Let's Pretend

Oh, hey look! more time to think...
What happened to it all?
I wish I didn't blink..
It's all so gone, man, what do I do?
Whatever happened to the times of me and you!?
What happened to that chain that held us together?
Not even wind blows through, and your gone forever.
It was him wasn't it? He tore it all apart!
He was the problem right from the start!
He showed you a good time, something I gave you every day!
And now "I'm sorry," is all you've got to say!
Its days like this that make it all seem impossible,
When I know damn right, it wasn't you that made me unstoppable.
A feeling deep inside, that tells me its over,
And a voice, far away, that tells me "You didn't love her!"
I wish I could ignore it, but it feeds day and night.
And eventually I found myself, unwilling to fight.
Then I'm back to those beautiful blue eyes,
And I ask myself, "Why?"
Why this, why me?
Why is this the way things have to be?
Then I see you, perfectly untouched,
Not a glimmer out of place, "perfect" and such,
And I ask myself why I even care,
And this question ..circles.. do I dare?
I wish it'd stop..
One more try for the top..
..And if i shouldn't make it..
My soul,
Just ******** take it.
It never stopped you before...
Hey! what do say we settle the score?
I'll rip it out this time!
And you can play pretend!
Act like its fine!
Act like it ain't the end!
Act like every second that goes by,
Doesn't make you want to die!
Act like every time you breathe,
Is done with so much ease!
Act like you don't give a s**t!
Pretend that, every day, you don't want to quit!
Watch me mess around, and toy with your heart!
Oh, that's right, you didn't have one from the start!
You don't give a ********, as long as there's someone to run to,
So I'll leave you be, you've got some dogs to tend to...