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Has anyone seen it? I finally got around to rewatching it after putting it off for some months. I had watched the first episode but had no opinion on it because the subs were going so fast and were too small so I never finished it, but I had put it on my to watch list and watched it and the second season all last week and I am hooked!

I am going to watch the third season tonight after finishing rewatching it.

It's a good anime but I do have some critisims such as the whole demon thing. Now I have read reviews on MAL and some people had said they wish the main character had used her demon powers but after rewatching a certain episode last night, I just realized that the demons in this anime have no powers expect for healing if you want to count that as one.

The anime is historical and apparently based on actual a degree. I like how they move from one era to another and shift from weapons but that is just it! The characters don't age or anything and back to the whole demon and power thing. The demons have guns while the humans have swords and spears, though you do see some human enemy clans with guns as well. But yeah the demons have no freaking powers at all!

The first season dissapointed me because I was watching it to see the romance but hell! I didn't even get development at all! Just maybe a very, very, very, faint, light blush.

And you know how with Fruits Basket episode four where Tohru is able to leave the Sohmas and by then they have gotten use to her being around and cleaning and cooking and such? Well the guys in this anime didn't. The episode four or five summary had said that the guys have gotten use to her in their everyday lives and if threatening to kill her for stupidass reasons is getting use to her in your day to day lives then they must be some kind of satan people or something!

I liked the second season way better! Much more romance development though it did remind me a little bit of Hiiro no Kakera because they were losing battles and like everyone was dying and such. I feel liek there could be a season four but I guess it isn't likely. With an ending like that something tells me they are just going to leave it like that.

But all in all, I still like it! I cannot for the life of me get over how cute Toshi and Hajime are!