to talk to, and yet plenty of space to run around in as well. Her hive is pretty big, as Highbloods' hives are wont to be. She doesn't like it much as she feels it's lots of room that she doesn't use. She really only comes home to her respiteblock to sleep before leaving again due to her travel bug. Nonetheless, what parts of the hive she does use tend to be filled with all manner of knickknacks and souvenirs from her travels, sometimes in an orderly arrangement and sometimes not.

Lusus: Ludare's lusus is a strange creature called a Puffbeast. She is rather small for a lusus- she's about 15 inches tall, which is a lot bigger than it sounds on a round thing (my reference point of choice is that it's about the size of a normal Squishable). (Doesn't stop Ludare from occasionally picking her up, carrying her around, and cuddling her, of course. Not that she minds at all.) She has a round, puffy body and a smallish, nub-like head towards the back of her body, giving her the appearance of having a large belly. Her eyes are big, with large, dark irises/pupils and a relatively small ring of exposed white sclera. She is wonderfully soft and fuzzy. (Basically, she's this thing, but white like lusii are.) However, underneath all the fluff and puff, she is hiding sharp teeth that can inflict a wicked bite on anything that tries to mess with her troll.

The Puffbeast communicates mostly in puus and buus, along with a few other words she seems to have picked up from the world around her. That is how Ludare got her nickname "Lu-puu," and where she gets her habit of putting puus and buus everywhere in her speech.

Power: She has none.