I tend to write a little fantasy/romance when the need strikes me. This is a piece about three years old, that I hope to finish someday.... It's just a small scene of a much larger projects, so the characters aren't truly introduced, nor is the plot and story line. This is just a scene that gets put somewhere in the middle of the novel.... Constructive criticism appreciated!

Teagan walked along the creek, exasperated. Why does he even try? Goddess knows, he’s spent his energy trying to explain to these people, the evils of dragons. And they look at him like he’s some type of lunatic. Why was it so hard for these people to understand? Dragons kill. He’d yet to meet a dragon on the friendly sort. Sure, Fane was just nice enough to raise suspicion. And that’s just what he did. Every time that dragon said a nice word to Teagan, which was all of the bloody time, the hairs on the back of his neck would prickle and distrust settled heavy in his stomach.

He kicked a pebble with his foot, and bent to pick it up. In a small fit of anger, he threw it into the creek, and watched as it skipped across to the other bank, and into the waiting hands of her. The other and most maddening reason for his exasperation.

“Anger is it? That reason which caused you to throw stones?” She said it with half a smile, her head slightly cocked to the side.

“And a half a dozen other things.” He mumbled, not believing his luck. “Where’s your pet?” he asked surprised, that the great beast wasn’t standing behind her, in his usual place.

“Fane isn’t my pet, but you already know that.” She said instead of answering.

She was right of course, the dragon wasn’t her pet, but more like her partner, an equal, which was even harder for him to understand.

“Tell me,” she said, after a moment of silence, “why are you so distrustful of dragons?” she sat on a large smooth rock at the water’s edge.

He paced, not wanting to sit still, and not rude enough to continue on and leave her there. But he didn’t speak.

“Always so restless. Do you not, ever, take the time to sit? Enjoy the sunlight?” she turned her face up to the sun.

He watched her, amazed that someone could be so at ease. Again, he didn’t answer.

She turned her face back to him, waiting.

He sighed, and found a patch of sunny moss to sit on. He didn’t answer right away. “Many years back, when I was a child, my village was attacked. Marauders, they burned our homes, killed so many. Half the village dead, including children. My own mother and father were trapped inside our home, along with my three year old sister.

“I’m sorry.” she said, “I’ve known my share of loss, my own mother’s death, but I’ve never lost so many.”

He shrugged, “It was a long time ago, I myself was not yet ten years of age.” he paused a moment. “The marauders used dragons to start their fires. Evil beasts that laughed, as they lit the cottages afire. I can still hear their screams, my family. I stood outside the blaze, too small and weak to do anything.” He said staring into the water, reliving the nightmare.

“The things that killed your family, were trained that way. Your distrust isn’t misplaced in those cruel beings.” she said, kneeling next to him.

He looked up, “Do you still wonder? Why I tell you all that dragons are killers?”

“I believe in your hatred for those beasts. But you must believe me when I say, that not all are like those.”

“How? After seeing the entire village destroyed, my family burned, can I believe you?” His rose quickly to his feet, his temper flaring.

She stood slowing. “You’ve experienced what happens when people corrupt the beautiful being they are. I know your feelings about dragons, but let me at least show you, what they truly are.” She touched his arm when he would have turned away.

He looked down at her hand, and though his instincts were screaming at him to protest her belief, he nodded.

“First, you have to trust me.” she said.

He nodded again.

“Say it aloud, so you’ll believe it yourself.” she said, impatiently.

He looked into her honey colored eyes, and realized it was true. “I trust you.”
She smiled, and it warmed his heart.

“Fane.” she said, barely above a whisper.

“How can he possibly hear you?” Teagan asked, he barely heard her himself.

Fane soared into the clearing, his wings creating a gust of wind that rattled the trees. “That, my friend, is part of the bond. We hear each other’s thoughts, feel each other’s feelings, both physical and emotional.” the dragon said, lowering to his belly.

“I only said his name aloud, so you could hear it.” Leaigh said, climbing onto the dragon’s back.

She turned to him, and held out a hand.

His instincts were screaming at him to run the other way. He was torn, with doing what she asked, and putting his mistrust behind him. He looked down into Fane’s large golden eye, and he’d be damned if the great thing didn’t wink.

With a sigh, he reached for her hand, and allowed himself to be pulled onto the dragon’s back.

Let me know if you like it!

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